The AS4.NET component can also be installed as a Windows Service. The installation of the service is packaged into a MSI file located at .\service-setup\Eu.EDelivery.AS4.WindowsService.Installer.msi.

Install Procedure of the Windows Service

When starting the procedure by clicking on the file, the startup view is shown:

Click Next to continue.

The next screen lets you decide where the Windows Service should be installed and which users should be able to control the service.

After you configured this, click Next to continue. The last screen will tell you that you're about to install the service.

Click Next to begin the installation.

Running Windows Service

When the Windows Service is installed; you should see a system tray icon in your task bar meaning that the service is installed:

By right-clicking on the icon you can control the installed service:

With this simple menu, you can start/stop the service and open the portal to configure the MSH itself.

  • Start: start the Windws Service
  • Open Portal: opens to portal on the configured url
  • Configure: configures the portal url

When you click on the Configure menu item, a sub-window is shown where you can fill in the location where the portal is hosted.

This is by default on http://localhost:5000 but can be different if you change the appsettings*.json files which are located at the installation folder.

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