
Ministry of Economic Affairs and Digital Transformation via the Secretary General for Digital Administration (SGAD);

Ministry of Finance via the General State Comptroller (IGAE);


Law 25/2013 establishing the obligation of the electronic invoicing and the creation of the entry registration point. In accordance with the law, B2G eInvoicing is mandatory in Spain since 2015. 

Transposed the Directive 2014/55/EU


Use of the extra year for compliance of non-central entities (by )


Mandatory for

Submitting: Public administration suppliers (for invoices higher than EUR 5 000);
Receiving and processing: Central, Regional & Local authorities.


The European standard on eInvoicing is fully implemented. 

Facturae – XML based national standard (used in association with an eSignature following the XAdES standard)

PlatformFACe, single eInvoicing entry point
Use of CIUS and Extensions


Spanish national CIUS applies national regulations and conventions for eInvoicing to the public sector and restricts data formats in compliance with the eInvoice national format (Facturae). 


The Law 25/2013 mandates the use of electronic invoices as well as an accounting record of invoices in the public sector. It also obliges all public entities to receive all invoices through one common point of entry regardless of their different units and departments. This common entry point, FACe, is publicly available.

In accordance with this law and as of 15 January 2015, all invoices sent to the public sector entities must be submitted electronically, should have a structured format (Facturae V3.2.X) and be signed with an electronic signature based on a qualified certificate.

Public administrations shall receive and process invoices electronically; nevertheless, administrations can accept printed invoices under certain circumstances (e.g. if the amount is less than EUR 5 000). 

eInvoicing platform and eInvoicing management solutions

The General State Administration offers an eInvoicing entry point (FACe) to all public entities as a free of charge service. The use of FACe is mandatory for the central government and optional for regional and local governments. FACe enables the submission and tracking of eInvoices addressed to thousands of public administrations connected to the system. More than 8 000 public administrations use FACe (updated data can be consulted at OBSAE, the public administration observatory), including 16 of the 17 autonomous communities, more than 8 000 local governments and all of the public organisations of the General State Administration.

Public administration suppliers are free to choose their eInvoicing solution. The electronic invoicing platform FACe can be accessed through open, public and free automated interfaces; which has created a dynamic market of private solutions with high added-value to allow large companies, the entire banking sector, and many SMEs to provide electronic billing services integrated with the platform. The use of specific eInvoicing solution providers is neither mandatory nor recommended. Nevertheless, SGAD maintains a list of eInvoicing solution providers, all of which fulfill the following conditions: they are connected to FACe through the automated interface of web services available to suppliers and they have submitted electronic invoices through the mentioned interface.

FACeB2B is a new platform (available since June 2018) allowing B2B electronic invoicing. It is provided by the government, it is free of charge for any business and it uses the same format and interfaces already in place for B2G invoicing.

Approach for receiving and processing eInvoices

FACe is the single-entry point of eInvoices for central government. Local and regional governments can either develop their own solutions or use a reception system provided by other administrations. In most cases the system of choice is FACe. Suppliers can retrieve ‘eInvoicing addresses’ of any public administration (even those not connected to FACe) using the directories and query services available in the FACe portal. All eInvoice reception systems are integrated with the Accounting Register of Invoices, which acts as a centralised mechanism of the payment process control. 

Electronic invoicing services provided by FACe can be accessed through the platform’s portal. A web services interface is also provided in order to support direct integration of invoice processing applications. Its services include: directory of financial units and discovery of invoice presentation points, submission of eInvoices and tracking and management of presented eInvoices. Public administration suppliers can create eInvoices using any compliant invoicing application; using an eInvoicing service provider (e.g. banks); or, especially in the case of SMEs processing low volumes of invoices, using the free eInvoicing client software provided by the Spanish Ministry of Industry. This free eInvoicing client software is fully integrated into the FACe platform through the aforementioned web services interface.

This open approach has contributed to the success of eInvoicing in Spain. The FACe system processes more than 12 million eInvoices annually (updated information is available in OBSAE), providing considerable savings for the public and private sectors due to the use of a fully automated invoicing process. Specifically, an independent study found savings of EUR 14 million for suppliers and EUR 24 million for public administrations in the first half of 2015 alone (see the news section here).

eInvoicing implementation in sub-central level contracting authorities 

At sub-central level, more than 8 000 contracting authorities use FACe, the centralised platform provided by the government. For non-domestic suppliers, the centralised platform actions a "translation" between formats. Law 25/2013 applies to sub-central bodies as well.   

The Spanish national CIUS is also applicable at the sub-central level. The communication about this CIUS is ensured through the updated CEF community-driven registry. 

The onboarding actions to public authorities and SMEs are done through the FACe platform offering B2G sub-central and B2B and the intervention of the National Forum. 

The main identified benefits of the implementation of eInvoicing at the sub-central level are cost and operational savings, the reduction of administrative burden and optimisation of time to payments and the contribution to process automation. 

Status on the implementation of the European Standard on eInvoicing (EN)

The implementation of EN in public entities is accomplished through FACe, the single entry point for eInvoices. This platform provides a translation mechanism to the national format (Facturae) allowing any public entity to process EN invoices with the current set of tools and applications available.

In order to strengthen this translation process a dedicated CIUS has been developed applying national regulations and conventions for eInvoicing to the public sector and restricts data formats in compliance with the eInvoice national format (Facturae).

Monitoring eInvoicing implementation 

The eInvoicing monitoring is ensured via the platform FACe. The monitoring is based on the analysis of the number of invoices that are submitted electronically and submitted in a specific syntax. The data is publicly available and continually updated in OBSAE

Additional information

The Electronic Invoice Forum is responsible for the management of eInvoicing at national level. It includes representatives from both the private and the public sectors. Its responsibilities include:

  • Monitoring and analysis of the current situation of eInvoicing;
  • Identification of opportunities for improvement and progress towards the full adoption of an eInvoicing in public procurement;
  • Promotion of the collaboration of public and private sector organisations in the harmonisation of the technical and functional requirements for eInvoices;
  • Ensure that eInvoicing becomes a reality throughout the Spanish public sector;
  • The decisions made at meetings of the Electronic Invoice Forum are publicly available at

Are you aware of further developments on eInvoicing B2G in this country? Contact us via the link Something wrong with this page? at the bottom of this page.
You can also access the 2016, 2017, 20182019 and 2020 eInvoicing Country Sheets via the eInvoicing User Community.


Last updated:  Jun 29, 2021 10:48



ReviewerIsmael García Cebada

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