
Contact point

Maura Howe

Declan McCormack

Date20th March 2019

The Alex Hotel

Registration starts at 09:+0

Room capacity200
Target audience (and expected number of attendees)


Mainly public authorities from local, regional or national organisations.


Welcome & Event Introduction


Opening Remarks

  • Netherlands approach to eInvoicing including:
    • Early adoption – Central Government approach
    • European Directive 2014/55/EU
    • Current approach – Local Government – shared services approach and PEPPOL
    • Long-term vision – eInvoicing Benefits – interoperability etc
    • Netherlands within the wider European picture for Digital Single Market and as an example of Europe working together to make life easier
    • Key learnings for Ireland?


The European Directive and the national eInvoicing approach in Ireland – a recap


Roadmap to eInvoicing

Practical guide to making eInvoicing a reality

  • Understand your invoice processing environment
  • Decide on your ambitions (compliance; integration)
  • Who to involve?
  • What happens and where? (Inside / outside ERP; SAAS);
  • Who does what? (ERP vs eInvoicing Service Provider)
  • What do I need to do / pre-requisites? (process/work flows; paper-based dependencies; identifiers; interface options)
  • Advising Suppliers


CEF Digital Telecom Funding – recent Call

Questions & Answers
 Questions also to be fielded from the attendees through Slido


Procuring eInvoicing Systems & Services - The Framework


Tea/ Coffee refreshments

Roundtable Discussion
to facilitate attendees engaging with CEF and eInvoicing Ireland reps via round-table workshop sessions

  1. CEF Digital Funding featuring Irish case-study
  2. ESBS and ETBs eInvoicing Project – An Irish example
  3. OGP Sourcing – Framework
  4. OGP eInvoicing – eInvoicing national approach and communications and change management

Each Round table facilitator will open with a 5 minute introduction and then facilitate discussion. Each table will have a note taker. Each facilitator will then form a panel and share the three highlights from the discussion with the whole conference.

Questions also to be fielded from the attendees through Slido


Show me the data! The EN and PEPPOL BIS 3
An explanation of the European Standard for eInvoicing and a look at how can be applied in practice.


What can be achieved and how through eInvoicing?

  • Approaches to supplier adoption & uptake of eInvoicing with case studies and examples of eInvoicing in implementation and beyond

Panel Discussion

  • Kornelis Drijfhout, Netherlands
  • Martin Forsberg, Sweden
  • Michael Morgan, ESBS and ETBs, Ireland


Event Wrap-up


Presentations from the CEF team on the workshop

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