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A general equilibrium analysis of the economic impact of the post-2006 EU regulation in the services sector
SWD(2021)245 - Impact Assessment Report accompanying the document Proposal for a Directive amending Directive 2014/53/EU on the harmonisation of the laws of the Member States relating to the making available on the market of radio equipment
Study on Climate Neutral Market Opportunities and EU competitiveness - 12 strategic climate neutral solutions of the value chain - Datasets
Inception impact assessment on EU protection of geographical indications for non-agricultural products
Inception Impact Assessment on the review of the Design Directive and Community Design Regulation
DG GROW Sustainable Industry and Mobility Directorate - Study template
Impact Assessment on Increased Protection of Internet-Connected Radio Equipment and Wearable Radio Equipment
Construction Products Regulation - Survey on information needs among Member States Authorities
Presentation: Smart Grids studies - Lighthouse Projects and Deployment
Presentation: Study on barriers and opportunities for Smart Grid deployment
EASME presentation: EASME's role in the two Smart Grid studies
Smart Grids studies – Lighthouse Projects and Deployment Workshop - 8 February 2018 - Agenda
Study on the Impacts of REACH Authorisation - Final Report
Minutes of the stakeholder meetings on Enterprise servers preparatory study and technical assistance study - 2013-2016
Study to evaluate the need to regulate within the Framework of Regulation (EU) 305/2011 on the toxicity of smoke produced by construction products in fires
Study: Cross-Border Trade for Construction Products (2017)
Technical and economic study with regard to the development of specific tools and/or guidelines for assessment of construction and demolition waste streams prior to demolition or renovation of buildings and infrastructures
Executive summary of the Study on barriers and opportunities for Smart Grid deployment
Study on barriers and opportunities for Smart Grid deployment
Review of the Construction Products Regulation - Initial roadmap
Study on hazardous detergents mixtures contained in soluble packaging for single use ('LiquiCaps Study')
REACH Baseline Study – 10 Years Update
Final Report: Economic Impacts of the Construction Products Regulation
European services e-card - Impact assessment
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