Release description

TLManager v5.0 is a web application allowing the creation, the edition, the signature, the validation and the monitoring of TLs.

This version of TLManager is forked from TLManager 5.4. It provides more appropriate tools for Trusted Lists (TLs) that don’t figure in the list of the lists (LOTL) published by the European Commission pursuant to Article 9 of eIDAS Regulation 910/2014. Therefore, constraints on the conformance and the signature of TLs are relaxed and some services as notifications, statistics and EU Trust Backbone have been removed.

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  1. Can you enable to download the complete installation "TL Manager non-EU v5.0" + Operating System (Ubuntu) + MySQL + Apache Tomcat as a VMware virtual machine?

    Thanks for your answer.

  2. It would be even more useful to provide a Dockerfile for setting up a suitable container. Thanks.