Why the EU DigitalIdentity Wallet

A safe and easy way to access digital services

The EU Digital Identity Wallet will be a safe and easy way for citizens and businesses in Europe to identify themselves by sharing their digital ID with public and private services. Digital Documents from trusted sources can also be loaded into the wallet (everything from university diplomas to train tickets) and it can be used to log in to private services like social media sites. It will be safer and easier than remembering countless separate passwords.

Just one click will allow users to securely share requested attributes with trusted parties, only revealing the required details (like age or nationality), without sharing any extra identifying information. This will limit the chance of profiling and will give users control over their personal data, which is not possible with physical documents.

Your EU Digital Identity Wallet will be able to exchange data in your EU country, and across borders.

What can the EU Digital Identity Wallet do?

The EU Digital Identity Wallet will simplify your life and protect your data. It will also improve security and flexibility for governments and businesses when offering services and carrying out transactions online. Discover some examples of how it can radically simplify your day-to-day life in the following areas:

Mobile Driving License

Request a digital version of your driving licence. Then always have it ready to share in your wallet.

Accessing government services

Access digital public services (nationally and across borders) by using your wallet to securely identify and authenticate yourself.


Make your online transactions easier. Use your wallet to identify yourself and authorise payments.

Opening a Bank Account

No need to trek down to a bank branch. Verify your identity when opening a new bank account with just your wallet.

Education certification

Never lose the diploma you worked so hard for again. Easily store and share all your education credentials.

Claiming Prescriptions

Keep your health close at hand. Easily collect prescribed medication at a pharmacy, even when in another country.

Accessing Social Security benefits

When working abroad prove that you are covered by your home countries social security. Store and share your European Health Insurance Card.

SIM Registration

Registering a new prepaid SIM card just got easier. Your wallet lets you quickly identify yourself.


Prove who you are when booking a hotel online, and then easily identify yourself when checking-in.

Signing contracts

Your wallet makes business flow. Sign contracts with just your wallet.

Organisational Digital Identities

Use your wallet to prove you are a legitimate representative of an organisation.

Mobile driving licence

Request a digital version of your driving licence. Then always have it ready to share in your wallet.

Accessing government services

Access digital public services (nationally and across borders) by using your wallet to securely identify and authenticate yourself.


Make your online transactions easier. Use your wallet to identify yourself and authorise payments.

Opening a bank account

No need to trek down to a bank branch. Verify your identity when opening a new bank account with just your wallet.

Education Certification

Never lose the diploma you worked so hard for again. Easily store and share all your education credentials.


Keep your health close at hand. Easily collect prescribed medication at a pharmacy, even when in another country.

Accessing social security benefits

When working abroad prove that you are covered by your home countries social security.Store and share your European Health Insurance Card.

SIM registration

Registering a new prepaid SIM card just got easier. Your wallet lets you quickly identify yourself.


Prove who you are when booking a hotel online, and then easily identify yourself when checking-in.

Signing contracts

Your wallet makes business flow. Sign contracts with just your wallet.

Organisational digital identities

Use your wallet to prove you are a legitimate representative of an organisation.

What’s in it for me?

How will citizens benefit?

Easily access public and private services

Opening a new bank account, applying to a top university, or applying for your next dream job. It should only take a few clicks —but often, it doesn’t. The EU Digital Identity Wallet will enable easier access to public and private services, and reduce the time and administrative burden needed to access them. Just one click to prove who you are or share an important document like a university diploma.

Protect personal data

You can be confident that your data stays in your control; pick and choose what you share, and only reveal what is strictly necessary. For example, share your age without revealing your date of birth; or your driver's license validity without revealing where you live. This is called selective disclosure of attributes, and it greatly reduces the chances of your data being used for profiling purposes.

Anonymous identification

In some situations, you'll even be able to identify yourself entirely anonymously, for further privacy and security.

Easily access public and private services

Opening a new bank account, applying to a top university, or applying for your next dream job. It should only take a few clicks —but often, it doesn’t. The EU Digital Identity Wallet will enable easier access to public and private services, and reduce the time and administrative burden needed to access them. Just one click to prove who you are or share an important document like a university diploma.

Protect personal data

You can be confident that your data stays in your control; pick and choose what you share, and only reveal what is strictly necessary. For example, share your age without revealing your date of birth; or your driver's license validity without revealing where you live. This is called selective disclosure of attributes, and it greatly reduces the chances of your data being used for profiling purposes.

Anonymous identification

In some situations, you'll even be able to identify yourself entirely anonymously, for further privacy and security.

How will public administrations benefit?

Improve security

The EU Digital Identity Wallet will provide public authorities with a GDPR and Cybersecurity certified wallet that has been tested across Europe — ensuring safety and privacy in every exchange, that is backed by strong technical standards.

Facilitate uptake of digital services

It will also enable more digital public services to be offered, as 100% of citizens will have access to means of electronic identification with the launch and adoption of the wallet. The wallet’s wide range of private sector use cases will help to increase its wider adoption; creating a large pool of users who may be tempted to switch to digital public service provision.

Enhance fraud prevention

Adoption of the wallet will enhance fraud prevention. Identity fraud and impersonation will become more difficult once every citizen and resident has access to a secure and private means of digital identification.

Improves security

The EU Digital Identity Wallet will provide public authorities with a GDPR and Cybersecurity certified wallet that has been tested across Europe — ensuring safety and privacy in every exchange, that is backed by strong technical standards.

Facilitate uptake of digital services

It will also enable more digital public services to be offered, as 100% of citizens will have access to means of electronic identification with the launch and adoption of the wallet. The wallet’s wide range of private sector use cases will help to increase its wider adoption; creating a large pool of users who may be tempted to switch to digital public service provision.

Enhance fraud prevention

Adoption of the wallet will enhance fraud prevention. Identity fraud and impersonation will become more difficult once every citizen and resident has access to a secure and private means of digital identification.

How will private companies benefit?

Reduce cost of authentication

Verifying who your customers say they are can be costly. The EU Digital Identity Wallet will provide a secure and reliable means to authenticate users that will function across the entire EU, allowing businesses to easily conduct more types of transactions online, potentially boosting sales, while reducing the cost of every individual transaction.

GDPR and Cybersecurity compliant

As the EU Digital Identity Wallet is highly secure and GDPR and Cybersecurity compliant, more sensitive customer transactions can be carried out entirely digitally — creating many new business opportunities.

Neutral public sector authentication Solution

The EU Digital Identity Wallet will be a neutral public sector authentication solution. This means you do not need to be dependent on private third party solutions, which in some cases may use user data for their own profiling purposes.

Reduce cost of authentication

Verifying who your customers say they are can be costly. The EU Digital Identity Wallet will provide a secure and reliable means to authenticate users that will function across the entire EU, allowing businesses to easily conduct more types of transactions online, potentially boosting sales, while reducing the cost of every individual transaction.

GDPR and Cybersecurity compliant

As the EU Digital Identity Wallet is highly secure and GDPR and Cybersecurity compliant, more sensitive customer transactions can be carried out entirely digitally — creating many new business opportunities.

Neutral public sector authentication Solution

The EU Digital Identity Wallet will be a neutral public sector authentication solution. This means you do not need to be dependent on private third party solutions, which in some cases may use user data for their own profiling purposes.

Security and privacy at the heart of the EU Digital Identity Wallet

The EU Digital Identity Wallet’s design greatly enhances users security and privacy

Keep a tight lid on your data. It is stored on your wallet app, and is entirely in your control — it is up to you who gets to see it. As the wallet is open source there is complete transparency in how it works.

Say goodbye to profiling, tracing and tracking. The data you choose to share cannot be combined with other data sources, making it much harder to spy on you online. In some situations pseudonymous transparency will be possible, for even more privacy and security.

You will have complete control of what data you disclose from your wallet, only sharing what is strictly necessary. A dashboard will give you a full overview and history of all your transactions and the data you disclosed.

Your wallet is fully compliant with GDPR and is certified against the highest EU cybersecurity standards. This ensures a high level of privacy and security for your most important personal data. If you feel your data has been misused there will be an in-app complaint function.

What are the Large Scale Pilots?

Large Scale Pilot projects are currently test driving the many use cases of the EU Digital Identity Wallet in the real world.

Discover the Large Scale Pilots

What are the Large Scale Pilots?

Large Scale Pilot projects are currently test driving the many use cases of the EU Digital Identity Wallet in the real world.

Discover the Large Scale Pilots

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