Download TL Manager v5.1

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Release note


  • [TLM-45] - xml:lang="" issue in Sie:aSI "ForeSignatures" extensions not detected by TLM
  • [TLM-42] - Check on Issue Date is not refreshed
  • Check with certificate 'Organization'
  • [TLM-15] - SK : Additional TL XSDscheme
  • [TLM-26] - 'Changes loading failure' importing xml
  • [TLM-28] - Sequence number on error when new TL published
  • [TLM-29] - Error icon (PTOTSL checks) still present when issue corrected
  • [TLM-113] - Qualification Extension removed and created for each new TL
  • Problem of cache on server


  • [TLM-53] - Signature of MS notification
  • [TLM-54] - Validation of Notification
  • [TLM-55] - First integration of TLCC
  • [TLM-56] - Integrate changes in status report
  • [TLM-57] - Alerting of TL publication (country by country) - First integration
  • [TLM-58] - Compare published TL against a previous one
  • [TLM-59] - Execute CRON jobs on demand
  • [TLM-60] - Country code in URL for browsing current published TL.
  • [TLM-61] - Auto update of LOTL trust Anchor
  • [TLM-62] - Disabling/Enabling checks when editing a Trusted List
  • [TLM-63] - Review Checks impact
  • Integration of DSS 4.7.RC1
  • [TLM-21] - Automatic PTOTSL generation
  • [TLM-110] Vulnerability - Path Manipulation
  • [TLM-111] Vulnerability - Header Manipulation
  • [TLM-112] Vulnerability - Information Disclosure


  • [TLM-27] - Migration service date

  • No labels