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Procurement Monitoring Report 2024 - France
SME Performance Review 2022/2023 - France country sheet
SME Performance Review 2021/2022 - France country sheet
European Construction Sector Observatory - Policy fact sheet – France – Zero Rate Eco Loan Scheme – Thematic Objectives 1 & 3
European Construction Sector Observatory - Policy fact sheet - France – RECYBETON-Complete Recycling of Deconstructed Concrete – Thematic Objectives 3 & 4
European Construction Sector Observatory - Policy fact sheet - France - DEMOCLES C&DW Management Platform – Thematic Objectives 1, 2, 3 & 4
European Construction Sector Observatory - Country fact sheet – France
Rapport de contrôle France 2021 concernant les marchés publics
Hydrogen funding - France
European Construction Sector Observatory - Country profile France
European Construction Sector Observatory - Policy fact sheet - France - Circular Economy Initiative - Thematic Objective 3 & 4
European Construction Sector Observatory - Policy fact sheet - France - Recognised Environmental Guarantor Label - Thematic Objective 2 & 3
Public Procurement Monitoring report - France
Structural Reforms in France, 2013-2017
OECD Tourism Trends and Policies 2018 - France
European Construction Sector Observatory - France factsheets
French decree on certain sterilised medical devices
Performance of the Point of Single Contact - FR
Bruno Carrière - A federative approach to aggregating demand in the French health sector
Emmanuel Poidevin - Cutting red tape in certificates – a French solution
Françoise Vergriete-Matringes - The perspective of users: MEDEF report.
E-procuring works in social housings: the case of Vosgelis.
La dématérialisation des procédures de marchés publics Bristol-Myers Squibb France
Single Market Governance 2012 France
Study - Tourism exchanges in Europe, enhancing employment, extending the seasonality spread, strengthening European citizenship and improving regional/local economies through the development of Social Tourism (Calypso) - France
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