
5.1 Classification Scheme and Nodes

The EB Service provides a Regrep 4.0 based LCM API, following the  RegRep 4.0 LCM Manager Interface Specification. This section defines the Classification Scheme, Classification Nodes, Associations and Registry Objects of the SubmitObjects Request Message. After the introduction of the Classification Scheme, Classification Nodes, Associations a full LCM SubmitObjects transaction to the EB is illustrated as Data Model, Implementation Guideline and Example including its associated business rules. The Lifecycle Management Specification (see Chapter 3: Common Services - Common Services API Specification) provides a principle overview for such bulk update of the information stored in the Common Services of a Member State. It relates to this section as this section illustrates how the API is used to process an update to the EB.

Definition TypeValueDescription
Classification Schemeurn:fdc:oots:classification:ebThe classification scheme under which the specific classification nodes reside for the EBService
Classification NodeEvidenceTypeA Node defining the registry object as an Evidence Provider Entity
Classification NodeEvidenceTypeListA classification node defining the registry object as an Evidence Type List
Classification NodeRequirementA classification node defining the registry object as a Requirement
Classification NodeReferenceFrameworkA classification node defining the registry object as a ReferenceFramework (Procedure)
Associationurn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:AssociationType:containsEvidenceThe association linking EvidenceTypes with EvidenceTypeLists Registry objects
Associationurn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:AssociationType:fulfillsRequirementThe association linking EvidenceTypeList Registry objects with Requirements
Associationurn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:AssociationType:derivesFromReferenceFrameworkThe association linking Requirements Registry objects with ReferenceFramework (Procedure)

5.2 Registry Objects

The EB LCM Interface accepts two different registry objects in the SubmitObjectsRequest Message which are defined in the sections below:

5.2.1 EvidenceType

This Registry Object provides the information of the Evidence Type. The classification node used MUST be EvidenceType under the EB Classification Scheme urn:fdc:oots:classification:eb. The following diagram shows the structure of the registry object:


An example EvidenceType Registry Object in XML format is shown below. The example is embedded into a lcm:SubmitObjectsRequest (see Lifecycle Management Specification of Chapter 3: Common Services - 3.6 Common Services API Specification):

<lcm:SubmitObjectsRequest xmlns:xsi=""
        <!-- Other registry objects are omitted for clarity -->
        <rim:RegistryObject id="urn:uuid:d45aa619-2d90-4d6c-ae59-b9ca4e6a5873">
            <rim:Classification id="urn:uuid:a1be6e74-efgh-5678-aaaa-0376f367b8fd" classificationScheme="urn:fdc:oots:classification:eb" classificationNode="EvidenceType"/>
            <rim:Slot name="EvidenceType">
                <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
                		<sdg:Title lang="en">Certificate of Birth</sdg:Title>
                		<sdg:Title lang="de">Geburtsurkunde</sdg:Title>
                		<sdg:Description lang="en">The birth certificate is an official certificate of birth of a person - with first name, surname, gender, date and place of birth, which is created from the birth register of the place of birth.</sdg:Description>
			 			<sdg:Description lang="de">Die Geburtsurkunde ist eine amtliche Bescheinigung über die Geburt einer Person – mit Vorname, Familienname, Geschlecht, Datum und Ort der Geburt, welche aus dem Geburtsregister des Geburtsortes erstellt wird.</sdg:Description>
                    		<!-- ISO code -->
                    		<!-- NUTS Code -->
                    		<!-- LAU Code -->

5.2.2 EvidenceTypeList

This Registry Object provides the information of the Evidence Type List. It works as an intermediate class linking multiple evidence types as an atomic proof to requirements and thus it MUST NOT contain any evidence types in its structure. The classification node used MUST be EvidenceTypeList under the EB Classification Scheme urn:fdc:oots:classification:eb. The following diagram shows the structure of the registry object: 


An example EvidenceTypeList Registry Object in XML format is shown below. The example is embedded into a lcm:SubmitObjectsRequest (see Lifecycle Management Specification of Chapter 3: Common Services - 3.6 Common Services API Specification):

<lcm:SubmitObjectsRequest xmlns:xsi=""
        <!-- Other registry objects are omitted for clarity -->
        <rim:RegistryObject id="urn:uuid:a1be6e74-e9ba-4d44-b04c-0376f367b8fd">
            <rim:Classification id="urn:uuid:d45aa619-2d90-4d6c-ae59-b9ca4e6a5873" classificationScheme="urn:fdc:oots:classification:eb" classificationNode="EvidenceTypeList"/>
    		<rim:Slot name="EvidenceTypeList">
        		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
					 	<sdg:Name lang="en">List of birth certificates</sdg:Name>

5.2.3 Requirement

This Registry Object provides the information of a Requirement in any of its derivative forms (Criterion, Information Requirement). It MUST NOT contain any Evidence Type or Reference Frameworks (Procedures) as this are provided dynamically by the use of associations. The classification node used MUST be Requirement under the EB Classification Scheme urn:fdc:oots:classification:eb. The following diagram shows the structure of the registry object:


An example Requirement Registry Object in XML format is shown below. The example is embedded into a lcm:SubmitObjectsRequest (see Lifecycle Management Specification of Chapter 3: Common Services - 3.6 Common Services API Specification):

<lcm:SubmitObjectsRequest xmlns:xsi=""
        <!-- Other registry objects are omitted for clarity -->
        <rim:RegistryObject id="urn:uuid:9a8d595b-ef89-49ec-a090-48b15eaa1243">             
			<rim:Classification id="urn:uuid:3ddde921-1ed9-44c1-b738-6749aadfc23f" 
			<rim:Slot name="Requirement">
        		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
                		<sdg:Name lang="en">Proof of Birth</sdg:Name>

5.2.4 ReferenceFramework 

This Registry Object ReferenceFramework provides the information of a Procedure. It MUST NOT contain any relations to other Reference Frameworks (Procedures) as this are provided dynamically by the use of associations. The classification node used MUST be ReferenceFramework under the EB Classification Scheme urn:fdc:oots:classification:eb.The following diagram shows the structure of the registry object:


An example ReferenceFramework Registry Object in XML Format is shown below. The example is embedded into a lcm:SubmitObjectsRequest (see Lifecycle Management Specification of Chapter 3: Common Services - 3.6 Common Services API Specification):

<lcm:SubmitObjectsRequest xmlns:xsi=""
        <!-- Other registry objects are omitted for clarity -->
        <rim:RegistryObject id="urn:uuid:315cfd75-6605-49c4-b0fe-799833b41099">
            <rim:Classification id="urn:uuid:7778d596-3a85-4786-aa86-3d2c37033724" classificationScheme="urn:fdc:oots:classification:eb" classificationNode="ReferenceFramework"/>
    		<rim:Slot name="ReferenceFramework">
        		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
                   		<!-- Procedure Identifier -->
                   		<sdg:Title lang="en">Procedure 5 - Annex II of SDG as Implemented in the German Portal</sdg:Title>
                   		<sdg:Description lang="en"> Procedure 5 of Annex II of the Regulation (EU) 2018/1724 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 2 October 2018 establishing a single digital gateway to provide access to information, to procedures and to assistance and problem-solving services and amending Regulation (EU) No 1024/2012
                   		<!-- The Identifier of the SDGR Procedure which this procedure relates to -->
                   		<!-- The Reference Framework points to Procedure 5 in Germany -->

5.3 Associations

The EB LCM Interface accepts three distict associations linking the Registry Objects (EvidenceType, EvidenceTypeList, Requirement and ReferenceFramework) within the SubmitObjectsRequest Message. The different associations are defined the sections below. 

5.3.1. ContainsEvidence

This Association provides the link between an Evidence Type List and an Evidence Type. The type attribute MUST be urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:AssociationType:ContainsEvidence, with the source object pointing to an EvidenceTypeList RegistryObject through the use of its rim:RegistryObject id and the targetObject pointing to rim:RegistryObject id of an EvidenceType object.

Contains Evidence
<lcm:SubmitObjectsRequest xmlns:xsi=""
        <!-- Other Registry Objects are ommitted for clarity-->
        <!-- Association between the EvidenceTypeList "List of birth certificates" and EvidenceType "CertificateOfBirth"-->
        <rim:RegistryObject xsi:type="rim:AssociationType" id="urn:uuid:9e0b722c-d16c-414d-bccc-4522b070b500"
                             <!-- The <rim:RegistryObject id of the EvidenceTypeList "List of birth certificates" -->
                            <!-- The <rim:RegistryObject id of the EvidenceType "CertificateOfBirth" -->
                            <!-- A fixed value used to indicate the type of relationsship describing that an EvidenceTypeList contains an EvidenceType -->

5.3.2 FulfillsRequirement

This Association provides the link between an Evidence Type List and a Requirement. The type attribute MUST be urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:AssociationType:FulfillsRequirement, with the source object pointing to an EvidenceTypeList RegistryObject through the use of its rim:RegistryObject id and the targetObject pointing to the rim:RegistryObject id of an Requirement object.

<lcm:SubmitObjectsRequest xmlns:xsi=""
        <!-- Other Registry Objects are ommitted for clarity-->
        <!-- Association between the EvidenceTypeList "List of birth certificates" and Requirement "Proof of Birth"-->
        <rim:RegistryObject xsi:type="rim:AssociationType" id="urn:uuid:16995e1f-e385-44f3-a26a-28ed6b3ad873"
                             <!-- The <rim:RegistryObject id of the EvidenceTypeList "List of birth certificates" -->
                            <!-- The <rim:RegistryObject id of the Requirement "Proof of Birth" -->
                            <!-- A fixed value used to indicate the type of relationsship describing that an EvidenceTypeList fulfill a Requirement -->

5.3.3 DerivesFromReferenceFramework

This Association provides the link between a Requirement and a ReferenceFramework (Procedure). The type attribute MUST be urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:AssociationType:DerivesFromReferenceFramework, with the source object pointing to a Requirement RegistryObject through the use of its rim:RegistryObject id and the targetObject pointing to the rim:RegistryObject id of a ReferenceFramework object.

<lcm:SubmitObjectsRequest xmlns:xsi=""
        <!-- Other Registry Objects are ommitted for clarity-->
        <!-- Association between the Requirement "Proof of Birth" and the ReferenceFramework (Procedure) "Procedure 5 - Annex II of SDG as Implemented in the German Portal"-->
        <rim:RegistryObject xsi:type="rim:AssociationType" id="urn:uuid:568434db-1852-4b00-b05c-0b917b92658d"                       
                            <!-- The <rim:RegistryObject id of the Requirement "Proof of Birth" -->
  							<!-- The <rim:RegistryObject id of the ReferenceFramework (Procedure) "Procedure 5 - Annex II of SDG as Implemented in the German Portal" -->
                            <!-- A fixed value used to indicate the type of relationsship describing that an EvidenceTypeList fulfill a Requirement -->

5.4 LCM Submit Objects to the Evidence Broker

5.4.1. Data Model of the LCM Submit Objects Request to the EB

For the LCM submission, the profile uses the SubmitObjectsRequest message, as defined by the RegRep 4.0 LCM Manager Interface Specification SubmitObjects Protocol. The message MUST contain a unique id and one Registry Object List containing the Registry Objects under submission.

The following data model illustrates how a SubmitObjectsRequest to the EB is constructed based on the SDG OOTS LifeCycleManagementSpecification (see Chapter 3: Common Services - Common Services API Specification).

Data Model LCM Submit Objects to EB

5.4.2. Implementation Guideline of the LCM Submit Objects Request to the EB

The table below defines the elements of the data model illustrated above according to the RegRep 4.0 LCM Manager Interface Specification SubmitObjects Protocol which is adapted by the SubmitObjectsRequest to the EB. The data model contains Registry Objects being of "RegistryObjectType" or registryObjects being of "AssociationType". Registry Objects which are a RegistryObjectType either contain a rim:Slot "EvidenceType" or a rim:Slot "EvidenceTypeList" or a rim:Slot "Requirement" or a rim:Slot "ReferenceFramework". Registry Objects which are an AssociationType contain a sourceObject pointing to the id of the RegistryObject used to identify a RegistryObjectType and a target object pointing to the id of the RegistryObject used to identify another RegistryObjectType (see section 5.3 Associations). 


The table below represent the tree structure of the data models illustrated in this section. Light grey rows describe classes and define their properties and attributes. Light green rows soley illustrate the classes that are subordinated or associated to a class and therewith illustrate the tree structure of the data model. Light green rows are thus always repeated as light grey rows to describe the properties and attributes of a class. The hierarchy of the tree structure is also indicated in the first column via the '+' symbol. 

HierarchyNameDefinitionCardinalityTypeData TypeRulesCore Vocabulary / DomainElement of Core Vocabulary


root element

Structure: R-EB-SUB-S001, R-EB-SUB-S002, R-EB-SUB-S042, 


+idThe unique identifier of the SubmitObjectsRequest. 1..1AttributeIdentifierStructure: R-EB-SUB-S003, R-EB-SUB-S004ebRIM-


Element to list the Registry Objects of the QueryResponse.



Structure: R-EB-SUB-S005





Element to list the Registry Objects of the QueryResponse.



Structure: R-EB-SUB-S005




rim:RegistryObject <rim:Slot "EvidenceType">

An Evidence Type is a type of evidence that can be provided to meet a requirement, within a certain jurisdiction.



Structure:  R-EB-SUB-S044




rim:RegistryObject <rim:slot "EvidenceTypeList">

A list of Evidence Types, that can be provided to meet a requirement, within a certain jurisdiction.



Structure: R-EB-SUB-S045




rim:RegistryObject <rim:slot "Requirement">

The element describes specific aspects and metadata of the Requirement.



Structure: R-EB-SUB-S046




rim:RegistryObject <rim:slot "ReferenceFramework">

The Reference Framework or Procedure that is responsible for the creation/initiation of the Requirement. 



Structure: R-EB-SUB-S048 




rim:RegistryObject <xsi:type="rim:AssociationType">

An association that links a RegistryObject with another RegistryObject within the  SubmitObjectsRequest Message. Valid associations defined for the EB are containsEvidence, fulfillsRequirement and derivesFromReferenceFramework. 



Structure: R-EB-SUB-S047, R-EB-SUB-S030




rim:RegistryObject <rim:Slot "EvidenceType">

Element to control the type and structure of Registry Object within the SubmitObjectsRequest.



Structure:  R-EB-SUB-S044





Unique UUID for each RegistryObject. 


Structure: R-EB-SUB-S006, R-EB-SUB-S043




The classification of the Registry Object being a DataServiceEvidenceType.

Structure: R-EB-SUB-S007ebRIM
+++rim:slot "EvidenceType"The slot is a container to describe the specific aspects and metadata of the Evidence Type.1..1SlotTypeAnyValueTypeStructure: R-EB-SUB-S014, R-EB-SUB-S018ebRIM-

The classification of the Registry Object being a DataServiceEvidenceType.

Structure: R-EB-SUB-S007,ebRIM
++++idThe unique identifier used to used for associating this target registry object with a source object (Evidence Type).1..1AttributeIdentifierStructure: R-EB-SUB-S008,  R-EB-SUB-S009ebRIM
++++classificationSchemeThe classification scheme under which the specific classification nodes reside for the EB Service. FixedValue: urn:fdc:oots:classification:eb1..1AttributeURIStructure: R-EB-SUB-S010, R-EB-SUB-S012ebRIM
++++classificationNodeA classification node defining the registry object as Evidence Type. FixedValue: EvidenceType1..1AttributeCodeStructure: R-EB-SUB-S011, R-EB-SUB-S013ebRIM
+++rim:slot "EvidenceType"The slot is a container to describe the specific aspects and metadata of the Evidence Type.1..1SlotTypeAnyValueTypeStructure: R-EB-SUB-S014, R-EB-SUB-S018ebRIM-
++++EvidenceTypeAn Evidence Type is a type of evidence that can be provided to meet a requirement, within a certain jurisdiction.1..nEvidenceTypeType
Structure: R-EB-SUB-S022Core Criterion Core Evidence Vocabulary (CCCEV)cccev:EvidenceType
++++EvidenceTypeAn Evidence Type is a type of evidence that can be provided to meet a requirement, within a certain jurisdiction.1..nEvidenceTypeType
Structure: R-EB-SUB-S022, R-EB-SUB-S026Core Criterion Core Evidence Vocabulary (CCCEV)cccev:EvidenceType
+++++EvidenceTypeClassificationAn URI pointing to the Evidence Type. The classification is linking with the Evidence Type of the Semantic Repository (Evidence Broker). 1..1AttributeCodeContent: R-EB-SUB-C001Core Criterion Core Evidence Vocabularycccev:evidenceTypeClassification
+++++TitleA name to identify in common language the Evidence Type. Unbounded cardinality to support multiple languages.1..nAttributeText


The language of the title encoded as 

ISO 639-1 two-letter code. Default value "en"

MAttributeCodeContent: R-EB-SUB-C002, R-EB-SUB-C003DCAT-APdct:title


A description of the Evidence Type. Unbounded cardinality to support multiple languages.0..nAttributeText


The language of the description encoded as 

ISO 639-1 two-letter code. Default value "en"

MAttributeCodeContent: R-EB-SUB-C004, R-EB-SUB-C005DCAT-APdct:description
+++++JurisdictionThe administrative level in which this EvidenceType applies. It can apply to multiple jurisdictions.1..1JurisdictionType

Core Criterion Core Evidence Vocabularycccev:evidenceTypeJurisdiction
+++++JurisdictionThe jurisdictions to which this EvidenceType applies.1..1JurisdictionType

Core Location Vocabulary (CLV)locn:Address
++++++AdminUnitLevel1The name of the uppermost level of the address, almost always a country.1..1AttributeCodeContent: R-EB-SUB-C006Core Location Vocabulary (CLV)locn:adminUnitL1
++++++AdminUnitLevel2The name of a secondary level/region of the address, usually a county, state or other such area that typically encompasses several localities.0..1AttributeCodeContent: R-EB-SUB-C007Core Location Vocabulary (CLV)locn:adminUnitL2
++++++AdminUnitLevel3The name of a secondary level/region of the address, usually a municipality or other such area that typically encompasses several localities.0..1AttributeCodeContent: R-EB-SUB-C008Core Location Vocabulary (CLV)locn:adminUnitL3

rim:RegistryObject <rim:Slot "EvidenceTypeList">

Element to control the type and structure of Registry Object within the SubmitObjectsRequest.



Structure: R-EB-SUB-S045





Unique UUID for each RegistryObject. 


Structure: R-EB-SUB-S006, R-EB-SUB-S043




The classification of the Registry Object being a EvidenceTypeList.

Structure: R-EB-SUB-S007,ebRIM
+++rim:slot "EvidenceTypeList"The slot is a container to describe the specific aspects and metadata of the EvidenceTypeList.1..1SlotTypeAnyValueTypeStructure: R-EB-SUB-S015, R-EB-SUB-S019ebRIM-

The classification of the Registry Object being a EvidenceTypeList.

Structure: R-EB-SUB-S007,ebRIM
++++idThe unique identifier used to used for associating this target registry object with a source object (EvidenceTypeList).1..1AttributeIdentifierStructure: R-EB-SUB-S008,  R-EB-SUB-S009ebRIM
++++classificationSchemeThe classification scheme under which the specific classification nodes reside for the EB Service. FixedValue: urn:fdc:oots:classification:eb1..1AttributeURIStructure: R-EB-SUB-S010, R-EB-SUB-S012ebRIM
++++classificationNodeA classification node defining the registry object as Evidence Type List. FixedValue: EvidenceTypeList1..1AttributeCodeStructure: R-EB-SUB-S011, R-EB-SUB-S013ebRIM
+++rim:slot "EvidenceTypeList"The slot is a container to describe the specific aspects and metadata of the EvidenceTypeList.1..1SlotTypeAnyValueTypeStructure: R-EB-SUB-S015, R-EB-SUB-S019ebRIM-
++++EvidenceTypeListA list of Evidence Types, that can be provided to meet a requirement, within a certain jurisdiction.1..nEvidenceTypeListType
Structure: R-EB-SUB-S023, R-EB-SUB-S027Core Criterion Core Evidence Vocabulary (CCCEV)cccev:EvidenceTypeList
++++EvidenceTypeListA list of Evidence Types, that can be provided to meet a requirement, within a certain jurisdiction.1..nEvidenceTypeListType
Structure: R-EB-SUB-S023, R-EB-SUB-S027Core Criterion Core Evidence Vocabulary (CCCEV)cccev:EvidenceTypeList
+++++IdentifierThe identifier of the Evidence Type List.1..1AttributeIdentifierContent: R-EB-SUB-C009CCCEVcccev:identifier
+++++NameThe name of the Evidence Type List. Unbounded cardinality to support multiple languages.0..nAttributeText


The language of the title encoded as 

ISO 639-1 two-letter code. Default value "en"

MAttributeCodeContent: R-EB-SUB-C010, R-EB-SUB-C011CCCEVcccev:name

rim:RegistryObject <rim:Slot "Requirement">

Element to control the type and structure of Registry Object within the SubmitObjectsRequest.



Structure: R-EB-SUB-S046





Unique UUID for each RegistryObject. 


Structure: R-EB-SUB-S006, R-EB-SUB-S043




The classification of the Registry Object being a EvidenceTypeList.

Structure: R-EB-SUB-S007,ebRIM
+++rim:slot "Requirement"The slot is a container to describe the specific aspects and metadata of the Requirement.1..1SlotTypeAnyValueTypeStructure: R-EB-SUB-S016, R-EB-SUB-S020ebRIM-

The classification of the Registry Object being a Requirement.

Structure: R-EB-SUB-S007,ebRIM
++++idThe unique identifier used to used for associating this target registry object with a source object (Requirement).1..1AttributeIdentifierStructure: R-EB-SUB-S008,  R-EB-SUB-S009ebRIM
++++classificationSchemeThe classification scheme under which the specific classification nodes reside for the EB Service. FixedValue: urn:fdc:oots:classification:eb1..1AttributeURIStructure: R-EB-SUB-S010, R-EB-SUB-S012ebRIM
++++classificationNodeA classification node defining the registry object as Requirement. FixedValue: Requirement1..1AttributeCodeStructure: R-EB-SUB-S011, R-EB-SUB-S013ebRIM
+++rim:slot "Requirement"The slot is a container to describe the specific aspects and metadata of the Requirement.1..1SlotTypeAnyValueTypeStructure: R-EB-SUB-S016, R-EB-SUB-S020ebRIM-
++++RequirementThe element describes specific aspects and metadata of the Requirement.1..1RequirementType
Structure: R-EB-SUB-S024, R-EB-SUB-S028Core Criterion and Core Evidence Vocabulary cccev:Requirement
++++RequirementThe element describes specific aspects and metadata of the Requirement.1..1RequirementType
Structure: R-EB-SUB-S024, R-EB-SUB-S028Core Criterion and Core Evidence Vocabulary cccev:Requirement
+++++IdentifierThe unique identifier of the Requirement.1..1AttributeIdentifierContent: R-EB-SUB-C012CCCEVcccev:identifier
+++++NameA name to identify in common language the Requirement.1..1AttributeText


The language of the title encoded as 

ISO 639-1 two-letter code. Default value "en"

MAttributeCodeContent: R-EB-SUB-C013, R-EB-SUB-C014CCCEVcccev:name

rim:RegistryObject <rim:Slot "ReferenceFramework">

Element to control the type and structure of Registry Object within the SubmitObjectsRequest.



Structure: R-EB-SUB-S048 





Unique UUID for each RegistryObject. 


Structure: R-EB-SUB-S006, R-EB-SUB-S043




The classification of the Registry Object being a ReferenceFramework.

Structure: R-EB-SUB-S007,ebRIM
+++rim:slot "ReferenceFramework"The slot is a container to describe the specific aspects and metadata of the ReferenceFramework.1..1SlotTypeAnyValueTypeStructure: R-EB-SUB-S017, R-EB-SUB-S021ebRIM-

The classification of the Registry Object being a ReferenceFramework.

Structure: R-EB-SUB-S007,ebRIM
++++idThe unique identifier used to used for associating this target registry object with a source object (ReferenceFramework).1..1AttributeIdentifierStructure: R-EB-SUB-S008,  R-EB-SUB-S009ebRIM
++++classificationSchemeThe classification scheme under which the specific classification nodes reside for the EB Service. FixedValue: urn:fdc:oots:classification:eb1..1AttributeURIStructure: R-EB-SUB-S010, R-EB-SUB-S012ebRIM
++++classificationNodeA classification node defining the registry object as ReferenceFramework. FixedValue: ReferenceFramework1..1AttributeCodeStructure: R-EB-SUB-S011, R-EB-SUB-S013ebRIM
+++rim:slot "ReferenceFramework"The slot is a container to describe the specific aspects and metadata of the ReferenceFramework.1..1SlotTypeAnyValueTypeStructure: R-EB-SUB-S017, R-EB-SUB-S021ebRIM-
++++ReferenceFrameworkThe Reference Framework or Proceddure that is responsible for the creation/initiation of the Requirement.0..nReferenceFrameworkType
Structure: R-EB-SUB-S025, R-EB-SUB-S029Core Criterion and Core Evidence Vocabulary cccev:ReferenceFramework
++++ReferenceFrameworkThe Reference Framework or Procedure that is responsible for the creation/initiation of the Requirement. 0..nReferenceFrameworkType
Structure: R-EB-SUB-S025, Core Criterion and Core Evidence Vocabulary (CCCEV)cccev:ReferenceFramework
+++++IdentifierThe Identifier of the ReferenceFramework or Procedure.1..1AttributeIdentfierContent: R-EB-SUB-C015CCCEVcccev:identifier
+++++TitleThe title of the ReferenceFramework orProcedure.1..nAttributeText


The language of the title encoded as 

ISO 639-1 two-letter code. Default value "en"

MAttributeCodeContent: R-EB-SUB-C016, R-EB-SUB-C017--
+++++DescriptionThe description of the ReferenceFramework orProcedure.0..nAttributeText


The language of the title encoded as 

ISO 639-1 two-letter code. Default value "en"

MAttributeCodeContent: R-EB-SUB-C018, R-EB-SUB-C019--
+++++RelatedToThe Identifier of the SDGR Procedure which this ReferenceFramework or procedure relates to.1..nReferenceFrameworkType
Structure: R-EB-SUB-S029, R-EB-SUB-S049Core Criterion and Core Evidence Vocabulary (CCCEV)cccev:ReferenceFramework
+++++JurisdictionThe administrative level in which this reference framework applies. It can apply to multiple jurisdictions.1..nJurisdictionType
Structure: R-EB-SUB-S050Core Criterion Core Evidence Vocabulary (CCCEV)cccev:evidenceTypeJurisdiction
+++++RelatedToThe Identifier of the SDGR Procedure which this ReferenceFramework relates to.1..nReferenceFrameworkType
Structure: R-EB-SUB-S029, R-EB-SUB-S049Core Criterion and Core Evidence Vocabulary  (CCCEV)cccev:ReferenceFramework
++++++IdentifierThe Identifier of the Procedure.1..1AttributeIdentfierContent: R-EB-SUB-C023CCCEVcccev:identifier
+++++JurisdictionThe Jurisdiction to which this ReferenceFramework (Procedure) applies.1..nJurisdictionType
Structure: R-EB-SUB-S050Core Location Vocabulary (CLV)locn:Address
++++++AdminUnitLevel1The name of the uppermost level of the address, almost always a country.1..1AttributeCodeContent: R-EB-SUB-C020Core Location Vocabulary (CLV)locn:adminUnitL1
++++++AdminUnitLevel2The name of a secondary level/region of the address, usually a county, state or other such area that typically encompasses several localities.0..1AttributeCodeContent: R-EB-SUB-C021Core Location Vocabulary (CLV)locn:adminUnitL2
++++++AdminUnitLevel3The name of a secondary level/region of the address, usually a municipality or other such area that typically encompasses several localities.0..1AttributeCodeContent: R-EB-SUB-C022Core Location Vocabulary (CLV)locn:adminUnitL3

rim:RegistryObject <xsi:type="rim:AssociationType">

An association that links a RegistryObject with another RegistryObject in the SubmitObjectsRequest Message.



Structure: R-EB-SUB-S047, R-EB-SUB-S030



+++xsi:typeMust be xsi:type="rim:AssociationType" to indicate that this RegistryObject is an association between two RegistryObjects.1..1AttributeCodeStructure: R-EB-SUB-S031ebRIM-
+++idThe unique identifier used to used for identifying this association.1..1AttributeIdentifierStructure: R-EB-SUB-S006, R-EB-SUB-S043ebRIM-
+++sourceObjectThe unique identifier used as a pointer to a rim:RegistryObject (RegistryObjectType), being the source object (see section 5.3 Associations). 1..1AttributeIdentifierStructure: R-EB-SUB-S051, R-EB-SUB-S054, R-EB-SUB-S055ebRIM-
+++targetObjectThe unique identifier used as a pointer to a rim:RegistryObject (RegistryObjectType), being the target object (see section 5.3 Associations). 1..1AttributeIdentifierStructure: R-EB-SUB-S052, R-EB-SUB-S053, R-EB-SUB-S056ebRIM-
+++typeThe name of the association (see section 5.3 Associations).1..1AttributeURIStructure: R-EB-SUB-S036, R-EB-SUB-S037, R-EB-SUB-S038, R-EB-SUB-S039, R-EB-SUB-S040, R-EB-SUB-S041ebRIM-

5.4.3. Example of the LCM Submit Objects Request to the EB

The following example shows a complete example of a possible bulk upload for a member state MS, submitting an EvidenceType, an EvidenceTypeList, Requirement, ReferenceFramework  and associations that link these RegistryObjects together:

LCM Submit Objects to the EB
<lcm:SubmitObjectsRequest xmlns:xsi=""

 	 	<!-- The RegistryObject EvidenceType "CertificateOfBirth"-->
        <rim:RegistryObject id="urn:uuid:d45aa619-2d90-4d6c-ae59-b9ca4e6a5873">
            <rim:Classification id="urn:uuid:a1be6e74-efgh-5678-aaaa-0376f367b8fd" 
            <rim:Slot name="EvidenceType">
                <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
                		<sdg:Title lang="en">Certificate of Birth</sdg:Title>
                		<sdg:Title lang="de">Geburtsurkunde</sdg:Title>
                		<sdg:Description lang="en">The birth certificate is an official certificate of birth of a person - with first name, surname, gender, date and place of birth, which is created from the birth register of the place of birth.</sdg:Description>
			 			<sdg:Description lang="de">Die Geburtsurkunde ist eine amtliche Bescheinigung über die Geburt einer Person – mit Vorname, Familienname, Geschlecht, Datum und Ort der Geburt, welche aus dem Geburtsregister des Geburtsortes erstellt wird.</sdg:Description>
                    		<!-- ISO code -->
                    		<!-- NUTS Code -->
                    		<!-- LAU Code -->

	 	<!-- The RegistryObject EvidenceTypeList "List of birth certificates"-->
	  	<rim:RegistryObject id="urn:uuid:a1be6e74-e9ba-4d44-b04c-0376f367b8fd">
            <rim:Classification id="urn:uuid:d45aa619-2d90-4d6c-ae59-b9ca4e6a5873" 
    		<rim:Slot name="EvidenceTypeList">
        		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
					 	<sdg:Name lang="en">List of birth certificates</sdg:Name>

	 	<!-- The RegistryObject Requirement "Proof of Birth"-->
	   <rim:RegistryObject id="urn:uuid:9a8d595b-ef89-49ec-a090-48b15eaa1243">
		  	<rim:Classification id="urn:uuid:3ddde921-1ed9-44c1-b738-6749aadfc23f" 
            <rim:Slot name="Requirement">
        		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
                		<sdg:Name lang="en">Proof of Birth</sdg:Name>

	 	<!-- The RegistryObject ReferenceFramework (Procedure) "Procedure 5 - Annex II of SDG as Implemented in the German Portal"-->
	 	<rim:RegistryObject id="urn:uuid:315cfd75-6605-49c4-b0fe-799833b41099">
            <rim:Classification id="urn:uuid:7778d596-3a85-4786-aa86-3d2c37033724" 
    		<rim:Slot name="ReferenceFramework">
        		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
                   		<!-- Procedure Identifier -->
                   		<sdg:Title lang="en">Procedure 5 - Annex II of SDG as Implemented in the German Portal</sdg:Title>
                   		<sdg:Description lang="en"> Procedure 5 of Annex II of the Regulation (EU) 2018/1724 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 2 October 2018 establishing a single digital gateway to provide access 			to information, to procedures and to assistance and problem-solving services and amending Regulation (EU) No 1024/2012
                   		<!-- The Identifier of the SDGR Procedure which this procedure relates to -->
                   		<!-- The Reference Framework points to Procedure 5 in Germany -->

	 	<!-- Association between the EvidenceTypeList "List of birth certificates" and EvidenceType "CertificateOfBirth"-->
        <rim:RegistryObject xsi:type="rim:AssociationType" id="urn:uuid:9e0b722c-d16c-414d-bccc-4522b070b500"
                             <!-- The <rim:RegistryObject id of the EvidenceTypeList "List of birth certificates" -->
                            <!-- The <rim:RegistryObject id of the EvidenceType "CertificateOfBirth" -->
                            <!-- A fixed value used to indicate the type of relationsship describing that an EvidenceTypeList contains an EvidenceType -->

	 	<!-- Association between the EvidenceTypeList "List of birth certificates" and Requirement "Proof of Birth"-->
        <rim:RegistryObject xsi:type="rim:AssociationType" id="urn:uuid:16995e1f-e385-44f3-a26a-28ed6b3ad873"
                             <!-- The <rim:RegistryObject id of the EvidenceTypeList "List of birth certificates" -->
                            <!-- The <rim:RegistryObject id of the Requirement "Proof of Birth" -->
                            <!-- A fixed value used to indicate the type of relationsship describing that an EvidenceTypeList fulfill a Requirement -->

	 	<!-- Association between the Requirement "Proof of Birth" and the ReferenceFramework (Procedure) "Procedure 5 - Annex II of SDG as Implemented in the German Portal"-->
        <rim:RegistryObject xsi:type="rim:AssociationType" id="urn:uuid:568434db-1852-4b00-b05c-0b917b92658d"                       
                            <!-- The <rim:RegistryObject id of the Requirement "Proof of Birth" -->
  							<!-- The <rim:RegistryObject id of the ReferenceFramework (Procedure) "Procedure 5 - Annex II of SDG as Implemented in the German Portal" -->
                            <!-- A fixed value used to indicate the type of relationsship describing that an EvidenceTypeList fulfill a Requirement -->

5.4.4. Business Rules associated to the LCM Submit Objects Request to the EB

In order to facilitate interoperability of the successful Query Response of the EB (for the Requirements Query), a set of business rules is defined to guarantee the correct structure, use and format of information objects when receiving query responses from the EB. The rule IDs reference to the EB transaction "LCM Submit Objects Request to the EB" (EB-SUB).

Business Rule

The Rule ID is used to identify the rule and to have an error code next to the rule description. The Element and Location points to the correct information object that is affected by the rule. Each business rule is associated with an error level (flag) that expresses a validation result when an XML instance is proven against the rules through schematron validation:

  • information: a hint that an additional object is mandatory in some cases;
  • warning: offering recommendations to improve the quality of the instance or regain full validity;
  • fatal: the rule point to a major issue of consistency or data correctness.

Rule descriptions containing "MUST" correspond to an error level that is flagged as fatal, while "SHOULD" rules correspond to an error level that is flagged as a warning. "MAY" rules point to error level note. For each business rule, a corresponding schematron rule is defined that references the same rule ID. Schematrons are used to prove the correctness of instances. Business rules to prove the correct structure of a LCM Submit Objects Request to the EB

The table below lists the business rules to prove the structure of a "LCM Submit Objects Request to the EB" (EB-SUB) such as namespace, root elements, slots, data types including "multidimensional" checks crossing the barrier between the different XSD schemes (XSD-Binding and XSD-Restriction).

Rule TypeRule IDElementLocationRuleFlag
RootElementR-EB-SUB-S001lcm:SubmitObjectsRequestlcm:SubmitObjectsRequestThe root element of a query response document MUST be 'lcm:SubmitObjectsRequest'Fatal
NamespaceR-EB-SUB-S002lcm:SubmitObjectsRequestlcm:SubmitObjectsRequestThe namespace of root element of a 'lcm:SubmitObjectsRequest' must be 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:lcm:4.0'Fatal
RootAttributeR-EB-SUB-S003lcm:SubmitObjectsRequestlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/@idThe 'id' attribute of a 'SubmitObjectsRequest' MUST be present. Fatal
RootAttributeR-EB-SUB-S004lcm:SubmitObjectsRequestlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/@idThe 'id' attribute of a 'SubmitObjectsRequest' MUST be unique UUID (RFC 4122) starting with prefix "urn:uuid:".Fatal
StructureR-EB-SUB-S005rim:RegistryObjectlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObjectA  'SubmitObjectsRequest' MUST include a 'rim:RegistryObjectList' and a 'rim:RegistryObject'Fatal
CardinalityR-EB-SUB-S006rim:RegistryObjectlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/@idEach 'rim:RegistryObject' MUST include an 'id' attributeFatal



Each 'rim:RegistryObject' MUST include a 'rim:Classification' if the 'rim:RegistryObject' is not an 'xsi:type="rim:AssociationType"'Fatal



Each 'rim:Classification' MUST include an 'id' attributeFatal



Each id of 'rim:Classification' MUST be unique UUID (RFC 4122) starting with prefix "urn:uuid:".Fatal



Each 'rim:Classification' MUST include an 'classificationScheme' attributeFatal



Each 'rim:Classification' MUST include an 'classificationNode' attributeFatal



 The 'classificationScheme' attribute MUST be 'urn:fdc:oots:classification:eb'Fatal



 The 'classificationNode' attribute MUST be 'EvidenceType', 'EvidenceTypeList', 'Requirement' or 'ReferenceFramework'Fatal
SlotR-EB-SUB-S014rim:Slot (EvidenceType)



A 'rim:RegistryObject' with the classificationNode 'EvidenceType' MUST include a  <rim:Slot name="EvidenceType"> and no otherFatal
SlotR-EB-SUB-S015rim:Slot (EvidenceTypeList)



A 'rim:RegistryObject' with the classificationNode 'EvidenceTypeList' MUST include a  <rim:Slot name="EvidenceTypeList">and no otherFatal
SlotR-EB-SUB-S016rim:Slot (Requirement)



A 'rim:RegistryObject' with the classificationNode 'Requirement' MUST include a  <rim:Slot name="Requirement"> and no otherFatal
SlotR-EB-SUB-S017rim:Slot (ReferenceFramework)



A 'rim:RegistryObject' with the classificationNode 'ReferenceFramework' MUST include a  <rim:Slot name="ReferenceFramework"> and no otherFatal
DataTypeR-EB-SUB-S018rim:SlotValue (EvidenceType)



The <rim:SlotValue> of <rim:Slot name="EvidenceType"> MUST be of "rim:AnyValueType"Fatal
DataTypeR-EB-SUB-S019rim:SlotValue (EvidenceTypeList)



The <rim:SlotValue> of <rim:Slot name="EvidenceTypeList"> MUST be of "rim:AnyValueType"Fatal
DataTypeR-EB-SUB-S020rim:SlotValue (Requiremen)



The <rim:SlotValue> of <rim:Slot name="Requirement"> MUST be of "rim:AnyValueType"Fatal
DataTypeR-EB-SUB-S021rim:SlotValue (ReferenceFramework)



The <rim:SlotValue> of <rim:Slot name="ReferenceFramework"> MUST be of "rim:AnyValueType"Fatal
XSD-BindingR-EB-SUB-S022sdg:EvidenceType (EvidenceType)



A  'rim:Slot[@name='EvidenceType'/rim:SlotValue' MUST contain one sdg:EvidenceType of the targetNamespace=""Fatal
XSD-BindingR-EB-SUB-S023sdg:EvidenceTypeList (EvidenceTypeList)



A  'rim:Slot[@name='EvidenceTypeList'/rim:SlotValue' MUST contain one sdg:EvidenceTypeList of the targetNamespace=""Fatal
XSD-BindingR-EB-SUB-S024sdg:Requirement (Requirement)



A  'rim:Slot[@name='Requirement'/rim:SlotValue' MUST contain one sdg:Requirement of the targetNamespace=""Fatal
XSD-BindingR-EB-SUB-S025sdg:ReferenceFramwork (ReferenceFramework)



A  'rim:Slot[@name='ReferenceFramework'/rim:SlotValue' MUST contain one sdg:ReferenceFramwork of the targetNamespace=""Fatal



A 'rim:slot[@name='EvidenceType']/rim:SlotValue/sdg:EvidenceType' MUST not contain a 'sdg:Distribution'Fatal



A 'rim:slot[@name='EvidenceTypeList']/rim:SlotValue/sdg:EvidenceTypeList' MUST not contain a 'sdg:EvidenceType'Fatal



A 'rim:slot[@name='Requirement']/rim:SlotValue/sdg:Requirement' MUST not contain a 'sdg:EvidenceTypeList' and a 'sdg:ReferenceFramework'Fatal




The xs:element name="RelatedTo" type="sdg:ReferenceFrameworkType"/ MUST only contain the 'sdg:Identifier'Fatal
AssociationRulesR-EB-SUB-S030rim:RegistryObjectlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObjectIf a 'rim:RegistryObject' does not have a 'rim:Classification it MUST have the attribute 'xsi:type="rim:AssociationType"'Fatal
AssociationRulesR-EB-SUB-S031rim:RegistryObjectlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/@xsi:typeEach 'rim:RegistryObject' with a classificationNode 'EvidenceType', 'EvidenceTypeList', 'Requirement' or 'ReferenceFramework' MUST have an association described in a the attribute  'xsi:type="rim:AssociationType"'Fatal
AssociationRulesR-EB-SUB-S036rim:RegistryObjectlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/@typeA 'rim:RegistryObject' with type="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:AssociationType:ContainsEvidence" MUST link the id of the 'rim:RegistryObject' (starting with prefix "urn:uuid:") with the classificationNode 'EvidenceTypeList' (@sourceObject) to the id of the 'rim:RegistryObject' (starting with prefix "urn:uuid:") with the classificationNode 'EvidenceType' (@targetObject) Fatal
AssociationRulesR-EB-SUB-S037rim:RegistryObjectlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/@typeA 'rim:RegistryObject' with the attribute 'xsi:type="rim:AssociationType"' linking 'rim:RegistryObject' with the classificationNode 'EvidenceTypeList' (@sourceObject) to 'rim:RegistryObject' with the classificationNode 'EvidenceType' (@targetObject) MUST use the type="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:AssociationType:ContainsEvidence"Fatal
AssociationRulesR-EB-SUB-S038rim:RegistryObjectlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/@typeA 'rim:RegistryObject' with the type="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:AssociationType:FulfillsRequirements" MUST link the id of the 'rim:RegistryObject' (starting with prefix "urn:uuid:") with the classificationNode 'EvidenceTypeList' (@sourceObject) to the id of the 'rim:RegistryObject' (starting with prefix "urn:uuid:") with the classificationNode 'Requirement' (@targetObject) or to a unique UUID (RFC 4122) starting with prefix "urn:uuid:" (@targetObject).  Fatal
AssociationRulesR-EB-SUB-S039rim:RegistryObjectlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/@typeA 'rim:RegistryObject' with the attribute 'xsi:type="rim:AssociationType"' linking 'rim:RegistryObject' with the classificationNode 'EvidenceTypeList' (@sourceObject) to 'rim:RegistryObject' with the classificationNode 'Requirement' (@targetObject) or to a unique UUID (RFC 4122) starting with prefix "urn:uuid:" (@targetObject) MUST use the type="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:AssociationType:FulfillsRequirements"Fatal
AssociationRulesR-EB-SUB-S040rim:RegistryObjectlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/@typeA 'rim:RegistryObject' with type="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:AssociationType:DerivesFromReferenceFramework" MUST link a unique UUID (RFC 4122) starting with prefix "urn:uuid:"  (@sourceObject)  or the id of the 'rim:RegistryObject' (starting with prefix "urn:uuid:") with the classificationNode 'Requirement' (@sourceObject) to the id of the 'rim:RegistryObject' (starting with prefix "urn:uuid:") with the classificationNode 'ReferenceFramework' (@targetObject) .Fatal
AssociationRulesR-EB-SUB-S041rim:RegistryObjectlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/@typeA 'rim:RegistryObject' with the attribute 'xsi:type="rim:AssociationType"' linking a unique UUID (RFC 4122) starting with prefix "urn:uuid:"  (@sourceObject) or a 'rim:RegistryObject' with the classificationNode 'Requirement' (@sourceObject) to 'rim:RegistryObject' with the classificationNode 'ReferenceFramework' (@targetObject) MUST use the type="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:AssociationType:DerivesFromReferenceFramework"Fatal
SlotsR-EB-SUB-S042lcm:SubmitObjectsRequestlcm:SubmitObjectsRequestA 'lcm:SubmitObjectsRequest' MUST not contain any other rim:Slots.Fatal
IdentifierR-EB-SUB-S043rim:RegistryObjectlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/@idEach id of 'rim:RegistryObject' MUST be unique UUID (RFC 4122) starting with prefix "urn:uuid:".  Fatal
CardinalityR-EB-SUB-S044rim:Slot (EvidenceType)



A 'SubmitObjectsRequest' MUST include a 'rim:RegistryObject' with a <rim:Slot name="EvidenceType"> Fatal
CardinalityR-EB-SUB-S045rim:Slot (EvidenceTypeList)



A 'SubmitObjectsRequest' MUST include a 'rim:RegistryObject' with a <rim:Slot name="EvidenceTypeList"> Fatal
CardinalityR-EB-SUB-S047rim:RegistryObjectlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObjectA 'SubmitObjectsRequest' MUST include a 'rim:RegistryObject' with the attribute 'xsi:type="rim:AssociationType"Fatal
CardinalityR-EB-SUB-S048rim:Slot (ReferenceFramework)



A 'SubmitObjectsRequest' MUST include a 'rim:RegistryObject' with a <rim:Slot name="ReferenceFramework"> Fatal
CardinalityR-EB-SUB-S049sdg:RelatedTolcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/ rim:slot[@name='ReferenceFramework']/rim:SlotValue/sdg:ReferenceFramework/ sdg:RelatedToThe xs:element name="RelatedTo" type="sdg:ReferenceFrameworkType" MUST be present.Fatal
CardinalityR-EB-SUB-S050sdg:Jurisdictionlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/ rim:slot[@name='ReferenceFramework']/rim:SlotValue/sdg:ReferenceFramework/ sdg:JurisdictionThe xs:element name="sdg:Jurisdiction" type="sdg:JurisdictionType" MUST be present.Fatal
AssociationRulesR-EB-SUB-S051rim:RegistryObjectlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/@sourceObjectA 'rim:RegistryObject' with type="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:AssociationType:DerivesFromReferenceFramework" MUST have a @sourceObject that uses a unique UUID (RFC 4122) (starting with prefix "urn:uuid:") or that uses same id of the 'rim:RegistryObject' (starting with prefix "urn:uuid:") with the classificationNode 'Requirement' .Fatal
AssociationRulesR-EB-SUB-S052rim:RegistryObjectlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/@targetObjectA 'rim:RegistryObject' with type="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:AssociationType:DerivesFromReferenceFramework" MUST have a @targetObject that uses same UUID (RFC 4122) of the 'rim:RegistryObject' (starting with prefix "urn:uuid:") with the classificationNode 'ReferenceFramework' .Fatal
AssociationRulesR-EB-SUB-S053rim:RegistryObjectlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/@targetObjectA 'rim:RegistryObject' with type="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:AssociationType:FulfillsRequirements" MUST have a @targetObject that uses a unique UUID (RFC 4122) (starting with prefix "urn:uuid:") or that uses same id of the 'rim:RegistryObject' (starting with prefix "urn:uuid:") with the classificationNode 'Requirement' .Fatal
AssociationRulesR-EB-SUB-S054rim:RegistryObjectlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/@sourceObjectA 'rim:RegistryObject' with type="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:AssociationType:FulfillsRequirements" MUST have a @sourceObject that uses the same id of the 'rim:RegistryObject' (starting with prefix "urn:uuid:") with the classificationNode 'EvidenceTypeList'.Fatal
AssociationRulesR-EB-SUB-S055rim:RegistryObjectlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/@sourceObjectA 'rim:RegistryObject' with type="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:AssociationType:ContainsEvidence" MUST have a @sourceObject that uses the same id of the 'rim:RegistryObject' (starting with prefix "urn:uuid:") with the classificationNode 'EvidenceTypeList'. Fatal
AssociationRulesR-EB-SUB-S056rim:RegistryObjectlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/@targetObjectA 'rim:RegistryObject' with type="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:AssociationType:ContainsEvidence" MUST have a @targetObject that uses the same id of the 'rim:RegistryObject' (starting with prefix "urn:uuid:") with the classificationNode 'EvidenceType'.Fatal Business rules to prove the content format of information objects of a LCM Submit Objects Request to the EB

The table below lists the business rules to prove the structure of a  "LCM Submit Objects Request to the EB" (EB-SUB)  such as identifiers, formats, fixed values, mandatory set of values on specific fields (code lists) and dependencies between fields.

Rule TypeRule IDElementLocationRuleFlag
CodelistR-EB-SUB-C001sdg:EvidenceTypelcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/ rim:slot[@name='EvidenceType']/rim:SlotValue/sdg:EvidenceType/ sdg:EvidenceTypeClassificationThe value of 'EvidenceTypeClassification' of a 'DataServiceEvidenceType' MUST be a UUID and inlude a code of the code list 'CountryIdentificationCode' (ISO 3166-1' alpha-2 codes) using the prefix and scheme ''[CountryIdentificationCode]/[UUID]'' pointing to the Semantic Repository. Fatal
CodeListR-EB-SUB-C002sdg:EvidenceTypelcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/ rim:slot[@name='EvidenceType']/rim:SlotValue/sdg:EvidenceType/ sdg:Title/@langThe value of 'lang' attribute MUST be part of the code list 'LanguageCode' (ISO 639-1 two-letter code).Fatal
CardinalityR-EB-SUB-C003sdg:EvidenceTypelcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/ rim:slot[@name='EvidenceType']/rim:SlotValue/sdg:EvidenceType/ sdg:Title/@langThe value of 'lang' attribute MUST be be provided. Default value: 'en'.Fatal
CodeListR-EB-SUB-C004sdg:EvidenceTypelcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/ rim:slot[@name='EvidenceType']/rim:SlotValue/sdg:EvidenceType/ sdg:Description/@langThe value of 'lang' attribute MUST be part of the code list 'LanguageCode' (ISO 639-1 two-letter code).Fatal
CardinalityR-EB-SUB-C005sdg:EvidenceTypelcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/ rim:slot[@name='EvidenceType']/rim:SlotValue/sdg:EvidenceType/ sdg:Description/@langThe value of 'lang' attribute MUST be be provided. Default value: 'en'.Fatal
CodelistR-EB-SUB-C006sdg:Jurisdiction (EvidenceType)lcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/ rim:slot[@name='EvidenceType']/rim:SlotValue/sdg:EvidenceType/ sdg:Jurisdiction/sdg:AdminUnitLevel1The value of the 'AdminUnitLevel1' MUST be part of the code list 'CountryIdentificationCode' (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes).Fatal
CodelistR-EB-SUB-C007sdg:Jurisdiction (EvidenceType)lcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/ rim:slot[@name='EvidenceType']/rim:SlotValue/sdg:EvidenceType/ sdg:Jurisdiction/sdg:AdminUnitLevel2The value of the 'AdminUnitLevel2' MUST be coded using the code list 'Nuts' (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics).Fatal
CodelistR-EB-SUB-C008sdg:Jurisdiction (EvidenceType)lcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/ rim:slot[@name='EvidenceType']/rim:SlotValue/sdg:EvidenceType/ sdg:Jurisdiction/sdg:AdminUnitLevel3The value of the 'AdminUnitLevel3' MUST be coded using the code list 'LAU' (Local Administrative Units).Fatal
IdentifierR-EB-SUB-C009sdg:EvidenceTypeListlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/ rim:slot[@name='EvidenceTypeList']/rim:SlotValue/sdg:EvidenceTypeList/ sdg:IdentifierThe identifier of 'EvidenceTypeList' MUST be unique UUID (RFC 4122).Fatal
CodelistR-EB-SUB-C010sdg:EvidenceTypeListlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/ rim:slot[@name='EvidenceTypeList']/rim:SlotValue/sdg:EvidenceTypeList/ sdg:Name/@langThe value of 'lang' attribute MUST be part of the code list 'LanguageCode' (ISO 639-1 two-letter code).Fatal
Default ValueR-EB-SUB-C011sdg:EvidenceTypeListlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/ rim:slot[@name='EvidenceTypeList']/rim:SlotValue/sdg:EvidenceTypeList/ sdg:Name/@langThe value of 'lang' attribute MUST be be provided. Default value: 'en'.Fatal
IdentifierR-EB-SUB-C012sdg:Requirementlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/ rim:slot[@name='Requirement']/rim:SlotValue/sdg:Requirement/ sdg:IdentifierThe value of 'Identifier' of a 'Requirement' MUST be a unique UUID (RFC 4122) listed in the EvidenceBroker and use the prefix ''[UUID]'' pointing to the Semantic Repository.Fatal
CodelistR-EB-SUB-C013sdg:Requirementlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/ rim:slot[@name='Requirement']/rim:SlotValue/sdg:Requirement/ sdg:Name/@langThe value of 'lang' attribute MUST be part of the code list 'LanguageCode' (ISO 639-1 two-letter code).Fatal
Default ValueR-EB-SUB-C014sdg:Requirementlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/ rim:slot[@name='Requirement']/rim:SlotValue/sdg:Requirement/ sdg:Name/@langThe value of 'lang' attribute MUST be be provided. Default value: 'en'.Fatal
IdentifierR-EB-SUB-C015sdg:ReferenceFrameworklcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/ rim:slot[@name='ReferenceFramework']/rim:SlotValue/sdg:ReferenceFramework/ sdg:IdentifierThe 'Identifier' of a 'ReferenceFramework' MUST be unique UUID (RFC 4122).Fatal
CodelistR-EB-SUB-C016sdg:ReferenceFrameworklcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/ rim:slot[@name='ReferenceFramework']/rim:SlotValue/sdg:ReferenceFramework/ sdg:Title/@langThe value of 'lang' attribute MUST be part of the code list 'LanguageCode' (ISO 639-1 two-letter code).Fatal
Default ValueR-EB-SUB-C017sdg:ReferenceFrameworklcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/ rim:slot[@name='ReferenceFramework']/rim:SlotValue/sdg:ReferenceFramework/ sdg:Title/@langThe value of 'lang' attribute MUST be be provided. Default value: 'en'.Fatal
CodelistR-EB-SUB-C018sdg:ReferenceFrameworklcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/ rim:slot[@name='ReferenceFramework']/rim:SlotValue/sdg:ReferenceFramework/ sdg:Description/@langThe value of 'lang' attribute MUST be part of the code list 'LanguageCode' (ISO 639-1 two-letter code).Fatal
Default ValueR-EB-SUB-C019sdg:ReferenceFrameworklcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/ rim:slot[@name='ReferenceFramework']/rim:SlotValue/sdg:ReferenceFramework/ sdg:Description/@langThe value of 'lang' attribute MUST be be provided. Default value: 'en'.Fatal
CodelistR-EB-SUB-C020sdg:Jurisdiction (ReferenceFramework)lcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/ rim:slot[@name='ReferenceFramework']/rim:SlotValue/sdg:ReferenceFramework/ sdg:Jurisdiction/sdg:AdminUnitLevel1The value of the 'AdminUnitLevel1' MUST be part of the code list 'CountryIdentificationCode' (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes).Fatal
CodelistR-EB-SUB-C021sdg:Jurisdiction (ReferenceFramework)lcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/ rim:slot[@name='ReferenceFramework']/rim:SlotValue/sdg:ReferenceFramework/ sdg:Jurisdiction/sdg:AdminUnitLevel2The value of the 'AdminUnitLevel2' MUST be coded using the code list 'Nuts' (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics).Fatal
CodelistR-EB-SUB-C022sdg:Jurisdiction (ReferenceFramework)lcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/ rim:slot[@name='ReferenceFramework']/rim:SlotValue/sdg:ReferenceFramework/ sdg:Jurisdiction/sdg:AdminUnitLevel3The value of the 'AdminUnitLevel3' MUST be coded using the code list 'LAU' (Local Administrative Units).Fatal
IdentifierR-EB-SUB-C023sdg:RelatedTolcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/ rim:slot[@name='ReferenceFramework']/rim:SlotValue/sdg:ReferenceFramework/ sdg:RelatedTo/sdg:IdentifierThe value of the 'Identifier' of 'RelatedTo' MUST be part of the code list 'Procedures'.Fatal


ETSI TS 119 182-1.  Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI); JAdES digital signatures; Part 1: Building blocks and JAdES baseline signatures

OASIS. ebXML RegRep Version 4.0 Part 2: Services and Protocols (ebRS). 

RFC 4122. A Universally Unique IDentifier (UUID) URN Namespace.

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