
1. Introduction

In this section, some examples for the evidence exchange using the OOTS Exchange Data Model are provided. These and more Request-Response samples can be found in the semantic repository (gitlab).

2. Example for requesting a birth certificate 

In this example, we consider the case of a natural person that needs to provide a prove of birth. Therefore an Evidence Requester is requesting a birth certificate on behalf of the natural person. To do this, an Evidence Request is sent, which contains information about who is participating in this data exchange and which DataServiceEvidenceType  is required. The information about the required DataServiceEvidenceType  has been received from the DSD. The request is sent to a service that can provide the evidence (Evidence Provider). The Evidence Provider then sends back to the Evidence Requester an Evidence Response that contains the certificates that has been requested. The  example can be also found in the git repository.

2.1. Step 1: Evidence Request Header and Evidence Request

The sender of the Evidence Request uses an ebMS message header that contains the Access Point identifiers as sender and receiver. Using an eDelivery AS4 profile enhancement, however, the outer corners, i.e. the Evidence Requester (originalSender) and Evidence Provider (finalRecipient), can be included in the ebMS message header. The Evidence Provider can be identified by the sdg:Publisher/sdg:Identifier  element of the DSD Response. For the identification of the receiving Access Point in the ebMS message header, i.e. the values to be used in the /PartyInfo/To/PartyId element are extracted from the DSD Response sdg:AccessService/sdg:Identifier . The Evidence Request itself is referenced in the /PayloadInfo element. More information about the ebMS message header can be found at in the eDelivery Configuration.

Step 1 (Header): XML example of the ebMS Evidence Request Header for a Birth Certificate
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<eb:Messaging xmlns:eb=""
                <eb:PartyId type="">8889909098</eb:PartyId>
                <eb:PartyId type="">991-GatewayGermany-11</eb:PartyId>
            <eb:Service type="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:ebrs:ebms:binding:1.0">QueryManager</eb:Service>
            <eb:Property name="originalSender" type="">DK22233223</eb:Property>
            <eb:Property name="finalRecipient" type="">DE73524311</eb:Property>
            <eb:PartInfo href="">
                    <eb:Property name="MimeType">application/x-ebrs+xml</eb:Property>
                    <eb:Property name="CompressionType">application/gzip</eb:Property>

The Evidence Request itself contains information about the Evidence Requester who is requesting the birth certificate for a natural person from the Evidence Provider based on the underlying procedure and requirements. More information about how this information is represented within the XML document can be found in the Evidence Request Syntax Mapping. 

Step 1 (Payload): XML example of Evidence Request for a Birth Certificate
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<query:QueryRequest xmlns:xsi=""
	<!-- The 'id' attribute of a 'QueryRequest' MUST be unique UUID (RFC 4122) for each request starting with prefix "urn:uuid:" -->
	<!-- The optional 'lang' attribute can be used to indicate a preferred language of the requested Evidence  -->
	<rim:Slot name="SpecificationIdentifier">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
			<!-- MUST be the fixed value "oots-edm:v1.0", depending on the release version -->
	<rim:Slot name="IssueDateTime">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:DateTimeValueType">
			<!-- MUST be according to xsd:dateTime.  -->
	<rim:Slot name="Procedure">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:InternationalStringValueType">
				<!-- Code for "Requesting a birth certificate". MUST be part of the code list 'Procedures' -->
				<!-- MUST be part of the code list 'LanguageCode' (ISO 639-1 two-letter code).  Default value "en" -->
				<rim:LocalizedString xml:lang="EN"
	<rim:Slot name="PossibilityForPreview">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:BooleanValueType">
			<!-- MUST be according to xs:boolean -->
	<rim:Slot name="ExplicitRequestGiven">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:BooleanValueType">
			<!-- MUST be according to xs:boolean -->
	<rim:Slot name="Requirements">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:CollectionValueType" 
			<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
					<!--  The value of 'Identifier' of a 'Requirement' MUST be a unique UUID (RFC 4122) listed in the EvidenceBroker and use the prefix ''[UUID]'' pointing to the Semantic Repository. -->
					<!-- MUST be part of the code list 'LanguageCode' (ISO 639-1 two-letter code). Default value "en" -->
					<sdg:Name lang="EN">Proof of Birth</sdg:Name>
			<!--  another requirement may be added as rim:Element-->
	<rim:Slot name="EvidenceRequester">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:CollectionValueType">
			<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
					<!-- The value of the 'schemeID' attribute of the 'Identifier' MUST be part of the code list 'EAS' (Electronic Address Scheme ) and use the prefix '[Code]'  -->
					<sdg:Identifier schemeID="">DK22233223</sdg:Identifier>
					<!-- The language attribute MUST be part of the code list 'LanguageCode' (ISO 639-1 two-letter code).  Default value "en" -->
					<sdg:Name lang="EN">Denmark University Portal</sdg:Name>
						<sdg:FullAddress>Prince Street 15, 1050 Copenhagen, Denmark</sdg:FullAddress>
						<sdg:Thoroughfare>Prince Street</sdg:Thoroughfare>
						<!-- The value of the 'AdminUnitLevel1' MUST be coded using the code list 'CountryIdentificationCode' (ISO 3166-1' alpha-2 codes).  -->
						<!-- The value of the 'AdminUnitLevel2' MUST be coded using the code list 'NUTS' (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics).  -->
					<!-- The value MUST be part of the code list 'AgentClassification'. Default value: ER (Evidence Requester). If the code 'IP' (Intermediary Platform) is present there must be another 'sdg:Agent' Element containing the code 'ER'. The codes 'EP' and 'ERRP' shall not be used by this transaction.   -->
	<rim:Slot name="EvidenceProvider">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
				<!-- The value of the 'schemeID' attribute of the 'Identifier' MUST be part of the code list 'EAS' (Electronic Address Scheme ) and use the prefix '[Code]'.  -->
				<sdg:Identifier schemeID="">DE73524311</sdg:Identifier>
				<!-- The language attribute MUST be part of the code list 'LanguageCode' (ISO 639-1 two-letter code).  Default value "en" -->
				<sdg:Name lang="EN">Civil Registration Office Berlin I</sdg:Name>
	<rim:Slot name="EvidenceProviderClassification">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:CollectionValueType">
			<!-- Classification Information - Used for finding the evidence. In this example the applicant must indicate if he has ever resided in the country. -->
			<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
					<!-- The value of 'Identifier' of MUST be unique UUID (RFC 4122) pointing to a concept for Evidence Provider Classification in the DSD and Semantic Repository.  -->
					<!-- Definition of the value expression. Must be published in the Semantic Repository. The codelist contains the values ApplicantHasNeverBeenResidentInGermany and ApplicantHasBeenResidentInGermany -->
					<!-- During the DSD query process the user has to select one of the two values as additional input parameter for the query in order to identify the correct publisher / evidence provider -->
					<!-- The selected value will be mapped against the ClassificationValue of Publishers -->
					<sdg:Description lang="EN">Rules of responsibility for the processing of personal status cases of German citizens without residence information
					<sdg:Description lang="DE">Zuständigkeitsregelungen für die Bearbeitung von personenstandsrechtlichen Vorgängen deutscher Staatsangehöriger ohne Wohnsitzinformation</sdg:Description>
					<!-- The selected value of the user MUST be provided in the Evidence Request-->
	<!-- Default Response Option -->
	<query:ResponseOption returnType="LeafClassWithRepositoryItem"/>
	<!-- Query Definition -->
	<query:Query queryDefinition="DocumentQuery">
		<rim:Slot name="NaturalPerson">
			<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
					<!-- Level of Assurance for the Minimum Data Set (MDS). The value of 'LevelOfAssurance' must be part of the code list 'LoA' (eIDAS Levels Of Assurance). -->
					<!-- eIDAS Identifier: MUST have the format XX/YY/ZZZZZZZ where XX is the Nationality Code of the identifier and YY is the Nationality Code of the destination country and ZZZZZZZ is an undefined combination of characters which uniquely identifies the identity asserted in the country of origin. The values of XX and YY MUST be part of the code list 'CountryIdentificationCode' (ISO 3166-1' alpha-2 codes). Example: ES/AT/02635542Y.  -->
					<!-- The 'schemeID' attribute of the 'Identifier' MUST have the fixed value 'eidas'.  -->
					<sdg:Identifier schemeID="eidas">DK/DE/123123123</sdg:Identifier>

					<!-- eIDAS Mandatory Attributes of the Minimum Data Set -->
					<!-- The value of 'DateOfBirth' MUST use the following format YYYY + “-“ + MM + “-“ + DD (as defined for xsd:date)  -->
					<!-- eIDAS Optional Attributes of the Minimum Data Set -->
					<sdg:BirthName>John Doepidis</sdg:BirthName>
					<sdg:PlaceOfBirth>Hamburg, Germany</sdg:PlaceOfBirth>
						<sdg:FullAddress>Refshalevej 96, 1432 København, Denmark</sdg:FullAddress>
						<!-- The value of the 'AdminUnitLevel1' MUST be coded using the code list 'CountryIdentificationCode' (ISO 3166-1' alpha-2 codes).  -->
						<!-- The value of the 'AdminUnitLevel2' MUST be coded using the code list 'NUTS' (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics).  -->
					<!-- The value of 'Gender' MUST be part of the code list 'Gender' (eIDAS Gender Code). -->
					<!-- Optional Sector Specific Attributes not belonging to the Minimum Data Set -->
		<rim:Slot name="EvidenceRequest">
			<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
				<sdg:DataServiceEvidenceType xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:rim:4.0">
					<!-- MUST be unique UUID (RFC 4122) fetched from the Data Services Directory. Must be used in the Evidence Exchange Request -->
					<!-- MUST be a UUID retrieved from the Evidence Broker/DSD and include a code of the code list 'CountryIdentificationCode' (ISO 3166-1' alpha-2 codes) using the prefix and scheme ''[CountryIdentificationCode]/[UUID]'' pointing to the Semantic Repository -->
					<!-- The value of 'lang' attribute of Title and Description MUST be part of the code list 'LanguageCode' (ISO 639-1 two-letter code).  Default Value "EN"  -->
					<sdg:Title lang="EN">Certificate of Birth</sdg:Title>
					<sdg:Title lang="DE">Geburtsurkunde</sdg:Title>
					<sdg:Description lang="EN">An official certificate of birth of a person - with first name, surname, sex, date and place of birth, which is obtained from the birth register of the place of birth.</sdg:Description>
					<sdg:Description lang="DE">Eine amtliche Bescheinigung über die Geburt einer Person – mit Vorname, Familienname, Geschlecht, Datum und Ort der Geburt, welche aus dem Geburtsregister des Geburtsortes erstellt wird.</sdg:Description>
					<!-- This is the selected distribution requested. It must be one of the distributions provided by the DSD for this specific Data Service Evidence Type-->
						<!-- The value of 'Format' of the requested distribution MUST be part of the code list 'OOTSMediaTypes'.-->
						<!-- MUST be a persistent URL with a link to a "DataModelScheme" of the Evidence Type retrieved by the DSD and described in the Semantic Repository which uses the prefix "[DataModelScheme]".-->
						<!-- MUST be a persistent URL with link to a "DataModelScheme" and "Subset" of the EvidenceType retrieved from the Data Service Directory, described in the Semantic Repository which uses the prefix "[DataModelScheme]/[Subset]"-->

2.2. Step 2: Evidence Response Header and Evidence Response

Similar to the request, the sender of the Evidence Response uses an ebMS message header that contains the Access Point identifiers as sender and receiver. Next to the Evidence Request itself the requested evidence object is additionally included to the /PayloadInfo element of the ebMS message header. More information about the ebMS message header can be found at in the eDelivery Configuration.

Step 2 (Header): XML example of ebMS Evidence Response Header for a Birth Certificate
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<eb:Messaging xmlns:eb=""
                <eb:PartyId type="">991-GatewayGermany-11</eb:PartyId>
                <eb:PartyId type="">8889909098</eb:PartyId>
            <eb:Service type="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:ebrs:ebms:binding:1.0">QueryManager</eb:Service>
            <eb:Property name="originalSender" type="">DE73524311</eb:Property>
            <eb:Property name="finalRecipient" type="">DK22233223</eb:Property>
            <eb:PartInfo href="">
                    <eb:Property name="MimeType">application/x-ebrs+xml</eb:Property>
            <eb:PartInfo href="">
                    <eb:Property name="MimeType">application/xml</eb:Property>
                    <eb:Property name="CompressionType">application/gzip</eb:Property>

The Evidence Response itself contains information about the Evidence Provider who is providing the birth certificate and its associated Evidence Metadata for a natural person based on the Evidence Request issued by the Evidence Requester. The /rim:RepositoryItemRef provides a references to the evidence object in the ebMS message header.  More information about how this information is represented within the XML document can be found in the Evidence Response Syntax Mapping. 

XML example of Evidence Response for a birth certificate

Step 2 (Payload): XML example of Evidence Response for a Birth Certificate
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<query:QueryResponse xmlns:xsi=""
    xmlns:rim="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:rim:4.0" xmlns:sdg=""
    <!-- The 'id' attribute of a 'QueryResponse' MUST be unique UUID (RFC 4122) for each request starting with prefix "urn:uuid:" -->
    <!-- The 'status attribute of a 'QueryResponse' MUST be encoded as "urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:ResponseStatusType:Success" for successful responses or as "urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:ResponseStatusType:Unavailable" for responses that will be available at a later time .  -->

    <!-- Top Level Slots, providing metadata about the Response and the Evidence Provider -->
    <rim:Slot name="SpecificationIdentifier">
        <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
            <!-- MUST be the fixed value "oots-edm:v1.0" depending on release version -->
    <rim:Slot name="EvidenceResponseIdentifier">
        <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
            <!-- The 'rim:Value' of the 'EvidenceResponseIdentifier' MUST be unique UUID (RFC 4122) for each response. -->
    <rim:Slot name="IssueDateTime">
        <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:DateTimeValueType">
            <!-- MUST be according to xsd:dateTime.  -->
    <rim:Slot name="EvidenceProvider">
        <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:CollectionValueType">
            <rim:Element xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
                    <!-- The value of the 'schemeID' attribute of the 'Identifier' MUST be part of the code list 'EAS' (Electronic Address Scheme ) and use the prefix '[Code]'  -->
                    <sdg:Identifier schemeID=""
                    <sdg:Name lang="EN">Civil Registration Office Berlin I</sdg:Name>
                        <sdg:FullAddress>Schönstedtstraße 5, 13357 Berlin, Germany</sdg:FullAddress>
                        <!-- The value of the 'AdminUnitLevel1' MUST be coded using the code list 'CountryIdentificationCode' (ISO 3166-1' alpha-2 codes).  -->
                        <!-- The value of the 'AdminUnitLevel2' MUST be coded using the code list 'NUTS' (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics).  -->
                    <!--   The value MUST be part of the code list 'AgentClassification'. Default value: EP (Evidence Provider). If the code 'IP' (Intermediary Platform) is present there must be another 'sdg:Agent' Element containing the code 'EP'. The code 'ER' and 'ERRP' shall not be used by this transaction.  -->
    <rim:Slot name="EvidenceRequester">
        <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
                <!-- The value of the 'schemeID' attribute of the 'Identifier' MUST be part of the code list 'EAS' (Electronic Address Scheme ) and use the prefix '[Code]'  -->
                <sdg:Identifier schemeID=""
                <sdg:Name lang="EN">Denmark University Portal</sdg:Name>
        <!-- First Object. The 'id' attribute of a 'RegistryObject' MUST be unique UUID (RFC 4122) starting with prefix "urn:uuid:". -->
        <rim:RegistryObject xsi:type="rim:ExtrinsicObjectType"
            <rim:Slot name="EvidenceMetadata">
                <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
                        <!--   The value of 'Identifier' of an 'Evidence' MUST be unique UUID (RFC 4122).  -->
                        <!-- Must contain the Minimum Data Set part of the evidence Subject attributes to confirm identity matching. Must contain either a IsAbout <<NaturalPerson>> or <<LegalPerson>> but NOT both. An example for <<LegalPerson>> is <sdg:LegalPersonIdentifier schemeID="eidas">ES/SE/12132123Y</sdg:LegalPersonIdentifier> <sdg:LegalName>AnyCompanyName</sdg:LegalName> -->
                                <!-- The identifier of the user retrieved through the EvidenceRequest from eIDAS -->
                                <!-- eIDAS Identifier: MUST have the format XX/YY/ZZZZZZZ where XX is the Nationality Code of the identifier and YY is the Nationality Code of the destination country and ZZZZZZZ is an undefined combination of characters which uniquely identifies the identity asserted in the country of origin. The values of XX and YY MUST be part of the code list 'CountryIdentificationCode' (ISO 3166-1' alpha-2 codes). Example: ES/AT/02635542Y.  -->
                                <!-- The 'schemeID' attribute of the 'Identifier' MUST have the fixed value 'eidas'.  -->
                                <sdg:Identifier schemeID="eidas">DK/DE/123123123</sdg:Identifier>
                                <!-- Mandatory Minimum Data Set -->
                                <!-- The value of 'DateOfBirth' MUST use the following format YYYY + “-“ + MM + “-“ + DD (as defined for xsd:date)  -->
                            <!-- The issuing authority which might be different from the evidence provider e.g. if the evidence provider acts as national base registry that aggregates local authorities issuing the evidence -->
                            <sdg:Identifier schemeID=""
                            <sdg:Name lang="EN">Civil Registration Office Berlin I</sdg:Name>
                            <!-- MUST be a UUID of the request which was retrieved from the Evidence Broker/DSD and include a code of the code list 'CountryIdentificationCode' (ISO 3166-1' alpha-2 codes) using the prefix and scheme ''[CountryIdentificationCode]/[UUID]'' pointing to the Semantic Repository -->
                            <!-- The value of 'lang' attribute of Title and Description MUST be part of the code list 'LanguageCode' (ISO 639-1 two-letter code).    -->
                            <sdg:Title lang="EN">Certificate of Birth</sdg:Title>
                            <sdg:Title lang="DE">Geburtsurkunde</sdg:Title>
                            <sdg:Description lang="EN">An official certificate of birth of a person
                                - with first name, surname, sex, date and place of birth, which is
                                obtained from the birth register of the place of
                            <sdg:Description lang="DE">Eine amtliche Bescheinigung über die Geburt
                                einer Person – mit Vorname, Familienname, Geschlecht, Datum und Ort
                                der Geburt, welche aus dem Geburtsregister des Geburtsortes erstellt
                        <!-- The issuing date, distribution and validity period of the evidence. MUST be according to xsd:date. -->
                            <!-- The value of 'Format' of the requested distribution MUST be part of the code list 'OOTSMediaTypes' and should match the one requested by the Evidence Requester -->
                            <!-- The value of Language attribute MUST be part of the code list 'LanguageCode' (ISO 639-1 two-letter code).    -->
                            <!-- MUST be a persistent URL with a link to a "DataModelScheme" of the Evidence Type retrieved by the DSD and described in the Semantic Repository which uses the prefix "[DataModelScheme]".-->
                            <!-- MUST be a persistent URL with link to a "DataModelScheme" and "Subset" of the EvidenceType retrieved from the Data Service Directory, described in the Semantic Repository which uses the prefix "[DataModelScheme]/[Subset]"-->
                            <!-- The StartDate and EndDate MUST be according to xsd:date. -->
            <!-- The attached Document Provided as Evidence. Points to an AS4 attachment -->
            <rim:RepositoryItemRef xlink:href=""
        <!-- Another Object might be placed here. The 'id' attribute of a 'RegistryObject' MUST be unique UUID (RFC 4122) starting with prefix "urn:uuid:". -->

3. Example for requesting Secondary Education Completion Evidence with Error Response requesting an Evidence Provider side Preview 

In this example, we consider the case of a natural person that needs to prove Secondary Education Completion. Therefore an Evidence Requester is requesting a Secondary Education Completion Evidence and its supplement on behalf of the natural person. To do this, an Evidence Request is sent, which contains information about who is participating in this data exchange and which DataServiceEvidenceType  is required. The information about the required DataServiceEvidenceType  has been received from the DSD. The request is sent to a service that can provide the evidence (Evidence Provider).

Since for this evidence type a preview on the side of the Evidence Provider is required, the Evidence Provider responds with an Error Response who rejects a direct evidence provision and informs the Evidence Requester about the required preview, its location and method offered for the Evidence Provider. The Evidence Requester than redirects the user (natural person) to the corresponding preview location and sends a second Evidence Request after the preview.  The Evidence Provider matches the second Evidence Request with the preview results and sends an Evidence Response with the the Secondary Education Completion Evidence and its supplement to the Evidence Requester.   

The complete example can be found in the git repository.

3.1 Step1: First Evidence Request

The first Evidence Request contains information about the Evidence Requester who is requesting the Secondary Education Completion Evidence for a natural person from the Evidence Provider based on the underlying procedure and requirements. More information about how this information is represented within the XML document can be found in the Evidence Request Syntax Mapping. 

Step 1 (Payload): XML example of the first Evidence Request for a Secondary Education Completition Evidence
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<query:QueryRequest xmlns:xsi=""
					xmlns:rs="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:rs:4.0" xmlns:sdg=""
	<rim:Slot name="SpecificationIdentifier">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
	<rim:Slot name="IssueDateTime">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:DateTimeValueType">
	<rim:Slot name="Procedure">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:InternationalStringValueType">
				<rim:LocalizedString xml:lang="EN" value="T2"/>
	<rim:Slot name="PossibilityForPreview">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:BooleanValueType">
	<rim:Slot name="ExplicitRequestGiven">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:BooleanValueType">
	<rim:Slot name="Requirements">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:CollectionValueType"
			<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
					<sdg:Name lang="EN">Proof of secondary education diploma/certificate</sdg:Name>
					<sdg:Name lang="DE">Nachweis eines Sekundarschulabschlusses/Zeugnisses</sdg:Name>
			<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
					<sdg:Name lang="EN">Submission of secondary education diploma supplemenent</sdg:Name>
					<sdg:Name lang="DE">Einreichung der Anlage zum Nachweis des SekundarschulabschlussesNachweis</sdg:Name>
	<rim:Slot name="EvidenceRequester">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:CollectionValueType">
			<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
					<sdg:Identifier schemeID="">NL222332239</sdg:Identifier>
					<sdg:Name lang="EN">University of Amsterdam</sdg:Name>
						<sdg:FullAddress>Binnengasthuisstraat 9</sdg:FullAddress>
	<rim:Slot name="EvidenceProvider">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
				<sdg:Identifier schemeID="">02-SchoolAuthority-34</sdg:Identifier>
				<sdg:Name lang="EN">Authority for school and occupational training</sdg:Name>
	<rim:Slot name="EvidenceProviderClassification">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:CollectionValueType">
			<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
					<sdg:Description lang="EN">Type of Secondary Education</sdg:Description>
					<sdg:Description lang="DE">Art der Sekundarschulbildung</sdg:Description>
	<query:ResponseOption returnType="LeafClassWithRepositoryItem"/>
	<query:Query queryDefinition="DocumentQuery">
		<rim:Slot name="NaturalPerson">
			<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
					<sdg:Identifier schemeID="eidas">DE/DE/123456789</sdg:Identifier>
						<sdg:FullAddress>Lansstraße 81, 50825 Koeln, Germany</sdg:FullAddress>
					<!-- Optional Sector Specific Attribute not belonging to the Minimum Data Set -->
		<rim:Slot name="EvidenceRequest">
			<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
					<sdg:Title lang="EN">Secondary Education Completion Evidence</sdg:Title>
					<sdg:Title lang="DE">Nachweis des Sekundarschulabschlusses</sdg:Title>
					<sdg:Description lang="EN">Proof of a secondary school graduation which is acquired after 12 or 13 school years in the upper secondary school and which entitles the holder to the general higher education entrance qualification, i.e. opens up access to all higher education institutions and fields of study.</sdg:Description>
					<sdg:Description lang="DE">Nachweis für einen Sekundarschulabschluss, der nach 12 bzw. 13 Schuljahren in der gymnasialen Oberstufe erworben wird und die Allgemeine Hochschulreife verleiht, d.h. den Zugang zu allen Hochschulen und Fachrichtungen eröffnet.</sdg:Description>

XML example of the first ebMS Evidence Request Header for Secondary Education Completion Evidence

Step 1 (Header): XML example of the first ebMS Evidence Request Header for Secondary Education Completition Evidence
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<eb:Messaging xmlns:eb=""
                <eb:PartyId type="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:partyid-type:unregistered"
                <eb:PartyId type="">991-GatewayGermany-11</eb:PartyId>
            <eb:Service type="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:ebrs:ebms:binding:1.0">QueryManager</eb:Service>
            <eb:Property name="originalSender" type="">NL222332239</eb:Property>
            <eb:Property name="finalRecipient" type="">02-SchoolAuthority-34</eb:Property>
            <eb:PartInfo href="">
                    <eb:Property name="MimeType">application/x-ebrs+xml</eb:Property>
                    <eb:Property name="CompressionType">application/gzip</eb:Property>

3.2 Step 2: Error Response

The response status provided by the Evidence Provider is declared as failure. The rs:Exception type provided by the Evidence Provider references to an authorization problem combined with the severity  value which requires a user redirection to a preview location where the user can preview, select and give his consent to use the evidence. Therefore the Evidence provider informs the Evdience Requester about the required preview, its location and the method. More information about how this information is represented within the XML document can be found in the Error Response Syntax Mapping. 

Step 2 (Payload): XML example of the Evidence Error Response for the Secondary Education Completition Evidence
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<query:QueryResponse xmlns:rim="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:rim:4.0" 
    <!-- The 'id' attribute of a 'QueryResponse' MUST be unique UUID (RFC 4122) for each request starting with prefix "urn:uuid:" -->
    <!-- The 'status' attribute of an unsuccessfull 'query:QueryResponse' MUST be encoded as as 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:ResponseStatusType:Failure'. -->
    <rim:Slot name="SpecificationIdentifier">
        <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
            <!-- MUST be the fixed value "oots-edm:v1.0", depending on the version of the OOTS -->
    <rim:Slot name="EvidenceResponseIdentifier">
        <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
            <!-- The 'rim:Value' of the 'EvidenceResponseIdentifier' MUST be unique UUID (RFC 4122) for each response. -->
    <rim:Slot name="ErrorProvider">
        <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
                <!-- The value of the 'schemeID' attribute of the 'Identifier' MUST be part of the code list 'EAS' (Electronic Address Scheme ) and use the prefix '[Code]'  -->
                <sdg:Identifier schemeID="">DE765758700</sdg:Identifier>
                <sdg:Name lang="EN">Authority for school and occupational training</sdg:Name>
                    <sdg:FullAddress>Hamburger Str. 31</sdg:FullAddress>
                    <!-- The value of the 'AdminUnitLevel1' MUST be coded using the code list 'CountryIdentificationCode' (ISO 3166-1' alpha-2 codes).  -->
                    <!-- The value of the 'AdminUnitLevel2' MUST be coded using the code list 'NUTS' (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics).  -->
                <!--   The value MUST be part of the code list 'AgentClassification'. Default value: ERRP (Error Provider). The code 'ER' shall not be used by this transaction.  -->
    <rim:Slot name="EvidenceRequester">
        <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
                <sdg:Identifier schemeID="">NL22233223</sdg:Identifier>
                <sdg:Name lang="en">University of Amsterdam</sdg:Name>

    <!-- The value of 'xsi:type' attribute of a 'rs:Exception' MUST be a 'type' provided by code list 'EDMErrorCodes' (Exchange Data Model Error Response Codes).  -->
    <!-- The 'severity' attribute must be part of the code list 'ErrorSeverity' (Error Severity). The code '' shall not be used by this transaction.  -->
    <!-- The value of 'severity' attribute of a 'rs:Exception' MUST  be 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:ErrorSeverityType:Error' if the rs:Exception xsi:type='rs:AuthorizationExceptionType' (@code 'EDM:ERR:0001') is NOT used.  -->
    <!-- The value of 'code' attribute of a 'rs:Exception' MUST be a 'code' matching the 'type' provided by code list 'EDMErrorCodes' (Exchange Data Model Error Response Codes). -->
    <!-- If a 'rim:Slot[@name='PreviewLocation']' is provided, the 'rs:Exception' MUST  be '' and use the rs:Exception xsi:type='rs:AuthorizationExceptionType' (@code 'EDM:ERR:0001').  -->
    <!-- This Example for rs:Exception points to a required preview on the side of the Evidence Provider -->
    <rs:Exception xsi:type="rs:AuthorizationExceptionType" message="Missing Authorization" severity="" detail="The server needs authorisation and preview on its side to process the request" code="EDM:ERR:0002">
        <rim:Slot name="Timestamp">
            <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:DateTimeValueType">
                <!-- The 'rim:Value' of 'Timestamp' MUST be according to xsd:dateTime.  -->
        <rim:Slot name="PreviewLocation">
            <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
                <!-- The 'rim:Value' of a 'PreviewLocation' MUST be a URI starting with 'https://'. -->
        <rim:Slot name="PreviewDescription">
            <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:InternationalStringValueType">
                <!-- The 'language' attribute of 'PreviewDescription' MUST be specified using the code list 'LanguageCode' (ISO 639-1 two-letter code). -->
                    <rim:LocalizedString xml:lang="NL" value="Kies uw diploma."/>
                    <rim:LocalizedString xml:lang="RO" value="Vă rugăm să selectați diploma dvs."/>
                    <rim:LocalizedString xml:lang="EN" value="Please select your diploma."/>
        <rim:Slot name="PreviewMethod">
            <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
                <!-- The 'rim:Value' of a 'PreviewMethod' MUST be either the HTTP verb 'GET' or 'POST'. -->

XML example of the ebMS Evidence Error Response Header for Secondary Education Completion Evidence

Step 2 (Header): XML example of the ebMS Evidence Error Response Header for Secondary Education Completition Evidence
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<eb:Messaging  xmlns:eb=""
                <eb:PartyId type="">991-GatewayGermany-11</eb:PartyId>
                <eb:PartyId type="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:partyid-type:unregistered"
            <eb:Service type="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:ebrs:ebms:binding:1.0">QueryManager</eb:Service>
            <eb:Property name="originalSender" type="">02-SchoolAuthority-34</eb:Property>
            <eb:Property name="finalRecipient" type="">NL222332239</eb:Property>
            <eb:PartInfo href="">
                    <eb:Property name="MimeType">application/x-ebrs+xml</eb:Property>
                    <eb:Property name="CompressionType">application/gzip</eb:Property>

3.3 Step 3: Second Evidence Request

The Evidence Requester redirects the user (natural person) to the corresponding preview location. After the execution of the preview the Evidence Requester sends a second Evidence Request to the Evidence Provider which contains the location of the performed preview as a reference. More information about how this information is represented within the XML document can be found in the Evidence Request Syntax Mapping. 

Step 3 (Payload): XML example of the second Evidence Request for a Secondary Education Completition Evidence
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<query:QueryRequest xmlns:xsi=""
	<rim:Slot name="SpecificationIdentifier">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
	<rim:Slot name="IssueDateTime">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:DateTimeValueType">
	<rim:Slot name="Procedure">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:InternationalStringValueType">
				<rim:LocalizedString xml:lang="EN"
	<rim:Slot name="PreviewLocation">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
			<!-- MUST be a URI starting with 'https://' -->
	<rim:Slot name="PossibilityForPreview">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:BooleanValueType">
	<rim:Slot name="ExplicitRequestGiven">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:BooleanValueType">
	<rim:Slot name="Requirements">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:CollectionValueType"
			<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
					<sdg:Name lang="EN">Proof of secondary education diploma/certificate</sdg:Name>
					<sdg:Name lang="DE">Nachweis eines Sekundarschulabschlusses/Zeugnisses</sdg:Name>
			<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
					<sdg:Name lang="EN">Submission of secondary education diploma supplemenent</sdg:Name>
					<sdg:Name lang="DE">Einreichung der Anlage zum Nachweis des SekundarschulabschlussesNachweis</sdg:Name>
	<rim:Slot name="EvidenceRequester">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:CollectionValueType">
			<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
					<sdg:Identifier schemeID="">NL22233223</sdg:Identifier>
					<sdg:Name lang="EN">University of Amsterdam</sdg:Name>
						<sdg:FullAddress>Binnengasthuisstraat 9</sdg:FullAddress>
	<rim:Slot name="EvidenceProvider">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
				<sdg:Identifier schemeID="">DE7657587001</sdg:Identifier>
				<sdg:Name lang="EN">Authority for school and occupational training</sdg:Name>
	<rim:Slot name="EvidenceProviderClassification">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:CollectionValueType">
			<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
					<sdg:Description lang="EN">Type of Secondary Education</sdg:Description>
					<sdg:Description lang="DE">Art der Sekundarschulbildung</sdg:Description>
	<query:ResponseOption returnType="LeafClassWithRepositoryItem"/>
	<query:Query queryDefinition="DocumentQuery">
		<rim:Slot name="NaturalPerson">
			<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
					<sdg:Identifier schemeID="eidas">DE/DE/123456789</sdg:Identifier>
						<sdg:FullAddress>Lansstraße 81, 50825 Koeln, Germany</sdg:FullAddress>
					<!-- Optional Sector Specific Attribute not belonging to the Minimum Data Set -->
		<rim:Slot name="EvidenceRequest">
			<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
					<sdg:Title lang="EN">Secondary Education Completion Evidence</sdg:Title>
					<sdg:Title lang="DE">Nachweis des Sekundarschulabschlusses</sdg:Title>
					<sdg:Description lang="EN">Proof of a secondary school graduation which is acquired after 12 or 13 school years in the upper secondary school and which entitles the holder to the general higher education entrance qualification, i.e. opens up access to all higher education institutions and fields of study.</sdg:Description>
					<sdg:Description lang="DE">Nachweis für einen Sekundarschulabschluss, der nach 12 bzw. 13 Schuljahren in der gymnasialen Oberstufe erworben wird und die Allgemeine Hochschulreife verleiht, d.h. den Zugang zu allen Hochschulen und Fachrichtungen eröffnet.</sdg:Description>

XML example of the second ebMS Evidence Request Header for Secondary Education Completion Evidence

Step 3 (Header): XML example of the second ebMS Evidence Request Header for Secondary Education Completition Evidence
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<eb:Messaging xmlns:eb=""
                <eb:PartyId type="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:partyid-type:unregistered"
                <eb:PartyId type="">991-GatewayGermany-11</eb:PartyId>
            <eb:Service type="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:ebrs:ebms:binding:1.0">QueryManager</eb:Service>
            <eb:Property name="originalSender" type="">NL222332239</eb:Property>
            <eb:Property name="finalRecipient" type="">02-SchoolAuthority-34</eb:Property>
            <eb:PartInfo href="">
                    <eb:Property name="MimeType">application/x-ebrs+xml</eb:Property>
                    <eb:Property name="CompressionType">application/gzip</eb:Property>

3.4 Step 4: Evidence Response

After the execution of the preview and a matching of the preview results with the second Evidence Request, the Evidence Provider sends an Evidence Response with the Secondary Education Completion Evidence and its supplement to the Evidence Requester. More information about how this information is represented within the XML document can be found in the Evidence Response Syntax Mapping. 

Step 4 (Payload): XML example of Evidence Response for a Secondary Education Completition Evidence
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<query:QueryResponse xmlns:xsi=""
    <!-- Top Level Slots, providing metadata about the Response and the Evidence Provider -->
    <rim:Slot name="SpecificationIdentifier">
        <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType"
    <rim:Slot name="EvidenceResponseIdentifier">
        <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
    <rim:Slot name="IssueDateTime">
        <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:DateTimeValueType">
    <rim:Slot name="EvidenceProvider">
        <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:CollectionValueType">
            <rim:Element xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
                    <sdg:Identifier schemeID="">02-SchoolAuthority-34</sdg:Identifier>
                    <sdg:Name lang="EN">Authority for school and occupational training</sdg:Name>
                        <sdg:FullAddress>Hamburger Str. 31</sdg:FullAddress>
    <rim:Slot name="EvidenceRequester">
        <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
                <sdg:Identifier schemeID="">NL222332239</sdg:Identifier>
                <sdg:Name lang="EN">University of Amsterdam</sdg:Name>
        <rim:RegistryObject xsi:type="rim:ExtrinsicObjectType" id="urn:uuid:6fb9fe0f-c0bf-4172-849b-7e7a1d86f98a">
        <rim:Slot name="EvidenceMetadata">
            <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
                            <sdg:Identifier schemeID="eidas">DE/DE/123456789</sdg:Identifier>
                        <sdg:Identifier schemeID="">DE7657587001</sdg:Identifier>
                        <sdg:Name lang="EN">Wilhelm Gymnasium</sdg:Name>
                        <sdg:Title lang="EN">Secondary Education Completion Evidence</sdg:Title>
                        <sdg:Title lang="DE">Nachweis des Sekundarschulabschlusses</sdg:Title>
                        <sdg:Description lang="EN">Proof of a secondary school graduation which is acquired after 12 or 13 school years in the upper secondary school and which entitles the holder to the general higher education entrance qualification, i.e. opens up access to all higher education institutions and fields of study.</sdg:Description>
                        <sdg:Description lang="DE">Nachweis für einen Sekundarschulabschluss, der nach 12 bzw. 13 Schuljahren in der gymnasialen Oberstufe erworben wird und die Allgemeine Hochschulreife verleiht, d.h. den Zugang zu allen Hochschulen und Fachrichtungen eröffnet.</sdg:Description>
        <!-- The attached Document Provided as Evidence. Points to an AS4 attachment -->
        <rim:RepositoryItemRef xlink:href="" xlink:title="SecondaryEducationCompletion"/>
        <rim:RegistryObject xsi:type="rim:ExtrinsicObjectType" id="urn:uuid:dc518a5b-ff25-44de-9bc5-2ecda71d3f6e">
        <rim:Slot name="EvidenceMetadata">
            <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
                            <sdg:Identifier schemeID="eidas">DE/DE/123456789</sdg:Identifier>
                        <sdg:Identifier schemeID="">DE7657587001</sdg:Identifier>
                        <sdg:Name>Wilhelm Gymnasium</sdg:Name>
                        <sdg:Title lang="EN">Secondary Education Completion Evidence Supplement</sdg:Title>
                        <sdg:Title lang="DE">Anhang zum Nachweis des Sekundarschulabschlusses</sdg:Title>
                        <sdg:Description lang="EN">The Supplement of the Secondary Education Completion Evidence Supplement to understand the qualification.</sdg:Description>
                        <sdg:Description lang="DE">Die Anlage zum Nachweis des Sekundarschulabschlusses, um die Qualifikation zu verstehen.</sdg:Description>
        <!-- The attached Document Provided as Evidence. Points to an AS4 attachment -->
        <rim:RepositoryItemRef xlink:href="" xlink:title="SecondaryEducationCompletionSupplement"/>

XML example of the ebMS Evidence Response Header for Secondary Education Completion Evidence

Step 4 (Header): XML example of the ebMS Evidence Response Header for Secondary Education Completition Evidence
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<eb:Messaging  xmlns:eb=""
                <eb:PartyId type="">991-GatewayGermany-11</eb:PartyId>
                <eb:PartyId type="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:partyid-type:unregistered"
            <eb:Service type="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:ebrs:ebms:binding:1.0">QueryManager</eb:Service>
            <eb:Property name="originalSender" type="">02-SchoolAuthority-34</eb:Property>
            <eb:Property name="finalRecipient" type="">NL222332239</eb:Property>
            <eb:PartInfo href="">
                    <eb:Property name="MimeType">application/x-ebrs+xml</eb:Property>
                    <eb:Property name="CompressionType">application/gzip</eb:Property>
			<eb:PartInfo href="">
                    <eb:Property name="MimeType">application/pdf</eb:Property>
            <eb:PartInfo href="">
                    <eb:Property name="MimeType">application/pdf</eb:Property>

4. Example for requesting an Extract of a Commercial Register

In this example, we consider the case of a legal person that needs to provide an Extract of a Commercial Register. The legal person is represented by an authorized representative.
Therefore, an Evidence Requester is requesting an Extract of a Commercial Register on behalf of the legal person. To do this, an Evidence Request is sent, which
contains information about who is participating in this data exchange and which DataServiceEvidenceType is required.
The information about the required DataServiceEvidenceType has been received from the DSD. The request is sent to a service that can provide the
evidence (Evidence Provider). The Evidence Provider then sends back to the Evidence Requester an Evidence Response that contains the extract
that has been requested. The example can be also found in the git repository.

4.1. Step 1: Evidence Request 

The Evidence Request itself contains information about the Evidence Requester who is requesting an Extract of a Commercial Register for a legal person from the Evidence Provider based on the underlying procedure and requirements. More information about how this information is represented within the XML document can be found in the Evidence Request Syntax Mapping. 

Step 1 (Payload): XML example of Evidence Request for an Extract of a Commercial Register
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<query:QueryRequest xmlns:xsi=""
	<rim:Slot name="SpecificationIdentifier">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
	<rim:Slot name="IssueDateTime">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:DateTimeValueType">
	<rim:Slot name="Procedure">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:InternationalStringValueType">
				<rim:LocalizedString xml:lang="EN"
	<rim:Slot name="PossibilityForPreview">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:BooleanValueType">
	<rim:Slot name="ExplicitRequestGiven">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:BooleanValueType">
	<rim:Slot name="Requirements">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:CollectionValueType" 
			<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
					<sdg:Name lang="EN">Proof of business registry number to submit corporate tax declaration</sdg:Name>
	<rim:Slot name="EvidenceRequester">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:CollectionValueType">
			<rim:Element xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
					<sdg:Identifier schemeID="">DK22234444</sdg:Identifier>
					<sdg:Name lang="EN">Danish Tax Agency</sdg:Name>
						<sdg:FullAddress>Prince Street 15, 1050 Copenhagen, Denmark</sdg:FullAddress>
						<sdg:Thoroughfare>Prince Street</sdg:Thoroughfare>
	<rim:Slot name="EvidenceProvider">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
				<sdg:Identifier schemeID="">DE73524311</sdg:Identifier>
				<sdg:Name lang="EN">Tax Agency Berlin I</sdg:Name>
	<query:ResponseOption returnType="LeafClassWithRepositoryItem"/>
	<query:Query queryDefinition="DocumentQuery">
		<rim:Slot name="LegalPerson">
			<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">  
					<!-- Level of Assurance for the Minimum Data Set (MDS) -->
					<!-- Optional Attribute of the Minimum Data Set -->
					<sdg:Identifier schemeID="TAX">113123123123123</sdg:Identifier>
					<sdg:Identifier schemeID="VAT">SE730757727</sdg:Identifier>
					<!-- eIDAS Mandatory Attributes of the Minimum Data Set -->
					<sdg:LegalPersonIdentifier schemeID="eidas">SE/DE/12132123Y</sdg:LegalPersonIdentifier>
					<sdg:LegalName>Sweden ltd</sdg:LegalName>
						<sdg:FullAddress>Prince Street 15, 11121 Stockholm, Sweden</sdg:FullAddress>
					<!-- Optional Sector Specific Attributes not belonging to the Minimum Data Set -->
		<rim:Slot name="AuthorizedRepresentative">
			<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
				<!--     Core Person Vocabulary (CPV) Expression of the LegalRepresentative -->
					<!-- Level of Assurance for the Minimum Data Set (MDS) -->
					<!-- eIDAS Mandatory Attributes of the Minimum Data Set -->
					<sdg:Identifier schemeID="eidas">EL/DE/123131329</sdg:Identifier>
					<!-- eIDAS Optional Attributes of the Minimum Data Set -->
					<sdg:BirthName>Jonathan Doepidis</sdg:BirthName>     
					<sdg:CurrentAddress >
						<sdg:FullAddress>Panepistimou 5, 85101 Athens, Greece</sdg:FullAddress>
						<!-- The value of the 'AdminUnitLevel1' MUST be coded using the code list 'CountryIdentificationCode' (ISO 3166-1' alpha-2 codes).  -->

					<!-- Optional Sector Specific Attributes not belonging to the Minimum Data Set. It MUST be included if received from eIDAS -->
					<!-- Sector Specific Attribute Power of Representation Scope retrieved from the eIDAS authentication of the user to the Online Procedure Portal or Intermediary Platform. In this example Power of Representation is associated to "ALL" SDG procedures. Attribute Value may also contain only one procedure e.g. T1 or comma-separated list of code values "T1, T2, S1" from the SDG Procedure code list -->

		<rim:Slot name="EvidenceRequest">
			<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
				<sdg:DataServiceEvidenceType xmlns="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:rim:4.0">
					<sdg:Title lang="EN">Extract of the Commercial Register (Type A)</sdg:Title>
					<sdg:Title lang="DE">Amtlicher chronologischer Ausdruck aus dem Handelsregister A</sdg:Title>
					<sdg:Description lang="EN">Extract of the trade register department A for sole traders and corporations. (for example OHG, KG, GmbH, AG) </sdg:Description>
					<sdg:Description lang="DE">Auszug aus dem Handelsregister Abteilung A für Einzelkaufleute und Personengesellschaften (z.B. OHG, KG, GmbH, AG) </sdg:Description>
					<sdg:Note lang="EN">Payment: Free of charge</sdg:Note>

XML example of the ebMS Evidence Request Header for Extract of a Commercial Register

Step 1 (Header): XML example of the ebMS Evidence Request Header for Extract of a Commercial Register
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<eb:Messaging xmlns:eb=""
                <eb:PartyId type="">8889909098</eb:PartyId>
                <eb:PartyId type="">991-GatewayGermany-11</eb:PartyId>
            <eb:Service type="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:ebrs:ebms:binding:1.0">QueryManager</eb:Service>
            <eb:Property name="originalSender" type="">DK22234444</eb:Property>
            <eb:Property name="finalRecipient" type="">DE73524311</eb:Property>
            <eb:PartInfo href="">
                    <eb:Property name="MimeType">application/x-ebrs+xml</eb:Property>
                    <eb:Property name="CompressionType">application/gzip</eb:Property>

4.2. Step 2: Evidence Response 

The Evidence Response itself contains information about the Evidence 
Provider who is providing an Extract of a Commercial Register and its associated Evidence Metadata for a legal person based on the Evidence Request issued by the 
Evidence Requester. The /rim:RepositoryItemRef provides a references to the evidence object in the ebMS message header.  
More information about how this information is represented within the XML document can be found in the Evidence Response Syntax Mapping. 

Step 2 (Payload): XML example of Evidence Response for an Extract of a Commercial Register
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
<query:QueryResponse xmlns:xsi=""
    <!-- Top Level Slots, providing metadata about the Response and the Evidence Provider -->
    <rim:Slot name="SpecificationIdentifier">
        <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
    <rim:Slot name="EvidenceResponseIdentifier">
        <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">
    <rim:Slot name="IssueDateTime">
        <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:DateTimeValueType">
    <rim:Slot name="EvidenceProvider">
        <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:CollectionValueType">
            <rim:Element xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
                    <sdg:Identifier schemeID="">DE73524311</sdg:Identifier>
                    <sdg:Name lang="EN">Tax Agency Berlin I</sdg:Name>
                        <sdg:FullAddress>Schönstedtstraße 5, 13357 Berlin, Germany</sdg:FullAddress>
    <rim:Slot name="EvidenceRequester">
        <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
                <sdg:Identifier schemeID="">DK22234444</sdg:Identifier>
                <sdg:Name lang="EN">Danish Tax Agency</sdg:Name>
        <rim:RegistryObject xsi:type="rim:ExtrinsicObjectType" id="urn:uuid:f073cbe2-cf2a-4f46-b9ff-d4b0fde53ab1">
             <rim:Slot name="EvidenceMetadata">
                 <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
                                 <!-- eIDAS Mandatory Attributes of the Minimum Data Set -->
                                 <sdg:LegalPersonIdentifier schemeID="eidas">SE/DE/12132123Y</sdg:LegalPersonIdentifier>
                                 <sdg:LegalName>Sweden ltd</sdg:LegalName>
                             <sdg:Identifier schemeID="">DE73524311</sdg:Identifier>
                             <sdg:Name lang="EN">Tax Agency Berlin I</sdg:Name>
                             <sdg:Title lang="EN">Extract of the Commercial Register (Type A)</sdg:Title>
                             <sdg:Title lang="DE">Amtlicher chronologischer Ausdruck aus dem Handelsregister A</sdg:Title>
                             <sdg:Description lang="EN">Extract of the trade register department A for sole traders and corporations. (for example OHG, KG, GmbH, AG) </sdg:Description>
                             <sdg:Description lang="DE">Auszug aus dem Handelsregister Abteilung A für Einzelkaufleute und Personengesellschaften (z.B. OHG, KG, GmbH, AG) </sdg:Description>
             <!-- The attached Document Provided as Evidence. Points to an AS4 attachment -->
             <rim:RepositoryItemRef xlink:href="" xlink:title="business-registry-number"/>

XML example of the ebMS Evidence Response Header for Extract of a Commercial Register

Step 2 (Header): XML example of the ebMS Evidence Response Header for Extract of a Commercial Register
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" standalone="yes"?>
<eb:Messaging xmlns:eb=""
                <eb:PartyId type="">991-GatewayGermany-11</eb:PartyId>
                <eb:PartyId type="">8889909098</eb:PartyId>
            <eb:Service type="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:ebrs:ebms:binding:1.0">QueryManager</eb:Service>
            <eb:Property name="originalSender" type="">DE73524311</eb:Property>
            <eb:Property name="finalRecipient" type="">DK22233223</eb:Property>
            <eb:PartInfo href="">
                    <eb:Property name="MimeType">application/x-ebrs+xml</eb:Property>
                    <eb:Property name="CompressionType">application/gzip</eb:Property>
            <eb:PartInfo href="">
                    <eb:Property name="MimeType">application/xml</eb:Property>
                    <eb:Property name="CompressionType">application/gzip</eb:Property>
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