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Study on up-take of emerging technologies in public procurement
Meetings of MDCG and subgroups – 2019
Cluster Internationalisation and Global Mega Trends - Summary Report
Manifesto - Key enabling technologies - Cornerstone of the European industrial renaissance (High-level expert group on Key enabling technologies)
Diversifying the Industrial Base of Luxembourg
Jostein Frømyr - The uptake of new technologies and the challenge for standardisation.
High Level Expert Group on Key Enabling Technologies: Status implementation report
Production and trade in KETs-based products - final report on the EU position in global value chains and specialization patterns within the EU
Study on the international market distortion in the area of KETs - A case analysis - Final Report
Memorandum of understanding between the European Commission and the European Investment Bank in respect of their cooperation in key enabling technologies (KETs) according to Communication COM(2012)341 final
High level group for key enabling technologies (E02470)
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