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Eurogroup and ECOFIN ministers meetings of 9 and 10 March

Ministers discussed the economic situation and outlook in the euro area, in light of the recent economic and financial developments

Article updated March 10, 2009


Eurogroup ministers met at 17:00 hrs on Monday 9 March. Joaquín Almunia, Commissioner responsible for Economic and Monetary Affairs will attend as will European Central Bank Governor Jean-Claude Trichet.


Ministers assessed the economic situation and outlook in the euro area, in light of recent economic and financial developments.


The Council of Economics and Finance Ministers formally started at 09.30 hrs on Tuesday 10 March. The ECOFIN meeting was attended by Commissioner Joaquín Almunia and Commissioner László Kovacs.

>> Detailed Eurogroup and ECOFIN agenda Choose translations of the previous link 
>> Council conclusions


  • Economic situation and outlook
  • Implementation of the Stability and Growth Pact - Assessment of Stability and Convergence Programmes
The Council is expected to give its opinion on the updated stability/convergence programmes on the basis of recommendations put forward by the Commission on 18 February 2009 for Bulgaria, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Germany, Estonia, Hungary, the Netherlands, Poland, Sweden, Finland, the United Kingdom, Ireland, Greece, Spain, France, Latvia and Malta and on 25 February 2009 for Italy, Luxembourg, Lithuania and Portugal.
  • Preparation of the European Council (19-20 March 2009)
    Key Issues Paper
    Country-Specific Integrated Recommendations
    The Commission proposal for recommendations Reduced VAT rates
    International financing of climate change
    Progress Report on better regulation
  • General budget of the European Union – priorities for 2010
  • Sharing of costs for the collection of customs duties