
Ministry of Digital Policy, Telecommunications and Information


No legislation in place

Recommended for

Submitting: Economic operators
Receiving and processing: National, regional and local contracting authorities


No mandatory standards




In Greece, there is no legislation for electronic invoicing (eInvoicing) in place. Currently, eInvoices in B2G public procurement are used on a voluntary basis.

eInvoicing platform and eInvoicing management solutions

Further to a successful application to the 2016 CEF Telecom Call for eInvoicing, funding was allocated to UPRC (University of Piraeus Research Center), General Secretariat of Commerce and Consumer Protection, General Secretariat of Information Systems, General Secretariat of Digital Policy, IMPACT, Retail-Link and SingularLogic to implement an interoperable eInvoicing infrastructure in Greece. The Interoperable eInvoicing in Greece (GRinv) programme, which is led by the University of Piraeus Research Center and supported by Greek national authorities and private providers, will implement the PEPPOL ‘four corner model’ to process B2G eInvoices. It is planned to start in the autumn of 2017 and will last for 12 months.

The project consortium, composed of three public agencies, one university as coordinator and technical expert and three private entities, aims to introduce standardized electronic invoicing in the Greek public sector regarding its internal processes and its cooperation with the private market of suppliers and enable economic operators to submit eInvoices compliant to EN for the purpose of B2G contract execution via the ESIDIS eProcurement system. The General Secretariat of Commerce and Consumer Protection operates ESIDIS.

Furthermore, the General Secretariat of Information Systems will enable the back-office system of GAO (General Accounting Office) to handle standardised eInvoices for the purposes of expenses approval, processing and payment.

Approach for receiving and processing eInvoices

Currently, there is no standardised approach to eInvoicing in Greece. The electronic submission of invoices is not mandatory. There are currently several private eInvoicing service providers, such as IMPACT, RETAIL-LINK, SINGULARLOGIC, which allow economic operators to submit their invoices to contracting authorities electronically. Economic operators can submit their eInvoices using various standards. The Greek government authorities plan to evaluate best practices from other countries to see how to best move towards standardised submission of eInvoices in Greece.

Additional information

Greece participated in the PEPPOL Large-Scale Pilot and tested the electronic procurement system for public administrations (e-Prior). 

Are you aware of further developments on eInvoicing B2G in this country? Contact us via the link Something wrong with this page? at the bottom of this page.
You can also access the 2016 eInvoicing Country Sheets via the eInvoicing User Community.


Last updated:  Dec 11, 2017 13:39




Panayotis Zafeiropoulos & William Drakos 

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