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Gas Appliances Regulation (GAR): Guidance Sheets
Gas Appliances Regulation (EU) 2016/426: National authorities in EU Member States, EFTA/EEA, EFTA/MRA, CU countries and Candidate countries
Regulation (EU) 2016/426 on appliances burning gaseous fuels (GAR) - Guidance document in relation to point 3.7 of Annex I - Materials and parts of appliances/fittings in contact with food and water intended for human consumption
Report on the 1st coordinated action - Common market surveillance activity on hot plates and hobs with two or more burners for use in caravans, motor caravans, mobile homes and recreational crafts (boats) (2016)
Regulation (EU) 2016/426 on appliances burning gaseous fuels (GAR) - Guidance Document: Questions & Answers on the transition from the Gas Appliances Directive to the Gas Appliances Regulation and on the GAR implementation
Regulation (EU) 2016/426 on appliances burning gaseous fuels (GAR) - Guidance on transition relating issues
Gas supply conditions (Information received from the Member States)
Impact Assessment Study on the Review of the Gas Appliances Directive 2009/142/EC
Application form
CE marking for appliances burning gaseous fules
09_09_28_list Questions-Answers
Speakers' CV
Programme of the workshop
Speakers' CV
Speaker's CV
Programme of the workshop
Programme of the workshop
Mr. H. Bayer - (A) Ministry of Economic Affairs and Labour in Austria - National Legislation on in-service inspections and the PED
Mr. C. Brekelmans - (EU) European Commission - New Approach legislation system- Parties involved-Current challenges
Speakers CVs
Mr. STEININGER Nikolaus - (EU) European Commission - Directive 97/23/EC on Pressure Equipment (PED)
Mr. H. Bayer- (A) Ministry of Economic Affairs and Labour in Austria - Market surveillance-Safeguard clause actions
Mr. DODDS Mike - (UK) Department of Trade and Industry - The PED in the UK
Mr. MÅRTENSSON Jan - (S) Swedish Work Enviromenment Authority - Technical Requirements in the PED
Speakers CVs
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