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The AS4.NET MSH component uses PModes (Processing Modes) files to configure sending and receiving operations.
These PModes are actually a series of settings that can be configured to meet your requirements (compression, signing, encryption, notification, delivery, ...).

This section explains the settings that can be set in Sending and Receiving PModes.

Note that there are examples of both PModes in the ./samples/pmodes folder.

Starting from v4.0.0 the Receiving PMode is used to respond to messages instead of the Sending PMode. This migration is explained in the following Remove Response PMode section.

(**) When the received payloads must be delivered to the FileSystem, the following parameters available:


Location: The location on the filesystem (directory) where the payloads must be delivered.

FileNameFormat: Defines how the filename of the delivered payloads must look like. There are two macro's available that can be used to define this pattern:


When the FileNameFormat parameter is not defined, the AttachmentId of the payload will be used as the filename When the FileNameFormat parameter is defined, but it contains none of the above defined parameters, then _{AttachmentId} will be appended.

> (The FileNameFormat parameter is available as from AS4.NET v2.0.1)


AllowOverwrite: Defines whether files with the same name can be overwritten when delivering a payload. Possible values are True and False, the default-value is false.

(The AllowOverwrite parameter is available as from AS4.NET v2.0.1)