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The "completeness" of the EU Single Market in comparison to the United States
OECD Tourism Trends and Policies 2018 - United States
6th Trilateral EU-US-Japan Conference on Critical Materials
Country Reports on Technical Textiles ('TT') in Brazil, Japan, South Korea and USA
WGC ARAIM MS3 Report final
Agenda EU-USA/CANADA Days at EXPO MILAN 2015 (5-6 October 2015)
Joint Statement EU comments acronym
Summary document EU-U.S. Expert Workshop
Frederick W. Allen, U.S. Environmental Management Flow of Materials diagram
Thomas Rasmussen, Defence Logistics Agency Early Warning Systems – a Deconstruction
Ingrid Verstraeten, U.S. Geological Survey The U.S. Geological Survey An Introduction
Slavko Solar, European Commission, DG Enterprise & Industry- EU efforts on (R)MFA / MSA
Slavko Solar, European Commission, DG Enterprise & Industry EU Raw Materials Initiative and Minerals Information
BRGM, Geoscience for a sustainable Earth - LCA/RMF/MFA – Some elements
Mattia Pellegrini, European Commission, DG Enterprise & Industry - Raw Materials Initiative – Criticality Study
David Menzie, U.S. Geological Survey - Introduction and Background overview for the US-EU Workshop on Raw Materials Flow and Data
Juha Kaija, GTK - Minerals4EU
Slavko Solar, European Commission, DG Enterprise & Industry - The Building Bricks for EU Minerals Information Service - an overview
SGU - The Swedish Mineral Strategy
Michael Szurlies - The Federal Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources (BRG)and its recent activities within raw materials sector
Slavko Solar, Lucia Mancini, David Pennington, European Commission, JRC - Lifecycle thinking and approaches for a sustainable management – Critical Raw Materials
Teresa Brown, Paul Lusty, British Geological Survey - Mineral Statistics Activities
ETP SMR - European Technology Platform on Sustainable Mineral Resources
Saku Vuori, GTK - Mineral Raw Materials - Insights into Finland
Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland - Geus' major programme areas
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