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Summary of Workshops on short-term accommodation rental services discussed during conference
Summary of Conference
Flash Eurobarometer
Timeline European services e-card - temporary cross-border provision
Timeline European services e-card - secondary establishment
Services e-card - factsheet
Key benefits of the European services e-card
Effects of the services e-card
Conference Professional services: How does regulation matter (Brussels, 9/11/2017)
ES - Final National Action Plan Cluster 1
SINGLE MARKET: growing bureaucracy or still added value
Notification procedure for authorisation schemes and requirements related to services
Proportionality test before adoption of new regulation of professions
Guidance on reform needs for Member States for regulation in professional services
European services e-card
European services e-card - Impact assessment
Matrix Study on the Technical Requirements for Gambling Equipment in the EEA Member States
Measuring Prevalence and Labour Market Impacts of Occupational Regulation in the EU
Stakeholder conference - Services Passport initiative (Brussels, 06/09/2016) - Real-life story Ecorys
Stakeholder conference - Services Passport initiative (Brussels, 06/09/2016) - Real-life story Estonian government
Stakeholder conference - Services Passport initiative (Brussels, 06/09/2016) - Real-life story Prof Niebergall
Stakeholder conference - Services Passport initiative (Brussels, 06/09/2016) - introduction break-out session morning
Stakeholder conference - Services Passport initiative (Brussels, 06/09/2016) - introduction break-out session afternoon
Stakeholder conference - Services Passport initiative (Brussels, 06/09/2016) Single Market Forum 2016-2017 - What problems, what solutions for service providers who want to go cross-border -
Stakeholder conference - Services Passport initiative (Brussels, 06/09/2016) Single Market Forum 2016-2017 - What problems, what solutions for service providers who want to go cross-border -
Riżultati għal kull paġna: 5 10 15 20 25 | Paġna 1 minn 4

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