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SME Envoys Finance - SME access to finance situation in EU Member States - Final Report
CERTIF 2015-02 rev3 – Notified bodies - consultancy
CIP Results 2007-2013
SAFE report 2015
SAFE report 2015 - infographics
SAFE report 2015 - country data
SAFE report 2015 - bussiness data
How can the EU help finance your business projects
Request of authorisation to publish a study on “Evaluation of Market Practices and Policies on SME Rating”
Teaching modules on cross-border credit and claims management - Student’s handbook
ENTR/D3 - SI2.ACPROCE053644500 - ECORYS ECSIP CONSORTIUM - STUDY "Improving the market performance of business information services regarding listed SMEs " - Final version
Teaching modules on cross-border credit and claims management - Guide for trainers
Teaching modules on cross-border credit and claims management - In practice for cross-border transactions within the EU - 1. Defining the company’s cash and credit management
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