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<section class="section" id="sec-1-sap">
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            <div class="col-7">
                <p class="page-reference">Security and privacy</p>
                <h2 class="h2 pb">The <strong>security and privacy</strong> features of the EU Digital Identity Wallet</h2>
            <div class="col-5">
                <img src="/digital-building-blocks/sites/download/attachments/712508927/illu-sec-1.svg" aria-hidden="true">


<section class="section padding-b-108-responsive" id="sec-5-sap">
    <div class="container" id="keep-track-of-the-data-you-share" tabindex="-1">
        <div class="cols wrapper-1">
            <div class="col-8 left-col">
                <h2 class="pb h2"><strong>Keep track</strong> of the <strong>data you share</strong></h2>
                <img src="/digital-building-blocks/sites/download/attachments/712508927/image-card-3.svg" aria-hidden="true">
                <p>Keeping track of what data about yourself you do choose to share ensures your security and privacy stays protected.
                    You will always know exactly who has accessed your data. The EU Digital Identity Wallet's built in privacy dashboard
                    will ensure you'll always have a clear view of who you've shared your data with.</p>
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                <img src="/digital-building-blocks/sites/download/attachments/712508927/image-card-3.svg" aria-hidden="true">
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                    <p class="ref">Privacy dashboard</p>
                    <h3 class="h3 pb">
                        <strong>Know where your data has been </strong> with the <strong>privacy dashboard</strong>
                    <p>Every EU Digital Identity Wallet will have a built-in dashboard offering an overview of who you've shared data with,
                        and exactly what data was shared. This dashboard will include:</p>
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                <div class="col-5 left-col">
                    <div class="txt-wrapper">
                        <h4 class="h4">A log with your transaction history</h>h4>
                        <p>Every service provider you've shared data with will be listed.</p>
                    <div class="txt-wrapper">
                        <h4 class="h4">Data deletion request</h>h4>
                        <p>You will be able to request that the service provider you've interacted 
                            with delete your data, directly through the dashboard.</p>
                    <div class="txt-wrapper">
                        <h4 class="h4">Reporting</h>h4>
                        <p>Worried that someone you shared personal information with has 
                            misused your data? You can report your concerns directly in the dashboard.</p>
                    <div class="txt-wrapper">
                        <h4 class="h4">Your data is yours</h>h4>
                        <p>You have the right to download your data from the wallet.</p>
                <div class="col-6 right-col">
                    <div class="top-wrapper-2">
                        <img src="/digital-building-blocks/sites/download/attachments/712508927/image-sec-5-phone-1.png" aria-hidden="true">
                        <img src="/digital-building-blocks/sites/download/attachments/712508927/image-sec-5-phone-2.png" aria-hidden="true">
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                        <svg xmlns="" width="25" height="25" viewBox="0 0 25 25" fill="none">
                            <path d="M12.5947 17.5713C12.8781 17.5713 13.1156 17.4755 13.3072 17.2838C13.4989 17.0921 13.5947 16.8546 13.5947 16.5713V12.5713C13.5947 12.288 13.4989 12.0505 13.3072 11.8588C13.1156 11.6671 12.8781 11.5713 12.5947 11.5713C12.3114 11.5713 12.0739 11.6671 11.8822 11.8588C11.6906 12.0505 11.5947 12.288 11.5947 12.5713V16.5713C11.5947 16.8546 11.6906 17.0921 11.8822 17.2838C12.0739 17.4755 12.3114 17.5713 12.5947 17.5713ZM12.5947 9.57129C12.8781 9.57129 13.1156 9.47546 13.3072 9.28379C13.4989 9.09212 13.5947 8.85462 13.5947 8.57129C13.5947 8.28796 13.4989 8.05046 13.3072 7.85879C13.1156 7.66712 12.8781 7.57129 12.5947 7.57129C12.3114 7.57129 12.0739 7.66712 11.8822 7.85879C11.6906 8.05046 11.5947 8.28796 11.5947 8.57129C11.5947 8.85462 11.6906 9.09212 11.8822 9.28379C12.0739 9.47546 12.3114 9.57129 12.5947 9.57129ZM12.5947 22.5713C11.2114 22.5713 9.91139 22.3088 8.69473 21.7838C7.47806 21.2588 6.41973 20.5463 5.51973 19.6463C4.61973 18.7463 3.90723 17.688 3.38223 16.4713C2.85723 15.2546 2.59473 13.9546 2.59473 12.5713C2.59473 11.188 2.85723 9.88796 3.38223 8.67129C3.90723 7.45462 4.61973 6.39629 5.51973 5.49629C6.41973 4.59629 7.47806 3.88379 8.69473 3.35879C9.91139 2.83379 11.2114 2.57129 12.5947 2.57129C13.9781 2.57129 15.2781 2.83379 16.4947 3.35879C17.7114 3.88379 18.7697 4.59629 19.6697 5.49629C20.5697 6.39629 21.2822 7.45462 21.8072 8.67129C22.3322 9.88796 22.5947 11.188 22.5947 12.5713C22.5947 13.9546 22.3322 15.2546 21.8072 16.4713C21.2822 17.688 20.5697 18.7463 19.6697 19.6463C18.7697 20.5463 17.7114 21.2588 16.4947 21.7838C15.2781 22.3088 13.9781 22.5713 12.5947 22.5713ZM12.5947 20.5713C14.8281 20.5713 16.7197 19.7963 18.2697 18.2463C19.8197 16.6963 20.5947 14.8046 20.5947 12.5713C20.5947 10.338 19.8197 8.44629 18.2697 6.89629C16.7197 5.34629 14.8281 4.57129 12.5947 4.57129C10.3614 4.57129 8.46973 5.34629 6.91973 6.89629C5.36973 8.44629 4.59473 10.338 4.59473 12.5713C4.59473 14.8046 5.36973 16.6963 6.91973 18.2463C8.46973 19.7963 10.3614 20.5713 12.5947 20.5713Z" fill="#4E5169"></path>
                        <p>The depiction above is for illustrative purposes only and is not representative of what the EUDI-Wallets made available by Member States will look like.</p>
