
1. Exchange Data Model: QueryResponse (Evidence Response)

This guideline explains how to use the ebRS QueryResponse syntax to implement the Business Requirements (Req ID) described for the Evidence Response. The guideline provides specific details for each class and information elements including the underlying standards, data types and cardinalities to produce conformant XML documents. In the following sections, we describe the XML serialization of the Evidence Response in the same hierarchical order of the corresponding Exchange Data Model.

The Exchange Data Model in the figure below provides an overview of the information elements and their associations contained in the Evidence Response. An Evidence Response is a message created by the Evidence Provider (EP) containing all the necessary parameters for positively responding to an evidence request including the evidence itself.

EvidenceResponse class Diagram

To form a valid QueryResponse, at least the following elements are required:

  • the "requestId" of the QueryRequest;
  • the "status" of the QueryResponse;
  • the "SpecificationIdentifier" to identify the version of this specification.
  • the "EvidenceResponseIdentifier" provides a unique identifier of the Response Message.
  • the "IssueDateTime" to describe the time of the response;
  • the "EvidenceProvider" to describe the entity that is technically responsible for creating the QueryResponse; 
  • the "EvidenceRequester" to describe the entity that is technically responsible for receiving the QueryResponse; 
  • the QueryResponse must include a "rim:RegistryObjectList" which returns the requested information. A "DocumentQuery" triggers a response with the rim:Slot "EvidenceMetadata" and rim:RepositoryItemRef. 

2. ebRIM Definition of the QueryResponse  (Evidence Response)

This section defines the core ebRIM elements that are used to compose a Query Response (Evidence Response). It thereby distinguishes between attributes and slots to define the Evidence Response:

Attribute Definition: The table provides an overview of the mandatory attributes and the information they contain for each QueryResponse according to ebRIM

Slot definition: The elements provide an overview of the defined ebRIM SlotType instances, which have a name and a value. The value is of type ValueType. Most rim:Slots do not contain sub-properties other than the SlotValue itself, except if they are collections. Collections refer to sources such as Core Vocabularies and a corresponding syntax binding to a class defined in the SDG Generic Metadata Profile. (see section 3). 


The table below represent the tree structure of the data models illustrated in this section. Light grey rows describe classes and define their properties and attributes. Light green rows soley illustrate the classes that are subordinated or associated to a class and therewith illustrate the tree structure of the data model. Light green rows are thus always repeated as light grey rows to describe the properties and attributes of a class. The hierarchy of the tree structure is also indicated in the first column via the '+' symbol. The rim:slots illustrated in this table (ebRIM definitions) are repeated and they are further detailed through a syntax binding to the corresponding elements of the SDG Generic Metadata Profile in the subsequent tables (red rows).

NameDefinitionCardinalityebRIM typeData TypeRulesMapping to SDG Generic Metadata ProfileMapping to Core Vocabulary


Evidence Response root element


Structure: R-EDM-RESP-S001, R-EDM-RESP-S002, R-EDM-RESP-S016



The unique identifier of the Evidence request. Must be the same as the id attribute of the QueryRequest that generated this QueryResponse.


Structure: R-EDM-RESP-S003, R-EDM-RESP-S004

+statusThis attribute contains the status of the response. If the evidence is provided the value "urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:ResponseStatusType:Success" is used. 1..1AttributeIdentifier

Structure: R-EDM-RESP-S005, R-EDM-RESP-S006, R-EDM-RESP-S008

++rim:slot "SpecificationIdentifier"An identification of the specification for the Evidence Response containing the total set of rules regarding semantic content, cardinalities and business rules to which the data contained in the instance document conforms.1..1SlotTypeStringValueType

Structure: R-EDM-RESP-S009, R-EDM-RESP-S017

Content: R-EDM-RESP-C002

++rim:slot "EvidenceResponseIdentifier"The unique identifier of the Evidence Response.1..1SlotTypeStringValueType

Structure: R-EDM-RESP-S010, R-EDM-RESP-S018

Content: R-EDM-RESP-C003

++rim:slot "IssueDateTime"The issue date and time when the Evidence Response is issued. The issue date time must have a granularity of seconds and include time zone information.1..1SlotTypeDateTimeValueType

Structure: R-EDM-RESP-S011, R-EDM-RESP-S019

Content: R-EDM-RESP-C004

++rim:slot "ResponseAvailableDateTime"The date and time when the Evidence Response will be issued in case of asynchronous evidence distribution0..1SlotTypeDateTimeValueType

Structure: R-EDM-RESP-S014, R-EDM-RESP-S023

Content: R-EDM-RESP-C005

++rim:slot "EvidenceProvider"The Agent or organisation that operates the data service providing the evidence.1..nSlotTypeCollectionValueType

Structure: R-EDM-RESP-S012, R-EDM-RESP-S020, R-EDM-RESP-S021, R-EDM-RESP-S025, R-EDM-RESP-S026

AgentCore Public Service Vocabulary Application Profile
++rim:slot "EvidenceRequester"The Agent or organisation that is requesting the evidence.1..1SlotTypeAnyValueType

Structure: R-EDM-RESP-S013, R-EDM-RESP-S022, R-EDM-RESP-S027, R-EDM-RESP-S028

AgentCore Public Service Vocabulary Application Profile


Element to list the Registry Objects of the QueryResponse.




Structure: R-EDM-RESP-S007



Element to control the type and structure of Registry Object within the QueryResponse.






Unique UUID for each RegistryObject. This value is defined by the Evidence Provider.


Structure: R-EDM-RESP-S036, R-EDM-RESP-S037



++++rim:slot "EvidenceMetadata"

Structure: R-EDM-RESP-S015, R-EDM-RESP-S024, R-EDM-RESP-S029, R-EDM-RESP-S030

EvidenceDCAT Application Profile
++++RepositoryItemRefThe RepositoryItemRef locates the Evidence file within the repository. It provides a precise reference to the repository item provided by the Evidence Provider.1..1ComplexType

Structure: R-EDM-RESP-S033

+++++xlink:hrefAn internal reference to the repository in which the requested Evidence file is located. The reference thereby may point to a specific distribution of the Evidence. 1..1AttributeURI

Structure: R-EDM-RESP-S034

Content: R-EDM-RESP-C042

+++++xlink:titleThe title of the document instance that is provided by the Data Provider. 1..1Attributestring

Structure: R-EDM-RESP-S035

2.1 ebRIM QueryResponse example

The Evidence Response is expressed using the ebRS Query Response Message. It contains a reference to the query it is responding to, and thus there is no need to include any information already present in the request. This reference is in the form of a requestId attribute.

The status attribute is used to distinguish between a successful response using the value "urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:ResponseStatusType:Success" and a response that is available at a later time "urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:ResponseStatusType:Unavailable". 

The Evidence Response is contained in the RegistryObjectList element of the QueryResponse. Each Registry Object in the registry object list represents an Evidence Distribution. It is noted that the Registry Object list may contain more than one responding pieces of evidence, each represented in the distribution requested. Each RegistryObject element contains one EvidenceMetadata slot and one repositoryItemRef element.

The RepositoryItemRef element contains the link to the AS4 Attachment containing the distribution described in the EvidenceMetadata Slot.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<query:QueryResponse xmlns:xsi=""

	<!-- Slots are omitted for clarity  -->      
		<!-- First Object -->
		<rim:RegistryObject xsi:type="rim:ExtrinsicObjectType" id="555555-740e-4b64-80f0-2462462462">
            <!-- The slot "EvidenceMetadata" is included here -->
            <!-- The attached Document Provided as Evidence. Points to an AS4 attachment -->             
			<rim:RepositoryItemRef xlink:href="" xlink:title="SecondaryEducationCompletion"/>         
		<!-- Second Object -->
	 	<rim:RegistryObject xsi:type="rim:ExtrinsicObjectType" id="60bc1cbb-2f6c-4eef-9479-b4ce3684572c">
            <!-- The slot "EvidenceMetadata" is included here -->
            <!-- The attached Document Provided as Evidence. Points to an AS4 attachment -->
            <rim:RepositoryItemRef xlink:href="" xlink:title="Secondary Education Completion Evidence Supplement"/>

2.2. Specification Identifier example

The SpecificationIdentifier element is used for expressing the version of the specification used for creating the referred document.

A Slot with the name of "SpecificationIdentifier" is used with the ValueType of StringValueType.

<!-- SpecificationIdentifier Slot -->
    <rim:Slot name="SpecificationIdentifier">
        <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">

2.3. Evidence Response Identifier example

The EvidenceResponseIdentifier element is used for expressing the Unique Identifier of the response generated by the evidence provider.

A Slot with the name of "EvidenceResponseIdentifier" is used with the ValueType of StringValueType.

<!-- EvidenceResponseIdentifier Slot -->
    <rim:Slot name="EvidenceResponseIdentifier">
        <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:StringValueType">

2.4. Issue Date and Time example

The IssueDateTime element is used for expressing the creation date and time of the referenced document. 

Α Slot with the name of "IssueDateTime" is used with the ValueType of DateTimeValueType which has the value of ISO timestamp.

   <!-- IssueDateTime Slot -->
    <rim:Slot name="IssueDateTime">
        <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:DateTimeValueType">

2.5 Response Available Date Time example

In situations where pieces of evidence may exist that are not immediately available, the ResponseAvailableDateTime slot may be used to express the latest point in time by which any such late pieces of evidence may be made available. As an example, this may be used by Data Services that generate evidence using a process that cannot complete within the duration of an interactive user session, but which have a predictable availability date and time. For example, a process that involves scheduled batch jobs. Depending on implementation, the Online Procedure Portal may use this information to inform the user to pause the procedure and to return at a later point by which time the evidence will be available.

If multiple pieces of evidence may be available, with possibly different dates and times at which they are available, the value to be used in the Slot should be the latest of these values.

This Slot must only be used with Query Response status set to the “Unavailable” response status. In that case, the content of the QueryResponse element must contain a (possibly empty) RegistryObjectList.  

The Slot must be omitted if the Data Service is not willing or able to provide the date and time by which pieces of evidence may be available.

 Α Slot with the name of "ResponseAvailableDateTime" is optionally used with the ValueType of DateTimeValueType which has the value of ISO timestamp. 

   <!-- ResponseAvailableDateTime Slot  -->
    <rim:Slot name="ResponseAvailableDateTime">
        <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:DateTimeValueType">

3. SDGR Application Profile for the Evidence Response

The SDGR application profile for the Evidence Response defines the semantics of the previously introduced rim:Slots defined as a collection (green components) of the Evidence Response Message. The SDGR application profile for the Evidence Response describes how the SDG-Generic-Metadata Profile (SDG-syntax) is profiled in ebRIM in order to compose a valid QueryResponse. It therefore contains a mapping to the underlying SDG-syntax elements and necessary parameters for providing the evidence that was requested by an Evidence Request.  Thus, the values for several parameters are obtained from the Evidence Provider that is responding to the Evidence Request. The namespace of the SDG-syntax is In the following samples, the prefix "sdg" is assumed to be linked to the namespace

3.1 Evidence Provider slot and example

The Evidence Provider element is used to describe an organisation that provides data or documents requested by an Evidence Requester.  In most cases, the agent is a public organisation, however in some MSs, for some evidence types, businesses have been accredited to supply them.

An evidence provider must be registered in the Data Service Directory in order to be activated in the SDG OOTS.

NameDefinitionCardinalityTypeRulesCore VocabularyNotes

rim:slot "EvidenceProvider"


The Agent or organisation that is providing the evidence. 



dct:AgentCore Public Service Vocabulary Application Profile
+IdentifierA unique identification for the agent.1..1Identifier
++Identifier/@schemeIDScheme identifier for the agent identification. Must use the prefix '[Code]' (e.g., R-EDM-RESP-C007dct:identifier


A short label for the agent.1..1Text
+AddressA location of the Evidence Provider in the form of an address.0..1Address
locn:AddressCore Location Vocabulary
+ClassificationA code to classify the agents associated to the communication. In case there are multiple agents the codes must be used to distinguish between the actual Evidence Provider and Intermediary Platforms that are involved in the transaction. Default value: EvidenceProvider1..1CodeR-EDM-RESP-C010, R-EDM-RESP-C011cv:role
++AddressA location of the Evidence Provider in the form of an address.
locn:AddressCore Location Vocabulary

The complete address written as a string.


The name of a street, passage or way through from one location to another.


A number or sequence of characters that uniquely identifies the locator (building number, apartment number, etc.) within the relevant scope.

+++AdminUnitLevel1The name of the uppermost level of the address, almost always a country.0..1CodeR-EDM-RESP-C008locn:adminUnitL1
+++AdminUnitLevel2The name of a secondary level/region of the address, usually a county, state or other such area that typically encompasses several localities.0..1CodeR-EDM-RESP-C009locn:adminUnitL2
+++PostCodeThe code created and maintained for postal purposes to identify a subdivision of addresses and postal delivery points.0..1Code
+++PostCityNameThe key postal division of the address, usually the city. 0..1Code

The Evidence Provider element is expressed using a Slot with the name of "EvidenceProvider" and ValueType of AnyValueType in order to express the information using the Core Public Service Vocabulary Application Profile. The Evidence Provider information inside the AnyValueType Slot is expressed using the Agent Class. 

<!--   EvidenceProvider Slot -->
	<rim:Slot name="EvidenceProvider">
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
                <sdg:Identifier schemeID="">DE73524311</sdg:Identifier>
                <sdg:Name lang="en">Civil Registration Office Berlin I</sdg:Name>           
                        <sdg:FullAddress>Schönstedtstraße 5</sdg:FullAddress>

3.2 Evidence Requester slot and example

The Evidence Requester element is used to describe an organisation that requests data or documents from Evidence Providers. The agent requests the evidence, by sending an evidence request to the evidence provider, on behalf of the evidence subject.  In several cases it might be a portal/organisation that initiates the evidence request. However, the evidence response must be returned to the Evidence Requester that initiated the evidence request and not to the portal/intermediary in case there are more than one Evidence Requesters named in the evidence request. 

No central registry of evidence requesters is required, only the minimal details required to enable legal logging of requests or facilitate the processing of the evidence request. 

NameDefinitionCardinalityTypeRulesCore VocabularyNotes

rim:slot "EvidenceRequester"The Agent or organisation that is requesting the evidence.1..1SlotTypeAnyValueType


The Agent or organisation that is requesting the evidence.



dct:AgentCore Public Service Vocabulary Application Profile
+IdentifierA unique identification for the agent.1..1Identifier
++Identifier/@schemeIDScheme identifier for the agent identification. Must use the prefix '[Code]' (e.g., R-EDM-RESP-C013dct:identifier


A short label for the agent.1..1Text

A Slot with the name of "EvidenceRequester" is used with the ValueType of AnyValueType which accepts any xml representation. In this particular case, the Core Public Service Vocabulary Application Profile and its Agent class is used for the expression of the Evidence Requester information inside the AnyValueType Slot.

<!--   EvidenceRequester Slot  -->
	<rim:Slot name="EvidenceRequester"> 
		<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
                <sdg:Identifier schemeID="">DK22233223</sdg:Identifier>
                <sdg:Name>Denmark University Portal</sdg:Name>

3.3 Evidence Metadata slot and example

Element to provide the metadata about an evidence that is provided from the Data Service of an Evidence Provider (EP). Is described along the DCAT Application Profile.

NameDefinitionCardinalityTypeRulesCore VocabularyNotes

rim:slot "EvidenceMetadata"


Provides the semantic information and requirements for retrieving an evidence type from a Data Service.



dcat:DatasetDCAT Application Profile
+IdentifierThe identifier of an evidence.1..1IdentifierR-EDM-RESP-C015dcat:identifier
+IsAbout <<NaturalPerson>>The evidence subject, namly the natural person which the evidence is about.0..1PersonMust contain either a IsAbout <<NaturalPerson>> or <<LegalPerson>> but NOT both. 


+IsAbout <<LegalPerson>>The evidence subject, namly the legal entity which the evidence is about.0..1Legal Person

Must contain either a IsAbout <<NaturalPerson>> or <<LegalPerson>> but NOT both.

+IssuingAuthorityThe evidence provider, namely the agent that is issuing the evidence.1..1Agent
+IsConformantToRelation to an Evidence Type. An Evidence Type is a type of evidence that can be provided to meet a requirement, within a certain jurisdiction.1..1EvidenceType
+IssuingDateThe date and time the evidence has been issued by the Evidence Provider.1..1DateR-EDM-RESP-C016dct:issued


The kind of distributions that are expected as response to this request.1..1Distribution
+ValidityPeriodThe validity period of the evidence ensured by the Evidence Provider. 0..1Period
++IsAbout <<NaturalPerson>>The evidence subject, namly the natural person or legal entity which the evidence is about.0..1Person

Must contain either a IsAbout <<NaturalPerson>> or <<LegalPerson>> but NOT both.



+++IdentifierThe unique identifier provided by eIDAS to identify the Natural Person. Example: ES/AT/02635542Y 0..1IdentifierR-EDM-RESP-C027, R-EDM-RESP-C028, R-EDM-RESP-C029, 


++++Identifier/@schemeIDThe schemeID of this identifier. Fixed value: eidasMCodeR-EDM-RESP-C030, R-EDM-RESP-C031cpv:identifier


The hereditary surname of a family. 





The name(s) that identify the Person within a family with a common surname. 





The point in time on which the Person was born. 



++IsAbout <<LegalPerson>>The evidence subject, namly the natural person or legal entity which the evidence is about.0..1Legal Person

Must contain either a IsAbout <<NaturalPerson>> or <<LegalPerson>> but NOT both.



+++LegalPersonIdentifierThe unique identifier provided by eIDAS to identify the Legal Entity. Example: ES/AT/02635542Y 0..1


R-EDM-RESP-C033, R-EDM-RESP-C034, R-EDM-RESP-C035cbv:identifier
++++LegalPersonIdentifier/@schemeIDThe schemeID of this identifier. Fixed value: eidasMCodeR-EDM-RESP-C036, R-EDM-RESP-C037cbv:identifier
+++LegalNameThe name under which the Legal Entity is legally registered.1..1


++IssuingAuthorityThe evidence provider, namely the agent that is issuing the evidence.1..1Agent
+++IdentifierThe identifier of the Issuing Authority.1..1Identifier
++++Identifier/@schemeIDScheme identifier for the agent identification. Must use the prefix '[Code]' (e.g., R-EDM-RESP-C039dct:identifier
+++NameThe name of the Issuing Authority1..1Text
++IsConformantToRelation to an Evidence Type. An Evidence Type is a type of evidence that can be provided to meet a requirement, within a certain jurisdiction.1..1EvidenceType
+++EvidenceTypeClassificationAn URI pointing to the Evidence Type that has been provided. The classification is linking with the Evidence Type of the Semantic Repository (Evidence Broker). 1..1CodeR-EDM-RESP-C017cccev:evidenceTypeClassificationCore Criterion Core Evidence Vocabulary


A name to identify in common language the Evidence Type. Unbounded cardinality to support multiple languages.1..nText


The language of the title encoded as 

ISO 639-1 two-letter code. Default value "en"

MCodeR-EDM-RESP-C018, R-EDM-RESP-C019dct:title


A description of the Evidence Type. Unbounded cardinality to support multiple languages.0..nText


The language of the description encoded as 

ISO 639-1 two-letter code. Default value "en"

MCodeR-EDM-RESP-C020, R-EDM-RESP-C021dct:description
++DistributionA concrete representation of the Evidence that is transported through the OOP Technical System as part of the response to the request.1..1Distribution

A registered schema or conformance profile in the OOTS semantic repository to which the distributed evidence conforms. 

0..1URIR-EDM-RESP-C022dct:conformsToThe element's value is a persistent URL, pointing to an entry of the OOTS Semantic Repository that contains all the relevant information of such a profile.
+++FormatThe technical representation of the evidence. Declaration of the file types that provide structured content like PDF, XML, JSON, RDF etc1..1CodeR-EDM-RESP-C023dct:format 
+++PackagingFormatThe format that is used to group the content of the evidence together.0..1CodeR-EDM-RESP-C024dct:MediaType
+++CompressionFormatThe format that is used to compress the content of the evidence.0..1CodeR-EDM-RESP-C025dct:MediaType
+++LanguageThe language(s) in which the evidence is provided.0..nCodeR-EDM-RESP-C026dct:LinguisticSystem
++ValidityPeriodThe validity period of the evidence ensured by the Evidence Provider. 0..1Period
+++StartDateThe start date of the validity period. The start date time must have granularity of seconds, and include time zone information.1..1DateR-EDM-RESP-C040schema:startDate
+++EndDateThe start date of the validity period. The start date time must have granularity of seconds, and include time zone information.1..1DateR-EDM-RESP-C041schema:endDate

The EvidenceMetadata Slot has a SlotValue of type AnyValueType containing an Evidence class. The DCAT Application profile is used for representing each XML element. 
The Evidence class contains:

  • The Unique Identifier of the issued evidence
  • A reference to the EvidenceType to which the Evidence is conformant to
  • The Evidence Subject in the "IsAbout" element, either a natural or a legal person;
  • The Distribution class, which includes:
    • The Format, conformance and locale code as defined in the SDG Application Profile.
    • The Transformation applied to the evidence, if any.
  • The Issuing Body which uses the Agent class from the SDG Application Profile using the Vocabulary's Agent class:
    • This includes an identifier, the name and an address.
  • The document's issue date;
  • Language(s) used in the specific included evidence;
  • Optionally, a validity period, specified in the temporal element with a start and end date.

When using a Core Vocabulary for representing the value of each element, AnyValueType is used as its type since it allows data in XML format to be used as the slot's value. 

 <!--   EvidenceMetadata Slot  -->    
 <rim:Slot name="EvidenceMetadata">
   	<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
                Must contain at least the Minimum Data Set part of the
                evidence Subject attributes to confirm identity matching   
			    Must contain either a IsAbout <<NaturalPerson>> or <<LegalPerson>> but NOT both.    
                	<!-- The identifier of the user retrieved through the EvidenceRequest from eIDAS -->
                  	<Identifier schemeID="eidas">DK/DE/123456</Identifier>
                    <!-- Mandatory Minimum Data Set -->

			<!-- The issuing authority which might be different from the evidence provider e.g. if the evidence provider acts as intermediary platform for data services -->
               	<Identifier schemeID="">DE73524311</Identifier>
              	<Name lang="en">Civil Registration Office Berlin I</Name>

		  	<!-- Classification Information - Used for linking with the Semantic Repository and Evidence Broker -->  	
 		    	<Title lang="en">Certificate of Birth</Title>
				<Title lang="de">Geburtsurkunde</Title>
				<Description lang="en">An official certificate of birth of a person - with first name, surname, sex, date and place of birth, which is obtained from the birth register of the place of birth.</Description>
				<Description lang="de">Eine amtliche Bescheinigung über die Geburt einer Person – mit Vorname, Familienname, Geschlecht, Datum und Ort der Geburt, welche aus dem Geburtsregister des Geburtsortes erstellt wird.</Description>
		    <!-- The issuing date, distribution and validity period of the evidence -->

  • No labels