Since AS4.NET v4.0.0 the Receiving PMode is used to respond to AS4 messages instead of referencing a Sending PMode. This means that upgrading to this version with older Receiving PModes will lead to different responses. The breaking change means that the:

  • Sending PMode's PushConfiguration becomes Receiving PMode's ReplyHandling.ResponseConfiguration
  • Sending PMode's Security.Signing becomes Receiving PMode's ReplyHandling.ResponseSigining

Starting from this version, the release package has a PowerShell script file located at: .\scripts\copy-responsepmode-to-receivingpmode.ps1 to help you make this change more gracefully.

The script requires two folder paths:

  • sendingPModePath : folder path to where your Sending PModes are located.
  • receivingPModePath : folder path to where your Receiving PModes are located.
PS> .\copy-responsepmode-to-receivingpmode.ps1 -sendingPModePath ".\send-pmodes" -receivingPModePath ".\receive-pmodes"

After executing the script, all your Receiving PModes are updated to use in this version.

Manual removal of Sending PMode as responding PMode

When the script doesn't work for you, or you can't execute PowerShell scripts on your machine you can always manually change your Receiving PModes.

By following these steps you should be able to manually change your Receiving PModes:

  1. Open a Receiving PMode you want to upgrade
  2. Locate the <ReplyHandling/> element 1. This element should have a <SendingPMode/> element with the Id of the PMode
  3. Open the Sending PMode with the Id that was referenced in this element
  4. Locate the <PushConfiguration/> element in the Sending PMode
  5. Copy the entire element and past it in the <ReplyHandling/> element in the Receiving PMode
  6. Rename the <PushConfiguration/> in your Receiving PMode to <ResponseConfiguration/>
  7. Locate the <Signing/> element in the Sending PMode
  8. Copy the entire element in the Receiving PMode
  9. Rename the <Signing/> element in your Receiving PMode to <ResponseSigning/>
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