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Workshop on Copernicus User Requirements Brussels - 14/09/2017 - Summary of conclusions
Space Strategy for Europe
Joint statement on shared vision and goals for the future of Europe in space by the European Union and the European Space Agency
Excerpt from Critical Space Technologies for European Strategic Non-Dependence Actions for 2015/2017 V1.16 Update for the 2016 Call of Horizon 2020
Critical Space Technologies for European Strategic Non-Dependence Actions for 2015/2017 V1.16
Excerpt from Critical Space Technologies for European Strategic Non-Dependence - List of Urgent Actions for 2012/2013
How to Do Experiments on the International Space Station
Experiment Development and Integration Process
Progress report on establishing appropriate relations between the European Union and the European Space Agency (ESA)
Rezultatų skaičius puslapyje: 5 10 15 20 25 | Puslapis 1 iš 1

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