The EB mapping mechanism is a requirement-oriented one. It assumes that each procedure has one or more specific requirements that need to be fulfilled by the User that executes the procedure. Conceptually, the mapping process follows the steps below:

  1. A Member State implementing a procedure, has identified a requirement that must be fulfilled by the user executing the procedure.
  2. It initially checks whether this requirement already exists and has been addressed within the scope of this or another procedure, by scanning the list of available requirements.
  3. If the requirement does not already exist, the Member State requests a requirement addition for the specific procedure. If it exists, then it maps this requirement as part of the implementation of the procedure in the Member State.
  4. Member States providing evidence need to map the specific new requirement with list of evidence types that prove the requirement added, by adding evidence types. These evidence types MUST be registered in the codelist of evidence type classifications, published by the semantic repository.

For the pivoting mechanism to work, each requirement MUST have a EU-wide scope so that is visible and mappable to evidence types issued by all the MSs.

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