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Assessment of stakeholders' experience with the European Professional Card and the Alert Mechanism procedures
Presentations during workshop on first year of operation of EPC and 'Alert Mechanism'
Agenda - Professionalisation of public procurement
Draft agenda
•Public procurement workshop II: Academic education and competences; Career management and incentives
Measuring Prevalence and Labour Market Impacts of Occupational Regulation in the EU
Public consultation on the regulation of professions: member states' national action plans and proportionality in regulation
Mutual evaluation of regulated professions: National Action Plans
The effects of reforms liberalising professional requirements in Poland
Effects of Liberalisation in Austria using the Example of Liberal Professions
Mutual evaluation of regulated professions - Overview of the regulatory framework in the real estate sector
Mutual evaluation of regulated professions - Overview of the regulatory framework in the transport sector by using the example of driving instructors
Call for expression of interest in the introduction of the European Professional Card
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