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Guidelines related to the Pressure Equipment Directive 2014/68/EU (PED)
Guidelines related to the Simple Pressure Vessels Directive 2014/29/EU (SPVD)
Commission Staff Working Document SWD(2018)267 - Executive Summary of the Evaluation of the Aerosol Dispensers Directive
Commission Staff Working Document SWD(2018) 266 - Evaluation of the Aerosol Dispensers Directive
Assemblies according to the Pressure Equipment Directive (a consideration provided by the PED-AdCo Group)
Evaluation of the Aerosols Dispensers Directive 75/324/EC - Final report
Aerosol Dispensers Directive Evaluation
Pressure equipment sector – Contact details authorities, CABF and CEN
Guidelines related to the Pressure Equipment Directive 97/23/EC (PED)
PED and SPVD authorities - Denmark
PED and SPVD authorities - Luxembourg
PED and SPVD authorities - Spain
Guidelines-Pressure Equipment Directive-2014
Evaluation of the Pressure Equipment Directive
Application form
09_09_28_list Questions-Answers
Speakers' CV
Programme of the workshop
Speakers' CV
Speaker's CV
Programme of the workshop
Programme of the workshop
Mr. H. Bayer - (A) Ministry of Economic Affairs and Labour in Austria - National Legislation on in-service inspections and the PED
Mr. C. Brekelmans - (EU) European Commission - New Approach legislation system- Parties involved-Current challenges
Speakers CVs
Riżultati għal kull paġna: 5 10 15 20 25 | Paġna 1 minn 2

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