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European Defence Industrial Development Programme (EDIDP) Information Day on Calls 2020 - presentations
Towards a European Defence Union - European defence industrial development programme (EDIDP) calls
10th anniversary of the defence and security procurement directive
Privacy Statement
European vision on defence related skills for Europe today and tomorrow
Info event material
EDIDP event presentation
Organisations profile
Group of Personalitites
Vision on defence related skills for Europe today and tomorrow
European Defence Skills Partnership - Vision on defence related skills in Europe today and tomorrow
Opportunities for SMEs in the European Defence Fund
Commission decision on the adoption of the work programme for 2018 and on the financing of the 'Preparatory action on Defence research', and authorising the use of unit costs under the preparatory action - C(2018)1383/F1
Joint report to the European Parliament and the Council on the implementation of the Joint Framework on countering hybrid threats - a European Union response
Proposal for Regulation establishing the European Defence Industrial Development Programme aiming at supporting the competitiveness and innovative capacity of the EU
Communication Launching the European Defence Fund
Guidance Note on Government to Government Sales and the application of the Procurement Directive
Recommendation on the harmonisation of the General Transfer Licence for armed forces under Directive 2009/43/EC (Transfers Licence)
Recommendation on the harmonisation of the General Transfer Licence for recipients certified under Directive 2009/43/EC (Transfers Licence)
European Defence Action Plan
European Defence Action Plan - factsheet
Evaluation Report on the Procurement Directive
Evaluation Report on the Transfer Directive
Registration form - Defence Stakeholder Workshop on Skills
Member States' authorities that can provide information concerning transfers of firearms without prior notification
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