
Centre for Information Technology of the State (CTIE)


No legislation in place

Voluntary for

Submitting: Economic operators
Receiving and processing: National and local authorities [1]


No mandatory standards de jure but de facto eInvoices sent to the Government have to be compliant with the eInvoicing standards PEPPOL-BIS and UBL 2.1 (and future versions of these standards from the moment on where they will be used by the PEPPOL network)


PEPPOL access point


In Luxembourg, there is no legislation for electronic invoicing (eInvoicing) in place. eInvoices in B2G public procurement are used on a voluntary basis.

The Luxembourgish government plans to transpose the eInvoicing Directive 2014/55/EU into national legislation in 2018. 

eInvoicing platform and eInvoicing management solutions

In Luxembourg, eInvoices are submitted and processed using a central PEPPOL access point as well as sector-specific dispatching and accounting solutions. The maintenance of the PEPPOL access point is outsourced to an external service provider. According to the eInvoicing programme of the Luxembourgish government, the PEPPOL access point is to be used by all governmental organisations and can also be used by local organisations, given that they integrate PEPPOL with their accounting systems. They would have to individually integrate the PEPPOL access point as currently the accounting back office of the government is not used by the local municipalities and only available for the central government.

Approach for receiving and processing eInvoices

Economic operators can submit eInvoices via the PEPPOL access point using the PEPPOL-BIS and UBL 2.1 eInvoicing standards. The contracting authorities process these invoices for the moment still manually.

The eInvoicing programme of the Luxembourgish government foresees the integration of eInvoices with the government’s accounting system with the aim of fully automating the eInvoicing submission, processing and payment process. 

Additional information

There is no additional information available.   

[1] There are no regional authorities in Luxembourg.

Last updated:  Nov 28, 2017 18:08




Gérard Soisson

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