The JMS 'domibus.notification.webservice' queue in Domibus fulfils a crucial role in the messaging process. It is primarily used by two entities:

  • Sender (C1): The sender utilizes this queue to receive updates about the status of messages they have dispatched. This ensures the sender is informed whether their message was successfully delivered or not.
  • Receiver (C4): For the receiver, this queue is instrumental in alerting the WS plugin about incoming messages that are awaiting their attention.

Whenever a message is successfully transmitted, a corresponding notification is dispatched to this queue. This notification serves as a confirmation for the sender (C1), providing them with the latest status of their sent message via JMS.

Additional remarks:

  • Alternate status check: It's noteworthy that the status of messages can also be determined using the 'getMessageStatus' method, which is a feature of the WS plugin. This provides an alternative way to track message status.
  • Notification utilisation: When using JMS, the sender (C1) can leverage this notification message. This adds an extra layer of communication about message delivery status.
  • Limitation in processing: It's important to be aware that messages with 'NOTIFICATION_TYPE'='MESSAGE_SEND_SUCCESS' in JMS are not processed by the Backend WS plugin. This means they serve a specific purpose and are not involved in the regular processing workflow of the WS plugin.
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