How to authenticate the C1 sender and C4 final recipient using WS plugin.

When sending a message, C1 creates a message for C2. During this process C1 sets the value OriginalSender and Final recipient  in the Message Properties.

To authenticate the original Sender (C1) when sending the message and final recipient C4 when retrieving the message, please follow the instructions below:

Step-by-step guide

Please configure the basic authentication by creating a dedicated plugin user for each Original sender and final recipient. You can do that by assigning a unique Original sender and final recipient value .

Using this approach, each plugin user will be associated with an "Original user".

  • When you are sending the message the Original User must match the "OriginalSender".
  • When you are receiving message the Original User must match the "FinalRecipient".

For example :

Create puser1 and puser2 in 2 instances of Domibus with 

<ns:Property name="originalSender">urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:partyid-type:unregistered:puser1</ns:Property>
<ns:Property name="finalRecipient">urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:partyid-type:unregistered:puser2</ns:Property>

In the soap UI submitMessage request. You can check the receipts using the SoapUI ListPendingMessages request.

You must set domibus.auth.unsecureLoginAllowed=false in to enable basic authentication: