
Ministry of General Government Affairs and Finance


Law of 10 November 2017 on Public Procurement (Public Procurement Act; ÖAWG) and Ordinance of 3 November 1998 on Public Procurement (Public Procurement Ordinance; ÖAWV), latest updates in Art. 44a in November 2017

Transposed the Directive 2014/55/EU


Use of the extra year for compliance of non-central entities (by )


Mandatory for 

Receiving and processing: Central authorities, Regional authorities & Local authorities


Corresponding e-invoices should be sent by e-mail to in xml or pdf format.


Not available

Use of CIUS and Extensions

NO Not yet regulated


Law of 10 November 2017 on Public Procurement (Public Procurement Act; ÖAWG) and Ordinance of 3 November 1998 on Public Procurement (Public Procurement Ordinance; ÖAWV), latest updates in Art. 44a in November 2017.

eInvoicing platform and management solutions

There is no platform in operation. 

Approach for receiving and processing

The Liechtenstein national administration currently only accepts eInvoices for public contracts above the threshold values ​​in accordance with Art. 49b ÖAWG. Invoices are accepted in XML format or as PDF.

Invoices in XML format must:

  • comply with the European standard for electronic invoicing,
  • contain the core elements according to Art. 44a ÖAWV, and
  • using a syntax published in the Official Journal of the European Union.

Corresponding eInvoices should be sent by e-mail to in XML or PDF format.

eInvoices do not need to be signed with a digital certificate. The archiving period amounts to 10 years. Archiving abroad is allowed under conditions[1].

eInvoicing implementation in sub-central level contracting authorities 

eInvoicing has not been implemented at the sub-central level. 

Status on the implementation of the European Standard on eInvoicing (EN)

The eInvoicing standard is not fully implemented.

However, eInvoices for public contracts (above the threshold values in accordance with Art. 49b ÖAWG) sent to the Liechtenstein national administration in XML format must comply with the European standard for electronic invoicing.

Monitoring eInvoicing implementation 

There is no monitoring approach in place. 

Use of Core Invoicing Usage Specifications (CIUS) at national level 

A CIUS has been drafted to reflect the government VAT requirements and it is currently in place. 

Additional information

The Liechtenstein E-Invoicing Forum (LEIF) was an observer within the eInvoicing country representatives (former European Multi-Stakeholder Forum on Electronic Invoicing (EMSFEI)) which brought together stakeholders from national eInvoicing forums and from the user side of the market to help pave the way for a broad-scale adoption of eInvoicing at national and EU-level (ended mandate in June 2020).

Digital reporting requirements

A CIUS has been drafted to reflect the government VAT requirements, and it is currently in place. The government plans to have only one document for consultation by companies, presenting all the expected business and VAT requirements.

[1] (Compliance updates – Liechtenstein, 2023)

Are you aware of further developments on eInvoicing B2G in this country? Contact us via email
You can also access the 2019, 2020 and 2021 eInvoicing Country Sheets via the eInvoicing User Community.


Last updated:  Aug 28, 2023 10:01



Wolfgang Matt

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