
National Tax and Customs Administration (NTCA)


There is no specific national eInvoicing legislation. Act CXXVII of 2007 on Value Added Tax states that invoices can be printed or issued electronically

Voluntary for

Submitting: Economic operators
Receiving and processing: Central, regional and local contracting authorities


No particular standards in use


No eInvoicing platform available


There is no eInvoicing legislation in place in Hungary.

According to section 174 of the Act CXXVII of 2007 on Value Added Tax, an invoice may be printed on paper or issued electronically.

Section 175 of the aforementioned Act lays down the rules related to electronic invoicing. According to this section, contracting authorities should accept eInvoices if the authenticity of the origin of the eInvoice and the integrity of its content are guaranteed.

Economic operators can ensure these requirements by means of an advanced electronic signature [1] and time stamps [2] or by making eInvoices available through electronic data interchange (EDI) systems.

[1] Advanced electronic signatures should be certified by qualified service providers registered according to specific legislation.

[2] Time stamps show the time when an eInvoice was created. 

eInvoicing platform and management solutions

There are no centralised platforms to process eInvoices in Hungary. 

Approach for receiving and processing

Contracting authorities and economic operators should decide on the solution to submit, receive and process electronic invoices in a prior written agreement with a detailed technical description of EDIs' data, system and format to use. In addition, economic operators should ensure that a summary document is sent to the contracting authority stating the eInvoices issued during the given month. 

Additional information

The implementation of Directive 2014/55/EC on electronic invoicing in public procurement is in progress.

Last updated:  Nov 28, 2017 18:07



András Pócza & István Magyar

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