

The data models are available as UML diagrams and Tables: 

  • UML Diagrams: Models are visually represented in a diagram based on the UML (Unified Modeling Language) with the purpose of displaying the classes, their attributes and cardinalities along with the relationships between the classes. 
  • Tables: Models are represented in a tabular view with additional information not included in the UML diagram such as expected type, definition and code list. 

SDG Sandbox

Data model for vehicle domain

Vehicle Registration Evidence

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Vehicle Registration Evidence

Definition: Official document or data proving the registration of a Vehicle.

Source: Council Directive 1999/37/EC of 29 April 1999 on the registration documents for vehicles

attribute expected type definition cardinality code list
registration number Identifier A numeric or alphanumeric identifier that uniquely identifies the Vehicle (or vehicle owner) within the isssuing region's vehicle register. Also known as license/number plate. [1..1] N/A
status Code Actual status of the vehicle's registration. [1..1] Issue #16
first registration date Date Date of first registration of the Vehicle (somewhere in the world). [0..1] N/A
start registration date Date Start date of registration of the Vehicle in the Member State. [1..1] N/A
end registration date Date End date of registration of the Vehicle in the Member State. (This property is used if the vehicle has been de-registered in the Member State.) [0..1] N/A
registered Vehicle Vehicle The Vehicle that is the subject of the Vehicle Registration Evidence. [1..1] N/A
issuing authority Public Organisation A Public Organisation with official authority in charge of issuing the Vehicle Registration Evidence. [1..1] N/A
holder Agent The natural person or legal person in whose name the Vehicle is registered. [0..1] N/A


Definition: A machine, usually with wheels and a means of propulsion (e.g. an engine or a motor), used for transporting people or goods on land, especially on roads.

Source: Council Directive 1999/37/EC of 29 April 1999 on the registration documents for vehicles

attribute expected type definition cardinality code list
identification number Identifier Vehicle identification number (VIN). [1..1] N/A
make Text The make of the Vehicle, e.g. Ford, Opel, Renault, etc. [1..*] N/A
type Text The type of the Vehicle as described in B. of Annex II of Directive 2007/46/EC. [1..*] N/A
type variant Text The type variant of the Vehicle as described in B. of Annex II of Directive 2007/46/EC. [0..*] N/A
type version Text The type version of the Vehicle as described in B. of Annex II of Directive 2007/46/EC. [0..*] N/A
vehicle category Code The category of the Vehicle as described in A. of Annex II of Directive 2007/46/EC. [0..*] A. of Annex II of Directive 2007/46/EC
commercial name Text The commercial name of the Vehicle, e.g. Focus, Astra, Megane. [1..*] N/A
maximum technically permissable laden mass Decimal The maximum technically permissible laden mass of the Vehicle (in kg). [0..1] N/A
actual mass Decimal The mass of the vehicle in service with bodywork, and with coupling device in the case of a towing vehicle in service from any category other than M1 (in kg). [1..1] N/A
type approval number Text The type-approval number. [0..*] N/A
engine capacity Decimal The engine capacity (in cm3). [0..1] N/A
engine maximum net power Decimal The engine maximum net power (in kW). [0..1] N/A
fuel type or power source Code The type of fuel or power source. [1..1] TBD
power to weight ratio Decimal The power to weight ratio (in kW/kg). (Only for motorcycles.) [0..1] N/A
seats Decimal The number of seats, including the driver's seat. [1..1] N/A
standing places Decimal The number of standing places (where appropriate). [0..1] N/A
colour Text The main, basic color of the Vehicle. [0..1] N/A
year of manufacture Year The year in which the Vehicle was produced. [0..1] N/A
environmental category Code Indication of the environmental category of EC type-approval. [0..1] Directive 70/220/EEC (for positive-ignition engines) or Directive 88/77/EEC (for diesel engines)
CO2 EmissionValue Exhaust emissions of carbon dioxide (in g/km). [0..1] N/A
CO EmissionValue Exhaust emissions of carbon monoxide (in g/km). [0..1] N/A
HC EmissionValue Exhaust emissions of hydrocarbon (in g/km). [0..1] N/A
NOx EmissionValue Exhaust emissions of nitrogen oxides (in g/km). [0..1] N/A
HC + NOx EmissionValue Exhaust emissions of hydrocarbon and nitrogen oxides (in g/km). [0..1] N/A
has conformity evidence Conformity Evidence The Conformity Evidence of the Vehicle. [0..1] N/A
has technical inspection evidence Technical Inspection Evidence The last Technical Inspection Evidence of the Vehicle. [0..1] N/A
owner Agent The natural person or legal person that is the legal owner of the Vehicle (i.e. the entity that has bought the Vehicle, and has the right to sell it). [0..*] N/A
legal user Agent The natural person or legal person that has the legal right to use the Vehicle. [0..*] N/A

Conformity Evidence

Definition: Official document or data proving that the technical characteristics of the produced type of vehicle fulfils all the technical, safety and environmental requirements needed for EC Whole Vehicle Type Approval (EC-WVTA), at the time of its production.

attribute expected type definition cardinality code list
identifier Identifier The identifier relation is used to link a Technical Inspection Evidence to any formally issued Identifier for that Technical Inspection Evidence. [0..1] N/A

Technical Inspection Evidence

Definition: Official document or data proving the Vehicle's (non)compliance to the technical and legal specifications by means of an inspection.

attribute expected type definition cardinality code list
identifier Identifier The identifier relation is used to link a Technical Inspection Evidence to any formally issued Identifier for that Technical Inspection Evidence. [0..1] N/A
last inspection date Date The last date on which the Vehicle underwent a Technical Inspection. [1..1] N/A
validity period Period The Period of time during which the Vehicle is deemed technically safe to drive on public roads and after which it needs to be inspected again. [0..1] N/A


Definition: Any entity that is able to carry out actions.

attribute expected type definition cardinality code list
identifier Identifier The identifier relation is used to link an Agent to any formally issued Identifier for that Agent. [0..*] N/A
registered address Address The registered Address of the Agent. [0..1] N/A


Definition: An individual natural person who may be dead or alive, but not imaginary.

Subclass of: Agent

Source: ISA² Core Person Vocabulary

attribute expected type definition cardinality code list
given name Text A given name, or multiple given names, are the denominator(s) that identify an individual within a family. These are given to a Person by his or her parents at birth or may be legally recognised as 'given names' through a formal process. All given names are ordered in one field so that, for example, the given name for Johann Sebastian Bach is “Johann Sebastian”. [1..*] N/A
family name Text A family name is usually shared by members of a family. This attribute also carries prefixes or suffixes which are part of the family name, e.g. “de Boer”, “van de Putte”, “von und zu Orlow”. Multiple family names, such as are commonly found in Hispanic countries, are recorded in the single family nme field so that, for example, Miguel de Cervantes Saavedra's family name would be recorded as "de Cervantes Saavedra". [1..*] N/A
date of birth Date The day on which the Person was born. [0..1] N/A
place of birth Location The Location where the Person was born. [0..1] N/A


Definition: Represents a collection of people organised together into a community or other social, commercial or political structure. The group has some common purpose or reason for existence which goes beyond the set of people belonging to it and can act as an Agent. Organisations are often decomposable into hierarchical structures.

Subclass of: Agent

Source: The Organization Ontology

attribute expected type definition cardinality code list
preferred label Text As defined in the ORG Ontology, a preferred label is used to provide the primary, legally recognised name of the organisation. An organisation may only have one such name in any given language. Primary names may be provided in multiple languages with multiple instances of the preferred label property. [1..*] N/A

Public Organisation

Definition: Any organisation that is defined as being part of the public sector by a legal framework at any level.

Subclass of: Organisation

Source: ISA² Core Public Organisation Vocabulary

attribute expected type definition cardinality code list
identifier Identifier The identifier relation is used to link a Public Organisation to any formally issued Identifier for that Public Organisation. [1..*] N/A


Definition: An identifiable geographic place or named place.

Source: ISA² Core Location Vocabulary

Given that both attributes are optional, at least one of the attributes must be provided.

attribute expected type definition cardinality code list
geographic name Text A geographic name is a proper noun applied to a spatial object. The INSPIRE Data Specification on Geographical Names [INGN] provides a detailed model for describing a 'named place', including methods for providing multiple names in multiple scripts. [0..*] N/A
geographic identifier URI A URI that identifies the Location. [0..1] GeoNames
address Address The address property relationship associates a Location with the Address entity. [0..1] N/A


Definition: A spatial object that identifies a fixed location of a property in a human-readable way.

Source: ISA² Core Location Vocabulary

attribute expected type definition cardinality code list
admin unit level 1 Code The uppermost administrative unit for the address, almost always a country. [1..1] Country
admin unit level 2 Code The region of the address, usually a county, state or other such area that typically encompasses several localities. [0..*] NUTS
full address Text The complete address written as a string, with or without formatting. [0..*] N/A

Complex datatypes

Emission Value

Definition: Value of an exhaust emission, as assessed via a certain measuring method.

attribute expected type definition cardinality code list
measurement method Code The method or procedure that was used to measure and/or calculate the exhaust emission. [1..1] {WLTP, NEDC}
value Float The actual value of the Emission as measured via the measurement method. [1..1] N/A

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