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ESER Conference 2024 - Main takeaways
EGALITE - timing service extension and consolidation
Report on single market integration and competitiveness in the EU and its member states - 2015
High-level group of personalities on defence research - Communication
High-level group of personalities on defence research
Final Evaluation of Space Research under the Seventh Framework Programme for Research, Technological Development and Demonstration
A Study on R&D Tax Incentives
A Study on R&D Tax Incentives - Good practice cases
A Study on R&D Tax Incentives - Country fiches
Study on the relationship between the localisation of production, R&D and innovation activities - Annex1
Study on the relationship between the localisation of production, R&D and innovation activities - Report
Study on the relationship between the localisation of production, R&D and innovation activities - Annex2
EU funding for Dual Use - A pratical guide to accessing EU funds for European Regional Authorities and SMEs
Citizens' summary on Implementation Roadmap for Communication on European Defence and Security Sector
DG ENTR Brown Bag Seminar - Industrial Corporate R&D and Innovation, Evidence and Policy implications from the IRIMA project
The hidden costs of R&D collaboration
Horizon 2020. The new EU framework programme for research and innovation 2014-20204
The CLOSEYE project in tender stage
Regional Innovation Scoreboard 2014
Demola Network - Combining next generation talents with meaningful challenges
Public consultation on the Industrial Policy Communication 2012
5th UAS Workshop: Research and Development (Brussels, 9th February, 2012)
Space for a safer world
A Stronger European-based Pharmaceutical Industry for the Benefit of the Patient – A Call for Action
Riżultati għal kull paġna: 5 10 15 20 25 | Paġna 1 minn 1

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