To verify that you have the appropriate version of Java installed on your system, follow these simple steps:

For Windows:

  1. Open the Command Prompt by typing cmd in the search bar.
  2. To check your Java version, type the following:

    java –version

    Then press Enter. You should have Java version 8 installed.

  3. To confirm the JAVA_HOME variable is correctly set, type the following.

    echo %JAVA_HOME%

    Then press Enter. The output should display the correct Java installation path, like the following:

    C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.8.0_111

For Linux:

  1. Open your terminal.
  2. Just like in Windows, type the following:

    java –version

    Then press Enter. Your installed Java version should be Java 8.

  3. To check the JAVA_HOME environment variable, type the following:

    echo $JAVA_HOME

    Then press Enter. It should show the correct path, for example:


Remember, it's crucial that your system has Java version 8 and the JAVA_HOME variable correctly set to its installation path for optimal functionality.

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