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Terms of reference of the EPAA Designaton project
EU Standard Mediation Clauses for commercial disputes
Qualified electronic signatures on documents exchanged with the European institutions, bodies and agencies
Stakeholder event 15/11/2021 - the directive on concession contracts (2014/23/EU)
Economic and legal analysis of the factors leading to a low rate of publication of public procurement opportunities in Germany
List of European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) providers and contact points for ESPD and eCertis
List of European Single Procurement Document (ESPD) providers and contact points for ESPD and eCertis
Q & A for Framework service contract: Ecosystem support for Copernicus and the EU space policy
Award 'Better Governance through Procurement Digitalisation' 2018
Notice to stakeholders - Withdrawal of the United Kingdom and EU rules in the field of public procurement
Commission implementing decision exempting the production and wholesale of electricity in the Netherlands from the application of Directive 2014/25/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council of 26 February 2014 on procurement by ... - C(2017)8339
Building an architecture for the professionalisation of public procurement
Consultancy services for Common Procurement Vocabulary (CPV) expert group - Revision of CPV
Short Summary of the 4 projects
Communication from the Commission to the Institutions: Making Public Procurement work in and for Europe
Commission Recommendation on the professionalisation of public procurement: Building an architecture for the professionalisation of public procurement
Guidance on Public Procurement of Innovation
Strategic Public Procurement - Brochure
Summary of the replies to the public consultation on setting up the voluntary ex ante assessment mechanism for procurement of certain large infrastructure projects
Brochure on strategic public procurement
Contract registers - EXEP subgroup report
Certification of e-Tendering Platforms - EXEP subgroup report
Electronic catalogues - EXEP subgroup report
Study on the practical application and implementation of the European e-Invoicing standard
Rezultatų skaičius puslapyje: 5 10 15 20 25 | Puslapis 1 iš 6

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