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Questions and answers - EYE Global Call 317/G/GRO/PPA/20/11850
Call for proposal - EYE Global preparatory action
Call for proposal - EYE Global preparatory action
Annex A 50 Best Practice Cases
Annex B Full Country fiches
Executive summary
Progress report on start-up procedures in 2018
Country by country assessment - overview table 2018
FAQ document on the call
FAQ Ideas from Europe development and scaling
Country by country assessment overview table 2014-2016
2017 start up - text to be put on the main webpage on Start-ups
Country by country assessment - overview table 2017
Progress report on start-up procedures in 2017
Start-up Strategy - factsheet on intellectual property rights
Start-up Initiative - factsheet on access to finance
Europe's next leaders: the Start-up and Scale-up Initiative - Communication from the Commission to the European Parliament, the Council, the European Economic and Social Committee and the Committee Of The Regions
LOGIN Startup Fair 2016 introduction
Razlaga množičnega financiranja
Progress report on start-up procedures between 2007 and 2012
Progress report on start-up procedures in 2013
Table Start-ups 2013
Final Report - Business Dynamics - 2011
Assessing Business Start-up Procedures in the context of the renewed Lisbon strategy for growth and jobs - SEC(2007)129
Rezultatų skaičius puslapyje: 5 10 15 20 25 | Puslapis 1 iš 1

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