Navigation path

Transition pathway for the EU mobility industrial ecosystem
Motor vehicles – Approval authorities in the Member States
COSME project Automotive skills
L-category vehicles – Approval authorities in the Member States
Blueprint for Sectoral Cooperation on Skills: Automotive sector final report
Automotive industry - Global Technical Regulations
T-category vehicles – Approval authorities in the Member States
COSME project automotive skills - Documents
Skills in the Automotive Sector
Brochure: EU actions since Dieselgate - An overview from 2015 until today
New safety features in your car
Roadmap towards clean vehicles
New safety features in your car
Notice to stakeholders - Withdrawal of the United Kingdom and EU rules in the field of type-approval of certain vehicles and engines
DRIVES Kick-off High Level Conference 1 March 2018 - Agenda
Notice to stakeholders - Withdrawal of the United Kingdom and EU rules in the field of type-approval of motor vehicles
GEAR 2030 - High Level Group on the Competitiveness and Sustainable Growth of the Automotive Industry in the European Union - Final report
Adapted Guideline for a practical conformity assessment according to Module D of Annex II of Directive 2013/29/EU in automotive industry
Composition of the GEAR 2030 High Level Group
Study on the impact of the revision of the UNECE 1958 Agreement on the global competitiveness of the EU automotive industry - Final Report
Commission Decision of 19.10.2015 setting up the High Level Group on the Competitiveness and Sustainable Growth of the Automotive Industry in the European Union (GEAR 2030)
Call document and application form - GEAR 2030
Call document and application form - GEAR 2030
Technical Services Denmark
Automotive industry - approval authorities of Member States
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