
1 Overview

The Data Service Directory is a Common Service defined in the OOTS HLA. It maintains a catalog of Evidence Providers with the Evidence Types they are able to provide upon request using their Data Services. It is used in the Evidence Exchange process by the Evidence Requesters to discover the Evidence Providers that can provide the evidences they require, together with the required metadata and attributes imposed by the Data Services, like the classifications and context determinations of the Evidence Providers.

The information data model is based on the SDGR Application Profile for the DSD. The Service API is implemented using the OASIS RegRep v4 Query Protocol with the REST API Binding.

In the following sections, a detailed analysis of the internal data model and the Service API specification are provided.

2 Functionality

The main functionality of the DSD is to publish Data Services of Evidence Providers that provide distributions of Evidence Types and make them discoverable through queries. The functionality requires four main classes of Information:

  • The DataServiceEvidenceType, providing the semantic information and requirements for retrieving an evidence type from a Data Service.
  • The Distribution of the DataServiceEvidenceType, describing the format, the semantic and syntactic conformance, under which the Evidence Type can be distributed.
  • The DataService, describing the technical endpoint from which an Evidence Requester can request the Evidence distributions.
  • the EvidenceProvider, describing the details of the Provider of the Evidence.

An Evidence Provider that wants to serve an Evidence of a specific evidence type MUST register this capability in the DSD. To do that, it needs to be registered as an Evidence Provider with its Data Service. Each Data Service MUST be linked with at least one Evidence Type Distribution expressed using the DataServiceEvidenceType class. A DataServiceEvidenceType, if it does not already exist, must also be registered in the DSD containing all the attributes required for informing the Evidence Requester of the requirements for requesting the Evidence, like any additional attributes required for Evidence Provider discovery, the level of assurance of the identification required, together with its available distributions. When all three information classes have been properly registered, the Evidence Provider links its Data Service with the DataServiceEvidence type to publish its capability of providing the specific evidence type through its Data Service. 

The following section describes the Information Data Model used for the registration and the queries of the DSD Service.

3 Information Data Model

3.1.  Introduction

The DSD information Data Model is based on the SDGR Application Profile for the DSD. It is based on the semantic classes of Evidence Type derived from the CCCEV v2.0, the DataService from DCAT and the Organization Class from the Core Public Organisation Vocabularies. It provides all the information aspects of the model, including the data types, use of Identifiers and code lists for every element used in this profile. The serialization of the model is done using XML according to the guidelines below. Below is an example of the XML representation of a Data Service serving an Evidence Type as it is contained in the DSD.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>      
<DataServiceEvidenceType xmlns:xsi=""
    <!-- - - Evidence Type Metadata - - -->
    <!-- The Data Service assigned Unique Identifier of the Evidence Type. Must be used in the Evidence Exchange Request -->
    <!-- Classification Information - Used for linking with the Evidence Broker -->
    <Title>Certificate of Birth</Title>
    <!-- Distribution Information - Multiple Distributions per Data Service Evidence Type -->
    <!-- XML Distribution, conforming to the common data model on Birth Certificate -->
    <!-- PDF Distribution. PDF is unstructured data so there is no conformance to a data model -->
    <!-- - - Evidence Provider and Data Service Metadata - - -->
    <!-- Access Service represents the Data Service serving the piece of Evidence on behalf of an Evidence Provider -->
    <!-- Multiple Access Services, one per Evidence Provider -->
        <!-- The identifier of the Access Service, using ebcore Party ID Type. Used in eDelivery Evidence Exchange for PMode Mapping -->
        <Identifier schemeID="">8889909098</Identifier>
        <!-- The Evidence Exchange profile version to which this access service expects / serves -->
        <!-- The Evidence Provider Information of this access service -->
            <Identifier schemeID="">DE73524311</Identifier>
            <Name>Civil Registration Office Hamburg</Name>
                <FullAddress>Street ABC</FullAddress>
                <!-- NUTS Code -->
    <!-- Additional Access Service representing a different Evidence Provider -->
        <Identifier schemeID="">8889909099</Identifier>
            <!-- The Evidence Provider Information -->
            <Identifier schemeID="">5790000435944</Identifier>
            <Name>Example Organization </Name>
                <FullAddress>Prince Street 15</FullAddress>
                <!-- NUTS Code -->
        <!-- Value from a Codelist required. Must be published in the Semantic Repository -->
        <Description lang="en">Type of Insurance</Description>

The DataServiceEvidenceType consists of specific groups of elements covering different contextual metadata required for a successful Evidence Exchange:

  • Evidence Type Metadata, providing information on the qualities of the Evidence Type.
  • Data Service Metadata, providing information on the identification, distinction, location and jurisdiction of the Evidence Providers and its Data Services.

The following sub-sections provide an overview of the use of elements and attributes found in this class with a detailed explanation.

3.2. Evidence Type Metadata

The Evidence type metadata describes specific aspects of the evidence type such as:

  • The Identifier, using the Identifier element, provided by the Data Services to uniquely identify an Evidence Type with its required metadata. This identifier is used by the Evidence Requester in the Evidence Exchange Request, to identify the Evidence Type to be retrieved by the Data Service.
  • The available distributions, using the DistributedAs element. The distributions provide the available formats for the Evidence Type, such as PDF, XML, JSON etc, using code values from the IANA Media Types registry. For the file types that provide structured content like XML, JSON, RDF, etc., the Data Service can provide a conformance statement, using the conformsTo sub-element of the DistributedAs element, for denoting the semantic and technical conformance profile. The element's value is a persistent URL, pointing to an entry of the OOTS Semantic Repository that contains all the relevant information of such a profile.

3.3. Data Service Metadata

The Data Service metadata provides the necessary information needed for selecting the proper Evidence Provider and its relevant Data Service. It consists of:

  • The Data Service Identifier, using the AccessService/Identifier element that is used by the eDelivery infrastructure to extract and use the proper pre-configured PMode for the submission of the Evidence Request. This identifier is profiled as a CEF eDelivery ebcore Party Identifier
  • The Evidence Exchange Message Data Model Profile and version, denoted in the AccessService/ConformsTo element. Currently, the only value allowed is the oots:edm-1.0. 
  • The Publisher element, providing the Name, Location and Jurisdiction of the Evidence Provider, used by the Evidence Requester for filtering and selection of the correct Evidence Provider.
  • The Evidence Provider Determination Context, defining the location context of the Evidence provider. For example, if the determination context is "Place of Birth", it means that the jurisdiction of the Evidence provider must match the place of birth of the user.

3.4. Evidence Provider Discovery Metadata

3.4.1. Introduction

There could be occasions where the proper discovery of the Evidence Provider requires more data to be provided by the User or Evidence Requester. For example, there might be situations where the jurisdiction of the Evidence Provider MUST map to a specific location attribute of the user like the Place of Birth or the Evidence Provider serves evidence of specific contexts like the type of insurance, the type of company, etc. The DSD provides the following mechanisms for discovering the Evidence Provider based on additional attributes

3.4.2. Evidence Provider Jurisdiction mapping to user attribute

The jurisdiction of the Evidence Provider is usually contextualized with a specific property of the user and the issued evidence type. A birth certificate registry's jurisdiction for example must match the user's place of birth at a specific level of jurisdiction. The DSD contains the EvidenceProviderJurisdictionDetermination attribute that defines the required mapping of the Evidence Provider's jurisdiction, in the DataServiceEvidenceType element. The attribute consists of the following sub-attributes:

  • The Jurisdiction Context Identifier that is used as part of the query API for providing the response to the DSD by the User
  • The Jurisdiction Context itself, which is a multilingual string describing the context as it should be displayed by the Evidence Requester's UI
  • The Jurisdiction Level required, defining the required granularity of the jurisdiction.

The following example describes an entry in the DSD:

   	<sdg:JurisdictionContext lang="en">Place Of Birth</sdg:JurisdictionContext>
   	<sdg:JurisdictionContext lang="de">Geburtsort</sdg:JurisdictionContext>
   	<!-- Codelist defining the jurisdiction levels, registered in the semantic repository -->

3.4.3. Provider Context Determination

Although the jurisdiction mapping can be the main attribute for discovering the Evidence Provider, there are situations where the Evidence Provider must be further classified, depending on domain-specific quality attributes. For example, a registry containing social security and/or insurance contracts covers only specific kinds of insurance (Private, Public, Mixed) or could cover only specific kinds of subjects, (e.g. SMEs, very large companies, construction companies, etc.). These domain-specific quality attributes must be declared in the Evidence Provider's DSD information and also in the DataServiceEvidenceType structure as a mandatory classification filter that needs to be provided by the Evidence Requester. The DSD represents these attributes using the CCCEV 2.0 Information Concept structure. The Evidence Provider declares the qualities supported together with the supported values, as shown in the example below:

  	<sdg:Identifier schemeID="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:partyid-type:iso6523:0060">8889909099</Identifier>
		 /* Omitted ... */
	/* Omitted ... */ 

Classification concepts must be  present in the DataServiceEvidenceType for supporting a filtering mechanism at the Evidence Requester side. The classification concepts are listed, using CCCEV 2.0 at the DataServiceEvidenceType as the following example:

   	<!-- Value from a Codelist required. Must be publised in the Semantic Repository -->
   	<sdg:Description lang="en">Certificate of Birth</sdg:Description>

The complete use of the Evidence Provider Discovery metadata is described in the query interface specification.

4. Query Interface Specification

4.1. Introduction

The query interface specification for the Data Service Directory is based on the OASIS ebXML RegRep V4 standard. This standard has multiple protocol bindings that can be used to execute queries. Since the DSD queries have only simple, single-value parameters, the REST binding is used to implement the DSD query interface. This implies that the query transaction is executed as an HTTP GET request with the URL representing the query to execute and the HTTP response carrying the query response as an XML document. This section further profiles the REST binding as specified in the OASIS RegRep standard for use by the DSD.

The interface only supports a subset of the REST binding. In particular, support for the canonical query parameters defined in section 12 of the OASIS RegRep 4 Registry Services specification is NOT REQUIRED.  

4.2. Query: Find Data Services of Evidence Providers for a specific Evidence Type Classification

4.2.1. Introduction

This query allows the Evidence Requester to find all the Data Services of the Evidence Providers that can provide the required type of Evidence Type and are based in a specific geographic area.

4.2.2. Parameter Details

queryIdMANDATORYThis parameter MUST have value urn:fdc:oots:dsd:ebxml-regrep:queries:dataservices-by-evidencetype-and-jurisdiction.
evidence-type-classificationMANDATORYThe Evidence Type classification code.
country-codeMANDATORYTwo-letter ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 country code.
jurisdiction-admin-l2OPTIONAL3 to 5 letter NUTS code.
jurisdiction-admin-l3OPTIONALLAU Code.
jurisdiction-context-idOPTIONALUsed to provide the jurisdiction context id used for the query. The parameter MUST be used when responding to a DSD exception received, by providing the Jurisdiction Context Id found in the exception.
evidence-type-idOPTIONALUsed to provide the selected Data Service Evidence Type from a set of multiple. The parameter MUST be used when responding to a DSD exception received, by providing the Identifier of the selected DataServiceEvidenceType found in the exception

4.2.3. Result set specification

The result set of this query is specified as follows:

{d ∈ dsd.DataServiceEvidenceType: d.EvidenceTypeClassification == evidence-type-classification ∧ (d.AccessService.EvidenceProvider.Jurisdiction.adminUnitLevel1 == country-code) ∧ (adminUnitL2= "" ∨ d.AccessService.EvidenceProvider.Jurisdiction.adminUnit2 == jurisdiction-admin-l2) ∧ (adminUnitL3 = "" ∨ d.AccessService.EvidenceProvider.Jurisdiction.adminUnitLevel3 == jurisdiction-admin-l3) }

4.3. Query Response of the DSD

4.3.1. Data Model of the Query Response of the DSD

The Query Response of the DSD returns a RegRep QueryResponse document which MUST either contain an Exception or RegistryObjectList element with zero or more RegistryObjects. Each RegistryObject in the result MUST include one Slot element with a SlotValue of type rim:AnyValueType and a single sdg:DataServiceEvidenceType child element, following the SDGR Application Profile of the DSD. The SDGR application profile of the DSD describes how the SDG-Generic-Metadata Profile (SDG-syntax) is profiled in ebRIM in order to compose a valid QueryResponse. It, therefore, contains a mapping to the underlying SDG-syntax elements and necessary parameters to compose a QueryResponse.  The namespace of the SDG-syntax is 

The following data model illustrates the RegRep QueryResponse returned by the DSD.

  QueryResponse of the DSD

4.3.2. Implementation Guideline of the Query Response of the DSD

The table below defines the elements of the data model illustrated above according to the core ebRIM elements and the DataServiceEvidenceType slot which is adapted by the SDGR-Application Profile of the DSD.


The table below represent the tree structure of the data models illustrated in this section. Light grey rows describe classes and define their properties and attributes. Light green rows soley illustrate the classes that are subordinated or associated to a class and therewith illustrate the tree structure of the data model. Light green rows are thus always repeated as light grey rows to describe the properties and attributes of a class. The hierarchy of the tree structure is also indicated in the first column via the '+' symbol. 

HierarchyNameDefinitionCardinalityTypeData TypeRulesCore Vocabulary / DomainElement of Core Vocabulary


root element

Structure: R-DSD-RESP-S001, R-DSD-RESP-S002, R-DSD-RESP-S010


+statusThis attribute contains the status of the response. If the DSD provides at least one RegistryObject, the value "urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:ResponseStatusType:Success" is used. 1..1AttributeIdentifierStructure: R-DSD-RESP-S005, R-DSD-RESP-S006, R-DSD-RESP-S008


Element to list the Registry Objects of the QueryResponse.



Structure: R-DSD-RESP-S007





Element to list the Registry Objects of the QueryResponse.







Element to control the type and structure of Registry Object within the QueryResponse.



Structure: R-DSD-RESP-S015





Element to control the type and structure of Registry Object within the QueryResponse.



Structure: R-DSD-RESP-S015





Unique UUID for each RegistryObject. 


Struture: R-DSD-RESP-S016



+++rim:slot "DataServiceEvidenceType"The slot is a container to describe the specific aspects and metadata of the Data Service and Evidence Type.1..1SlotTypeAnyValueTypeStructure: R-DSD-RESP-S009, R-DSD-RESP-S011ebRIM-
+++rim:slot "DataServiceEvidenceType"The slot is a container to describe the specific aspects and metadata of the Data Service and Evidence Type.1..1SlotTypeAnyValueTypeStructure: R-DSD-RESP-S009, R-DSD-RESP-S011ebRIM-
++++DataServiceEvidenceTypeThe element describes specific aspects and metadata of the Data Service and Evidence Type.1..1DataServiceEvidenceTypeType
Structure: R-DSD-RESP-S012 SDGR Application Profile-
++++DataServiceEvidenceTypeThe element describes specific aspects and metadata of the Data Service and Evidence Type.1..1DataServiceEvidenceTypeType

SDGR Application Profile-
+++++IdentifierThe unique identifier of the Evidence Type of the Data Service. Must be used in the Evidence Request.1..1AttributeIdentifierContent: R-DSD-RESP-C002DCAT-APdct:identifier
+++++EvidenceTypeClassificationA URI pointing to the Evidence Type that this Data Service is supporting. The classification is linked with the Evidence Type of the Semantic Repository (Evidence Broker). 1..1AttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-RESP-C003Core Criterion Core Evidence Vocabularycccev:evidenceTypeClassification
+++++TitleA name to identify in natural language the Evidence Type. Unbounded cardinality to support multiple languages.1..nAttributeText


The language of the title encoded as 

ISO 639-1 two-letter code. Default value "en"

MAttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-RESP-C004, R-DSD-RESP-C005DCAT-APdct:title


A description of the Evidence Type. Unbounded cardinality to support multiple languages.0..nAttributeText


The language of the description encoded as 

ISO 639-1 two-letter code. Default value "en"

MAttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-RESP-C005, R-DSD-RESP-C006DCAT-APdct:description
+++++AuthenticationLevelOfAssuranceThe Minimum eIDAS Level Of Assurance Required for this Evidence Type, so that the Evidence can be released0..1AttributeCode

Content: R-DSD-RESP-C008

+++++DistributedAsThe representations that are supported by the Data Service Evidence Type.1..nEvidenceTypeDistributionType

DCAT Application Profiledcat:distribution
+++++EvidenceProviderJurisdictionDeterminationContextual Information required for the jurisdiction determination of the correct Evidence Provider0..1JurisdictionDeterminationType

SDGR Application Profile
+++++EvidenceProviderClassificationThe Evidence Provider required classifications mapped to this Evidence Type that need to be mapped to an EvidenceProvider Classification Concept for proper Evidence Provider Discovery0..nInformationConceptType

Core Criterion Core Evidence Vocabularycccev:InformationConcept
+++++AccessServiceThe details of the Data Service serving the Evidence Type on behalf of an Evidence Provider. The Access Service enables to express that for one Data Service Evidence Type, the Data Service A is providing the distribution XML and Data Service B is providing the distribution JSON.1..nDataServiceType
Structure: R-DSD-RESP-S014DCAT Application Profiledcat:servesDataset
+++++DistributedAsThe representations that are supported by the Evidence Type Dataset.1..nEvidenceTypeDistributionType

DCAT Application Profiledcat:distribution
++++++FormatThe technical representation of the Evidence Type. Declaration of the file types that provide structured content like PDF, XML, JSON, RDF etc1..1AttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-RESP-C009DCAT-APdct:format
++++++ConformsToA registered schema or conformance profile in the OOTS semantic repository to which the described Distribution conforms. 0..1AttributeURIContent: R-DSD-RESP-C010DCAT-APdct:conformsTo
++++++TransformationThe element points to a known and structured evidence type subset that would suffice the request. Evidence type subsets fulfil the principle of data minimization and can limit the collection to those information required for the execution of a procedure. 0..1AttributeURIContent: R-DSD-RESP-C039DCAT-APdct:conformsTo
+++++EvidenceProviderJurisdictionDeterminationContextual Information required for the jurisdiction determination of the correct Evidence Provider0..1JurisdictionDeterminationType

SDGR Application Profile
++++++JurisdictionContextIdA codified, mappable value of the Jurisdiction Determination Context of an Evidence Provider1..1AttributeIdentifierContent: R-DSD-RESP-C034SDGR-AP
++++++JurisdictionContextThe Jurisdiction Determination Context of an Evidence Provider in natural language1..nAttributeText
+++++++JurisdictionContext/@LangThe Language used for the Jurisdiction ContextMAttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-RESP-C035, R-DSD-RESP-C036SDGR-AP
++++++JurisdictionLevelThe minimum level of the jurisdiction Granularity Required for proper discovery of the Evidence Provider (MS, NUTS1-3, LAU)1..1AttributeCode

Content: R-DSD-RESP-C037

+++++EvidenceProviderClassificationAn Evidence Provider Classification is a structured piece of information that is used to provide the context on the classification concepts defined the Data Service Evidence Type an Evidence Provider needs to provide0..nInformationConceptType

Core Criterion Core Evidence Vocabularycccev:InformationConcept
++++++IdentifierUnambiguous reference to the Information Concept.1..1AttributeIdentifierContent: R-DSD-RESP-C029CCCEVcccev:identifier
++++++TypeCategory to which the Information Concept belongs.1..1AttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-RESP-C030CCCEVcccev:type
++++++ValueExpressionFormulation in a formal language of the expected value(s) for the Classification Concept which is aligned with the concepts from the Requirements defined and must be respected by the supplied Supported Values.
Currently, the Regular Expression language is supported for strings.
CCCEVcccev:expressionOfExpected Value
++++++DescriptionShort explanation supporting the understanding of the Classification Concept.1..nAttributeTextContent: R-DSD-RESP-C031CCCEVcccev:description


The language of the description encoded as 

ISO 639-1 two-letter code. Default value "en"

MAttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-RESP-C032, R-DSD-RESP-C033CCCEVcccev:description

The details of the Data Service serving the Evidence Type It enables to express that for one Data Service Evidence Type, the Data Service A is providing the Distribution XML and Data Service B is providing the Distribution JSON.

Structure: R-DSD-RESP-S014DCAT Application Profiledcat:servesDataset
++++++IdentifierThe identifier of the Access Service, using ebcore Party ID Type. Used in eDelivery Evidence Exchange for PMode Mapping.1..1AttributeIdentifierContent: R-DSD-RESP-C011, R-DSD-RESP-C012DCAT-APdct:identifier
+++++++Identifier/@schemeIDThe schemeID of the ebcore Party ID Type. Must use the prefix '[Code]' (e.g. R-DSD-RESP-C012, R-DSD-RESP-C013, R-DSD-RESP-C014DCAT-APdct:identifier
++++++ConformsToThe registered version(s) of the eDelivery profile used by the access service (e.g. oots:edm-v1.0)
1..nAttributeURIContent: R-DSD-RESP-C015DCAT-APdct:conformsTo


The organisation responsible for issuing Evidences via this Data Service. 1..1EvidenceProviderType

Core Public Service Vocabulary Application Profile (CPSV-AP)dct:Agent
++++++PublisherThe organisation responsible for issuing Evidences via this Data Service. 1..1EvidenceProviderType

+++++++IdentifierA unique identification for the Publisher or agent.1..1AttributeIdentifier
++++++++Identifier/@schemeIDThe schemeID of the party identifier. use the prefix '[Code]' (e.g. MAttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-RESP-C016, R-DSD-RESP-C017DCAT-APdct:identifier
+++++++NameA short label for the agent.1..1AttributeText
+++++++AddressA location of the Publisher in the form of an address.1..1AddressType

Core Location Vocabulary (CLV)ocn:Address
+++++++JurisdictionThe jurisdiction to which this Evidence Provider applies.1..1JurisdictionType

Core Location Vocabulary (CLV)ocn:Address
+++++++ClassificationConceptA Classification Concept is a structured piece of information that is used to provide the supported values on the classification concepts defined the Data Service Evidence Type0..nInformationConceptType

Core Criterion Core Evidence Vocabularycccev:InformationConcept
+++++++AddressA location of the Publisher in the form of an address.1..1AddressType


The complete address written as a string.


The name of a street, passage or way through from one location to another.


A number or sequence of characters that uniquely identifies the locator (building number, apartment number, etc.) within the relevant scope.

++++++++AdminUnitLevel1The name of the uppermost level of the address, almost always a country.0..1AttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-RESP-C018CLVlocn:adminUnitL1
++++++++AdminUnitLevel2The name of a secondary level/region of the address, usually a county, state or other such area that typically encompasses several localities.0..1AttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-RESP-C019CLVlocn:adminUnitL2
++++++++PostCodeThe code created and maintained for postal purposes to identify a subdivision of addresses and postal delivery points.0..1AttributeCode
++++++++PostCityNameThe key postal division of the address, usually the city. 0..1AttributeCode
+++++++JurisdictionThe Jurisdiction to which this Data Service Evidence Type applies.1..1JurisdictionType

Core Criterion Core Evidence Vocabularycccev:evidenceTypeJurisdiction
++++++++AdminUnitLevel1The name of the uppermost level of the address, almost always a country.1..1AttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-RESP-C020CLV locn:adminUnitL1
++++++++AdminUnitLevel2The name of a secondary level/region of the address, usually a county, state or other such area that typically encompasses several localities.0..1AttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-RESP-C021CLV locn:adminUnitL2
++++++++AdminUnitLevel3The name of a secondary level/region of the address, usually a municipality or other such area that typically encompasses several localities.0..1AttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-RESP-C022CLVlocn:adminUnitL3
+++++++ClassificationConceptA Classification Concept is a structured piece of information that is used to provide the supported values on the classification concepts defined the Data Service Evidence Type0..nInformationConceptType

Core Criterion Core Evidence Vocabularycccev:InformationConcept
++++++++IdentifierUnambiguous reference to the Information Concept.1..1AttributeIdentifierContent: R-DSD-RESP-C023CCCEVcccev:identifier
++++++++TypeCategory to which the Information Concept belongs.1..1AttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-RESP-C024CCCEVcccev:type
++++++++ValueExpressionFormulation in a formal language of the expected value(s) for the Classification Concept which is aligned with the concepts from the Requirements defined and must be respected by the supplied Supported Values.
Currently only Regular Expression is supported.
CCCEVcccev:expressionOfExpected Value
++++++++DescriptionShort explanation supporting the understanding of the Classification Concept.1..nAttributeTextContent: R-DSD-RESP-C025CCCEVcccev:description


The language of the description encoded as 

ISO 639-1 two-letter code. Default value "en"

MAttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-RESP-C026, R-DSD-RESP-C027CCCEVcccev:description
++++++++SupportedValueThe value that is supported by the response1..1SupportedValueType

Structure: R-DSD-RESP-S013

Content: R-DSD-RESP-C028

SDGR Application Profile
++++++++SupportedValueThe value that is supported by the response1..1SupportedValueType

Structure: R-DSD-RESP-S013

Content: R-DSD-RESP-C028

SDGR Application Profile
+++++++++StringValueTextual field0..1AttributeString
SDGR-APXML Schema data types
+++++++++DateValueDate values (format YYYY-DD-MM)0..1AttributeDate
SDGR-APXML Schema data types

"true" or 1 Representing "Yes" affirmative answers

"false" or 0 representing "No" negative answers

SDGR-APXML Schema data types
+++++++++CodeValueA code for a concept.0..1AttributeCode
SDGR-APXML Schema data types
+++++++++DateTimeValueDate values that include a time (format YYYY-DD-MM hh:mm:ss zzzzzz)0..1AttributeDataTime
SDGR-APXML Schema data types
+++++++++IdentifierAn identifier of a concept, including a schemeID0..1AttributeIdentifier
SDGR-APXML Schema data types
+++++++++URIA URI, including e-mail addresses0..1AttributeanyURI
SDGR-APXML Schema data types
+++++++++TimeTime values (format hh:mm:ss)0..1Attribute

SDGR-APXML Schema data types
+++++++++DurationA duration expressed as Year, Month, Day, Hour and Minutes (format PnYn MnDTnH nMnS)0..1Attributeduration
SDGR-APXML Schema data types
+++++++++DecimalA number represented with decimal notation0..1AttributeDecimal
SDGR-APXML Schema data types
+++++++++AmountAn Amount, and currency, as defined in UN/CEFACT's CCTS0..1AttributeAmount
SDGR-APXML Schema data types

4.3.3. Example of a Query Response of the DSD

An example of a successful QueryResponse of the DSD providing a collection of Data Services of Service Providers for a specific Evidence Type is shown below:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    status="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:ResponseStatusType:Success" totalResultCount="1">
    <!-- depending on the count of datasets returned, the totalResultCount attribute should reflect the number of the datasets returned -->
        <!-- One registry object per dataset -->
        <rim:RegistryObject id="urn:uuid:4d66b7df-ad09-4098-942c-cb8da467af2a">
            <rim:Slot name="DataServiceEvidenceType">
                <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
                        <!-- - - Evidence Type Metadata - - -->
                        <!-- The Data Service assigned Unique Identifier of the Evidence Type. Must be used in the Evidence Exchange Request -->
                        <!-- Classification Information - Used for linking with the Semantic Repository and Evidence Broker -->      
                        <sdg:Title lang="en">Certificate of Birth</sdg:Title>
                        <sdg:Title lang="de">Geburtsurkunde</sdg:Title>
                        <sdg:Description lang="en">An official certificate of birth of a person - with first name, surname, sex, date and place of birth, which is obtained from the birth register of the place of birth.</sdg:Description>
                        <sdg:Description lang="de">Eine amtliche Bescheinigung über die Geburt einer Person – mit Vorname, Familienname, Geschlecht, Datum und Ort der Geburt, welche aus dem Geburtsregister des Geburtsortes erstellt wird.</sdg:Description>
                        <!-- Distribution Information - Multiple Distributions per Data Service Evidence Type -->
                        <!-- XML Distribution, conforming to the common data model on Birth Certificate -->
                        <!-- PDF Distribution. PDF is unstructured data so there is no conformance to a data model -->
                        <!-- - - Evidence Provider and Data Service Metadata - - -->
                        <!-- Access Service represents the Data Service serving the piece of Evidence on behalf of an Evidence Provider -->
                        <!-- Multiple Access Services, one per Evidence Provider -->
                            <!-- The Evidence Exchange profile version to which this access service expects / serves -->
                            <sdg:Identifier schemeID="">8889909098</sdg:Identifier>
                            <!-- The identifier of the Access Service, using ebcore Party ID Type. Used in eDelivery Evidence Exchange for PMode Mapping -->
                            <!-- The Evidence Provider Information of this access service -->
                                <sdg:Identifier schemeID="">DE73524311</sdg:Identifier>
                                <sdg:Name>Civil Registration Office Hamburg</sdg:Name>
                                    <sdg:FullAddress>Street ABC</sdg:FullAddress>
                                    <!-- NUTS Code -->
                                <!-- - - An Example of an Information Concept that can be provided by the Access Service in a structured format - - -->     
                                    <sdg:Description>The month, day, and year a person was born</sdg:Description>
                        <!-- Classification Information - Used for linking with the Evidence Broker -->
                            <sdg:Identifier schemeID="">8889909099</sdg:Identifier>
                                <!-- The Evidence Provider Information -->                                
                                <sdg:Identifier schemeID="">DE73524311</sdg:Identifier>                         
                                <sdg:Name>Civil Registration Office Hamburg</sdg:Name>
                                    <sdg:FullAddress>Street ABC</sdg:FullAddress>
                                    <!-- NUTS Code -->
                            <!-- Value from a Codelist required. Must be publised in the Semantic Repository -->
                            <sdg:Description lang="en">Certificate of Birth</sdg:Description>

4.3.4. Business Rules associated to a Query Response of the DSD

In order to facilitate interoperability of the successful Query Response of the DSD, a set of business rules is defined to guarantee the correct structure and content format of information objects when receiving query response messages from the DSD. The Rule IDs reference to the DSD transaction "Query Response of the DSD" (DSD-RESP).

Business Rules

The Rule ID is used to identify the rule and to have an error code next to the rule description. Business rules that guarantee the correct structure of the message are using the prefix "S" before the numer (e.g. S009) whereas business rules that prove the information content are using the prefix "C" before the numer (e.g. C012).  The Element and Location points to the correct information object that is affected by the rule. Each business rule is associated with an error level (flag) that expresses a validation result when an XML instance is proven against the rules through schematron validation:

  • information: a hint that an additional object is mandatory in some cases;
  • warning: offering recommendations to improve the quality of the instance or regain full validity;
  • fatal: the rule point to a major issue of consistency or data correctness.

Rule descriptions containing "MUST" correspond to an error level that is flagged as fatal, while "SHOULD" rules correspond to an error level that is flagged as a warning. "MAY" rules point to error level note. For each business rule, a corresponding schematron rule is defined that references the same rule ID. Schematrons are used to prove the correctness of instances. Business rules to prove the correct structure of a Query Response of the DSD

The table below lists the business rules to prove the structure of a "DSD Query Response" (DSD-RESP) such as namespace, root elements, slots, data types including "multidimensional" checks crossing the barrier between the different XSD schemes (XSD-Binding and XSD-Restriction). 

Rule TypeRule IDElementLocationRuleFlag
RootElementR-DSD-RESP-S001query:QueryResponsequery:QueryResponseThe root element of a query response document MUST be 'query:QueryResponse'Fatal
NameSpaceR-DSD-RESP-S002query:QueryResponsequery:QueryResponse/@xmlns:queryThe namespace of root element of a query response document must be 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:query:4.0'Fatal
RootAttributeR-DSD-RESP-S005query:QueryResponsequery:QueryResponse/@statusThe 'status' attribute of a 'QueryResponse' MUST be present. Fatal
RootAttributeR-DSD-RESP-S006query:QueryResponsequery:QueryResponse/@statusThe 'status' attribute of a successfull 'QueryResponse' MUST be encoded as as 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:ResponseStatusType:Success'.Fatal
StructureR-DSD-RESP-S007rim:RegistryObjectListquery:QueryResponse/rim:RegistryObjectList/A successful QueryResponse MUST include a 'rim:RegistryObjectList'Fatal
StructureR-DSD-RESP-S008query:QueryResponsequery:QueryResponse/@statusA successful QueryResponse MUST not include an ExceptionFatal
SlotR-DSD-RESP-S009rim:Slot (DataServiceEvidenceType)



The rim:Slot name="DataServiceEvidenceType" MUST be present in the QueryResponse.Fatal
SlotR-DSD-RESP-S010query:QueryResponsequery:QueryResponseA 'query:QueryResponse' MUST not contain any other rim:Slots.Fatal
DatatypeR-DSD-RESP-S011rim:SlotValue (DataServiceEvidenceType)



The rim:SlotValue of rim:Slot name="DataServiceEvidenceType" MUST be of "rim:AnyValueType"Fatal
XSD-BindingR-DSD-RESP-S012sdg:DataServiceEvidenceType (DataServiceEvidenceType)




A  'rim:Slot[@name='DataServiceEvidenceType'/rim:SlotValue/sdg:DataServiceEvidenceType' MUST contain one sdg:DataServiceEvidenceType of the targetNamespace=""Fatal




A 'sdg:SupportedValue' MUST be provided if the 'sdg:EvidenceProviderClassification' is present in the 'rim:RegistryObject/rim:Slot[@name='DataServiceEvidenceType']'.Fatal




The xs:element name="sdg:AccessService" type="sdg:DataServiceType" MUST be present.Fatal
IdentifierR-DSD-RESP-S015rim:RegistryObjectquery:QueryResponse/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/@idEach 'id' of 'rim:RegistryObject' MUST be unique UUID (RFC 4122) starting with prefix "urn:uuid:"Fatal
StructureR-DSD-RESP-S016rim:RegistryObjectquery:QueryResponse/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObjectA successful QueryResponse MUST include a 'rim:RegistryObject'Fatal Business rules to prove the content format of information objects of a Query Response of the DSD

The table below lists the business rules to prove the structure of a "DSD Query Response" (DSD-RESP) such as identifiers, formats, fixed values, mandatory set of values on specific fields (code lists) and dependencies between fields. 

Rule TypeRule IDElementLocationRuleFlag




The value of 'Identifier' of an 'DataServiceEvidenceType' MUST be unique UUID (RFC 4122).Fatal




The value of 'EvidenceTypeClassification' of a 'DataServiceEvidenceType' MUST be a URI with the following format 'http:://……' pointing to the Semantic Repository encoded in the EvidenceBroker.Fatal




The value of 'lang' attribute MUST be part of the code list 'LanguageCode' (ISO 639-1 two-letter code).Fatal




The value of 'lang' attribute MUST be be provided. Default value: 'en'.Fatal




The value of 'lang' attribute MUST be part of the code list 'LanguageCode' (ISO 639-1 two-letter code).Fatal




The value of 'lang' attribute MUST be provided. Default value: 'en'.Fatal




The value of 'LevelOfAssurance' must be part of the code list 'LevelsOfAssuranceCode'Fatal




The value of 'Format' of the requested distribution MUST be be part of the code list 'BinaryObjectMimeCode'.Fatal




The value of 'ConformsTo' of the requested distribution MUST be a persistent URL pointing to the Data Service Directory (Semantic Respository).Fatal




The value of 'Identifier' of an 'AccessService' MUST use the ebcore Party ID Type. Fatal




The 'schemeID' MUST be provided. Fatal




The value of the 'schemeID' attribute of the 'Identifier' MUST  be part of the code list 'EAS' (Electronic Address Scheme ) and use the prefix '[Code]'.Fatal
Fixed ValueR-DSD-RESP-C015sdg:AccessService




The value of 'ConformsTo' of the Access Service MUST point to the underlying eDelivery Profile 'oots:edm-v1.0'Fatal




The 'schemeID' attribute of 'Identifier' MUST be present.Fatal




The value of the 'schemeID' attribute of the 'Identifier' MUST  be part of the code list 'EAS' (Electronic Address Scheme ) and use the prefix '[Code]'.Fatal




The value of the 'AdminUnitLevel1' MUST be coded using the code list 'CountryIdentificationCode' (ISO 3166-1' alpha-2 codes).Fatal




The value of the 'AdminUnitLevel2' MUST be coded using the code list 'Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics' (NUTS)Fatal




The value of the 'AdminUnitLevel1' MUST be part of the code list 'CountryIdentificationCode' (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes).Fatal




The value of the 'AdminUnitLevel2' MUST be coded using the code list 'Nuts' (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics).Fatal




The value of the 'AdminUnitLevel3' MUST be coded using the code list 'LAU' (Local Administrative Units).Fatal




The value of 'Identifier' of MUST be unique UUID (RFC 4122).Fatal




A 'Type' MUST be provided. Fatal




A 'Description' MUST be provided. Fatal




The value of 'lang' attribute MUST be part of the code list 'LanguageCode' (ISO 639-1 two-letter code).Fatal




The value of 'lang' attribute MUST be be provided. Default value: 'en'.Fatal




A value for 'SupportedValue' MUST be provided if the 'sdg:ClassificationConcept' is present.Fatal




The value of 'Identifier' of MUST be unique UUID (RFC 4122).Fatal




A 'Type' MUST be provided. Fatal




A 'Description' MUST be provided. Fatal




The value of 'lang' attribute MUST be part of the code list 'LanguageCode' (ISO 639-1 two-letter code).Fatal




The value of 'lang' attribute MUST be be provided. Default value: 'en'.Fatal




The value of 'JurisdictionContextId' of MUST be unique UUID (RFC 4122).Fatal




The value of 'lang' attribute MUST be part of the code list 'LanguageCode' (ISO 639-1 two-letter code).Fatal




The value of 'lang' attribute MUST be be provided. Default value: 'en'.Fatal




The value of 'JurisdictionLevel' MUST be part of the code list 'JurisdictionLevel' (ISO 639-1 two-letter code).Fatal




The value of 'Transformation' of the requested distribution MUST be a persistent URL pointing to the Data Service Directory (Semantic Respository).Fatal

4.4 Query Error Response of the DSD

4.4.1 Query Error Response of the DSD (Default) Data Model

The Query Error Response of the DSD is syntactically expressed inside an ebRS QueryResponse using the ebRS RegistryExceptionType as shown in data model below:

Query Error Response of the DSD Implementation Guideline

The following table below defines the elements of the data model illustrated above according to the core ebRIM elements of the ebRS RegistryExceptionType  .


The table below represent the tree structure of the data models illustrated in this section. Light grey rows describe classes and define their properties and attributes. Light green rows soley illustrate the classes that are subordinated or associated to a class and therewith illustrate the tree structure of the data model. Light green rows are thus always repeated as light grey rows to describe the properties and attributes of a class. The hierarchy of the tree structure is also indicated in the first column via the '+' symbol. 

HierarchyNameDefinitionCardinalityTypeData TypeRulesDomain


Query Error Response root element


Structure: R-DSD-ERR-S001, R-DSD-ERR-S002

+statusElement used to define the status of the Query Request. 1..1AttributeIdentifierStructure: R-DSD-ERR-S005, R-DSD-ERR-S006, R-DSD-ERR-S007ebRIM


The rs:exeption describes an error which occurs during the processing of a Query Request. 1..nRegistryExceptionType

Structure: R-DSD-ERR-S008, R-DSD-ERR-S009



The rs:exeption describes an error which occurs during the processing of a Query Request. 1..nRegistryExceptionType

Structure: R-DSD-ERR-S008, R-DSD-ERR-S009

++xsi:typeDescribes the nature of the error that occurred. 1..1Attributestring

Content: R-DSD-ERR-C016, R-DSD-ERR-C017

++severityThe severity attribute value provides a severity level for the exception. The default value is "urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:ErrorSeverityType:Error" 1..1AttributeobjectReferenceType

Content: R-DSD-ERR-C018, R-DSD-ERR-C019 

++messageIs used to add an error message that can be shown and understood by the user of the system. 1..1AttributestringContent: R-DSD-ERR-C020, R-DSD-ERR-C021ebRIM
++codeA code that corresponds to the status of the system with regard to the processing of a request. If the specific error codes do not cover the reason for failure use the generic error code "other".1..1Attributestring

Content: R-DSD-ERR-C022, R-DSD-ERR-C023

ebRIM Example

An example of Query Error Responses of the DSD due to an empty result set of the Data Service is shown in the following XML snippet:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<query:QueryResponse xmlns:xsi=""
      message="No Data services were found based on the given parameters"

4.4.2 Query Error Response Codes of the DSD

The following table provides the list of QueryErrorResponseCodes for the expections defined in the Query Error Response:


#Error TitleTypecodeMessage
1Data Services Not Foundrs:ObjectNotFoundExceptionTypeDSD:ERR:0001No Data Services were found based on the given parameters
2Evidence Type Not Foundrs:ObjectNotFoundExceptionTypeDSD:ERR:0002The Evidence Type requested cannot be found
3Bad Query Parametersrs:InvalidRequestExceptionTypeDSD:ERR:0003The query parameters do not follow the query specification
4Unknown Queryrs:InvalidRequestExceptionTypeDSD:ERR:0004The requested Query does not exist
5Additional Parameters Requiredrs:ObjectNotFoundExceptionTypeDSD:ERR:0005The query requires the included extra attributes to be provided by the user
6Incorrect Parameter Valuers:InvalidRequestExceptionTypeDSD:ERR:0006Incorrect provided value for requested parameters

4.4.3. Query Error Response of the DSD requesting additional User Provided Attributes (DSD:ERR:005) Data Model

When a DataServiceEvidenceType contains required Evidence Provider Discovery Metadata, the DSD will respond initially with an exception containing the required Discovery Metadata. The exception used is the DSD:ERR:0005 with type rs:ObjectNotFoundExceptionType and uses an extension of the Query Error Response for the DSD Model (section 4.2). The following diagram summarizes the extension of the data model for the DSD:ERR:0005 exception:

ExceptionExtensionDataModel Implementation Guideline

The following table below defines the elements of the data model illustrated above according to the core ebRIM elements of the ebRS RegistryExceptionType  .


The table below represent the tree structure of the data models illustrated in this section. Light grey rows describe classes and define their properties and attributes. Light green rows soley illustrate the classes that are subordinated or associated to a class and therewith illustrate the tree structure of the data model. Light green rows are thus always repeated as light grey rows to describe the properties and attributes of a class. The hierarchy of the tree structure is also indicated in the first column via the '+' symbol. 

HierarchyNameDefinitionCardinalityTypeData TypeRulesDomainElement of Core Vocabulary


Query Error Response root element


Structure: R-DSD-ERR-S001, R-DSD-ERR-S002

+statusElement used to define the status of the Query Request. 1..1AttributeIdentifierStructure: R-DSD-ERR-S005, R-DSD-ERR-S006, R-DSD-ERR-S007ebRIM


The rs:exeption describes an error which occurs during the processing of a Query Request. 1..nRegistryExceptionType

Structure: R-DSD-ERR-S008, R-DSD-ERR-S010, R-DSD-ERR-S023



The rs:exeption describes an error which occurs during the processing of a Query Request. 1..nRegistryExceptionType

Structure: R-DSD-ERR-S008, R-DSD-ERR-S010, R-DSD-ERR-S023

++xsi:typeDescribes the nature of the error that occurred. 1..1Attributestring

Content: R-DSD-ERR-C016, R-DSD-ERR-C017

++severityThe severity attribute value provides a severity level for the exception. The default value is "urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:ErrorSeverityType:Error". Must be MUST  be 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:ErrorSeverityType:AdditionalInput' if the rs:Exception DSD:ERR:0005 is used.1..1AttributeobjectReferenceType

Content: R-DSD-ERR-C018, R-DSD-ERR-C019, R-DSD-ERR-C025 

++messageIs used to add an error message that can be shown and understood by the user of the system. 1..1AttributestringContent: R-DSD-ERR-C020, R-DSD-ERR-C021ebRIM
++codeA code that corresponds to the status of the system with regard to the processing of a request. If the specific error codes do not cover the reason for failure use the generic error code "other".1..1Attributestring

Content: R-DSD-ERR-C022, R-DSD-ERR-C023

++rim:slot "DataServiceEvidenceType"The slot is a container to describe the specific aspects and metadata of the Data Service and Evidence Type.1..1SlotTypeAnyValueTypeStructure: R-DSD-ERR-S013, R-DSD-ERR-S016ebRIM
++rim:slot "JurisdictionDetermination"The slot is a container to describe the specific aspects and metadata of the Data Service and Evidence Type.0..1SlotTypeAnyValueTypeStructure: R-DSD-ERR-S011, R-DSD-ERR-S014ebRIM
++rim:slot "UserRequestedClassificationConcepts"The slot is a container to describe the specific aspects and metadata of the Data Service and Evidence Type.0..1SlotTypeCollectionValueTypeStructure: R-DSD-ERR-S012, R-DSD-ERR-S015ebRIM
++rim:slot "DataServiceEvidenceType"The slot is a container to describe the specific aspects and metadata of the Data Service and Evidence Type.1..1SlotTypeAnyValueTypeStructure: R-DSD-ERR-S013, R-DSD-ERR-S016ebRIM
+++DataServiceEvidenceTypeThe element describes specific aspects and metadata of the Data Service and Evidence Type.1..1DataServiceEvidenceTypeType
Structure: R-DSD-ERR-S018, R-DSD-ERR-S021SDGR Application Profile
+++DataServiceEvidenceTypeThe element describes specific aspects and metadata of the Data Service and Evidence Type.1..1DataServiceEvidenceTypeType
Structure: R-DSD-ERR-S018, R-DSD-ERR-S021SDGR Application Profile
++++IdentifierThe unique identifier of the Evidence Type of the Data Service. Must be used in the Evidence Request.1..1AttributeIdentifierContent: R-DSD-ERR-C010DCAT-APdct:identifier
++++EvidenceTypeClassificationA URI pointing to the Evidence Type that this Data Service is supporting. The classification is linked with the Evidence Type of the Semantic Repository (Evidence Broker). 1..1AttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-ERR-C011Core Criterion Core Evidence Vocabularycccev:evidenceTypeClassification
++++TitleA name to identify in natural language the Evidence Type. Unbounded cardinality to support multiple languages.1..nAttributeText


The language of the title encoded as 

ISO 639-1 two-letter code. Default value "en"

MAttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-ERR-C012, R-DSD-ERR-C013DCAT-APdct:title


A description of the Evidence Type. Unbounded cardinality to support multiple languages.0..nAttributeText


The language of the description encoded as 

ISO 639-1 two-letter code. Default value "en"

MAttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-ERR-C014, R-DSD-ERR-C015DCAT-APdct:description
++++AuthenticationLevelOfAssuranceThe Minimum eIDAS Level Of Assurance Required for this Evidence Type, so that the Evidence can be released0..1AttributeCode

Content: R-DSD-ERR-C024

++rim:slot "JurisdictionDetermination"The slot is a container to describe the specific aspects and metadata of the Data Service and Evidence Type.0..1SlotTypeAnyValueTypeStructure: R-DSD-ERR-S011, R-DSD-ERR-S014ebRIM
+++EvidenceProviderJurisdictionDeterminationContextual Information required for the jurisdiction determination of the correct Evidence Provider1..1JurisdictionDeterminationType
Structure: R-DSD-ERR-S020SDGR Application Profile
+++EvidenceProviderJurisdictionDeterminationContextual Information required for the jurisdiction determination of the correct Evidence Provider1..1JurisdictionDeterminationType
Structure: R-DSD-ERR-S020SDGR Application Profile
++++JurisdictionContextIdA codified, mappable value of the Jurisdiction Determination Context of an Evidence Provider1..1AttributeIdentifierContent: R-DSD-ERR-C001SDGR Application Profile
++++JurisdictionContextThe Jurisdiction Determination Context of an Evidence Provider in natural language1..nAttributeText
SDGR Application Profile
+++++JurisdictionContext/@LangThe Language used for the Jurisdiction ContextMAttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-ERR-C002, R-DSD-ERR-C003SDGR Application Profile
++++JurisdictionLevelThe minimum level of the jurisdiction Granularity Required for proper discovery of the Evidence Provider (MS, NUTS1-3, LAU)1..1AttributeCode

Content: R-DSD-ERR-C004

SDGR Application Profile
++rim:slot "UserRequestedClassificationConcepts"The slot is a container to describe the specific aspects and metadata of the Data Service and Evidence Type.0..1SlotTypeCollectionValueTypeStructure: R-DSD-ERR-S012, R-DSD-ERR-S015ebRIM


EvidenceProviderClassificationThe element describes specific aspects and metadata of the Data Service and Evidence Type.1..nEvidenceProviderClassificationType (InformationConceptType)
Structure: R-DSD-ERR-S019, R-DSD-ERR-S022Core Criterion Core Evidence Vocabulary


EvidenceProviderClassificationThe element describes specific aspects and metadata of the Data Service and Evidence Type.1..nEvidenceProviderClassificationType (InformationConceptType)
Structure: R-DSD-ERR-S019, R-DSD-ERR-S022Core Criterion Core Evidence Vocabulary
++++IdentifierUnambiguous reference to the Information Concept.1..1AttributeIdentifierContent: R-DSD-ERR-C005CCCEVcccev:identifier
++++TypeCategory to which the Information Concept belongs.1..1AttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-ERR-C006CCCEVcccev:type
++++ValueExpressionFormulation in a formal language of the expected value(s) for the Classification Concept which is aligned with the concepts from the Requirements defined and must be respected by the supplied Supported Values.
Currently, the Regular Expression language is supported for strings.
CCCEVcccev:expressionOfExpected Value
++++DescriptionShort explanation supporting the understanding of the Classification Concept.1..nAttributeTextContent: R-DSD-ERR-C007CCCEVcccev:description


The language of the description encoded as 

ISO 639-1 two-letter code. Default value "en"

MAttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-ERR-C008, R-DSD-ERR-C009CCCEVcccev:description Example of a DSD Error Response with Jurisdiction Determination

When the DataServiceEvidenceType class contains the EvidenceProviderJursidictionDetermination, the returned exception MUST contain:

  • One slot with name DataServiceEvidenceType with a slot value of type rim:AnyValueType. The contents of the slot value MUST be mandatory elements of the DataServiceEvidenceType with the descriptions included. When responding to the exception, if the specific DataServiceEvidenceType is the one selected by the user, the Evidence Requester MUST add a new query parameter with name evidence-type-id and value the identifier of the DataServiceEvidenceType.
  • One slot with name JurisdictionDetermination with a slot value of type rim:AnyValueType. The contents of the slot value MUST be the complete structure of the EvidenceProviderJursidictionDetermination. When responding to the exception, the Evidence Requester MUST add a new query parameter with name jurisdiction-context-id with a value equal to the JurisdictionContextId element's value of the JurisdictionDerermination slot.
  • Additionally, the query must now provide the extra level of jurisdiction level values required, as declared in the JurisdictionLevel element of the JurisdictionDetermination slot, by using the pre-defined parameters jurisdiction-admin-l3 and/or jurisdiction-admin-l2

The following example shows an exception sent back to the Evidence Requester containing a JurisdictionDetermination slot, stating that the user should provide his place of birth using LAU codes:

<query:QueryResponse xmlns:xsi=""
    <!-- Additional elements describing the response -->
    <rs:Exception xsi:type="rs:ObjectNotFoundExceptionType" severity="FAILURE"
        message="The query requires the incuded extra attributes to be provided by the user."
        <rim:Slot name="DataServiceEvidenceType">
            <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
                <sdg:DataServiceEvidenceType xmlns:sdg="">
                    <sdg:Title>Certificate Of Birth</sdg:Title>
                        Certificate Of Birth provided by the regional service providers of Region A of country MS.
                        Evidence Provider Jurisdiction is resolved at Municipality level, where the natural person has its place of birth.
        <!-- Jurisdiction Mapping Requests -->
        <rim:Slot name="JurisdictionDetermination">
            <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
                    <sdg:JurisdictionContext lang="en">Place Of Birth</sdg:JurisdictionContext>

When responding to the example above, the Evidence Requester MUST add the JurisdictionContextId parameter with the value of the JurisdictionContextId found in the exception, accompanied by the proper jurisdiction level ( in the example the LAU code) provided by the user as follows:

«server base url»/rest/search?queryId=urn:fdc:oots:dsd:ebxml-regrep:queries:dataservices-by-evidencetype-and-jurisdiction&evidence-type-classification=CertificateOfBirth&country-code=MS&evidence-type-id=DSEV-ID1&jurisdiction-context-id=PlaceOfBirth&jurisdiction-admin-l2=MS202&jurisdiction-admin-l3=02200334 Example of a DSD Error Response with Classification Concepts requested by the user

When the DataServiceEvidenceType class contains the EvidenceProviderClassification elements, the returned exception MUST contain:

  • One slot with name DataServiceEvidenceType with a slot value of type rim:AnyValueType. The contents of the slot value MUST be mandatory elements of the DataServiceEvidenceType with the descriptions included. When responding to the exception, if the specific DataServiceEvidenceType is the one selected by the user, the Evidence Requester MUST add a new query parameter with name evidence-type-id and value the identifier of the DataServiceEvidenceType.
  • one slot with name UserRequestedClassificationConcepts with a slot value of type rim:CollectionValueType with collectionType="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:CollectionType:Set". The contents of the slot value MUST be the complete structure of the EvidenceProviderClassification, with each EvidenceProviderClassification placed inside a rim:element of type rim:AnyValyeType.  When responding to the exception, the Evidence Requester MUST add a new query parameter for every Classification Concept existing in the EvidenceProviderClassification element, using the ClassificationConcept Identifier as its name and providing as a value one that complies with the Type, ValueExpression and Description of the Classification Concept.

The following example shows an exception sent back to the Evidence Requester containing a UserRequestedClassificationConcepts slot, stating that the user should provide his type of insurance using a string value:

<query:QueryResponse xmlns:xsi=""
    <!-- Additional elements describing the response -->
    <rs:Exception xsi:type="rs:ObjectNotFoundExceptionType" severity="FAILURE"
        message="The query requires the incuded extra attributes to be provided by the user."
        <rim:Slot name="DataServiceEvidenceType">
            <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
                <sdg:DataServiceEvidenceType xmlns:sdg="">
                    <sdg:Title>Certificate Of Insurance</sdg:Title>
                        Certificate Of Insurance provided by the regional service providers of Region A of country MS.
                        Evidence providers are classified according to the type of insurance the Evidence Subject has.

        <rim:Slot name="UserRequestedClassificationConcepts">
            <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:CollectionValueType" 
                <rim:Element xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
                        <!-- Value from a Codelist required. Must be publised in the Semantic Repository -->
                        <sdg:Description lang="en">Type of insurance</sdg:Description>

When responding to the example above, the Evidence Requester MUST add the TypeOfInsurance parameter with the proper string value provided by the user as follows:

«server base url»/rest/search?queryId=urn:fdc:oots:dsd:ebxml-regrep:queries:dataservices-by-evidencetype-and-jurisdiction&evidence-type-classification=CertificateOfInsurance&country-code=MS&evidence-type-id=DSEV-ID1&TypeOfInsurance=public. Since the evidence provider classification identifier values are used as query parameters, they MUST be different from any of the predefined query parameters. 

4.4.4. Business Rules associated to the Query Error Response of the DSD

In order to facilitate interoperability of the QueryErrorResponse of the DSD, a set of business rules is defined to guarantee the correct structure, use and format of information objects when receiving errors messages from the DSD. The Rule IDs reference to the DSD transaction "Query Error Response of the DSD" (DSD-ERR).

Business Rules

The Rule ID is used to identify the rule and to have an error code next to the rule description. Business rules that guarantee the correct structure of the message are using the prefix "S" before the numer (e.g. S009) whereas business rules that prove the information content are using the prefix "C" before the numer (e.g. C012). The Element and Location points to the correct information object that is affected by the rule. Each business rule is associated with an error level (flag) that expresses a validation result when an XML instance is proven against the rules through schematron validation:

  • information: a hint that an additional object is mandatory in some cases;
  • warning: offering recommendations to improve the quality of the instance or regain full validity;
  • fatal: the rule point to a major issue of consistency or data correctness.

Rule descriptions containing "MUST" correspond to an error level that is flagged as fatal, while "SHOULD" rules correspond to an error level that is flagged as a warning. "MAY" rules point to error level note. For each business rule, a corresponding schematron rule is defined that references the same rule ID. Schematrons are used to prove the correctness of instances. Business rules to prove the correct structure of the Query Error Response of the DSD

The table below lists the business rules to prove the structure of a "DSD Error Response" (DSD-ERR) such as namespace, root elements, slots, data types including "multidimensional" checks crossing the barrier between the different XSD schemes (XSD-Binding and XSD-Restriction). 

Rule TypeRule IDElementLocationRuleFlag
RootElementR-DSD-ERR-S001query:QueryResponsequery:QueryResponseThe root element of a query response document MUST be 'query:QueryResponse'Fatal
NamespaceR-DSD-ERR-S002query:QueryResponsequery:QueryResponse/@xmlns:queryThe namespace of root element of a 'query:QueryResponse' MUST be 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:query:4.0'Fatal
RootAttributeR-DSD-ERR-S005query:QueryResponsequery:QueryResponse/@statusThe 'status' attribute of a 'QueryResponse' MUST be present. Fatal
RootAttributeR-DSD-ERR-S006query:QueryResponsequery:QueryResponse/@statusThe 'status' attribute of an unsuccessfull 'query:QueryResponse' MUST be encoded as as 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:ResponseStatusType:Failure'.Fatal
StructureR-DSD-ERR-S007query:QueryResponsequery:QueryResponse/@statusAn unsuccessful 'query:QueryResponse' MUST not include a 'rim:RegistryObjectList'Fatal
StructureR-DSD-ERR-S008rs:Exceptionquery:QueryResponse/rs:ExceptionAn unsuccessful 'query:QueryResponse' MUST include an ExceptionFatal
SlotR-DSD-ERR-S009rs:Exceptionquery:QueryResponse/rs:ExceptionAn unsuccessfull 'query:QueryResponse' which does not contain the rs:Exception xsi:type='rs:ObjectNotFoundExceptionType' (DSD:ERR:0005) MUST not contain any rim:Slots.Fatal
SlotR-DSD-ERR-S010rs:Exceptionquery:QueryResponse/rs:ExceptionAn unsuccessfull 'query:QueryResponse' which does contain the rs:Exception xsi:type='rs:ObjectNotFoundExceptionType' (DSD:ERR:0005) MUST not contain other rim:Slots than  'JurisdictionDetermination', 'UserRequestedClassificationConcepts' and 'DataServiceEvidenceType'.Fatal
SlotR-DSD-ERR-S011rim:Slot (JurisdictionDetermination)



An unsuccessful 'query:QueryResponse' containing the rs:Exception xsi:type='rs:ObjectNotFoundExceptionType' (DSD:ERR:0005) MAY contain rim:Slot name="JurisdictionDetermination" requesting additional user provided attributes.  Information
SlotR-DSD-ERR-S012rim:Slot (UserRequestedClassificationConcepts)



An unsuccessful 'query:QueryResponse' containing the rs:Exception xsi:type='rs:ObjectNotFoundExceptionType' (DSD:ERR:0005) MAY contain a  rim:Slot name="UserRequestedClassificationConcepts" requesting additional user provided attributes.Information
SlotR-DSD-ERR-S013rim:Slot (DataServiceEvidenceType)



An unsuccessful 'query:QueryResponse' containing the rs:Exception xsi:type='rs:ObjectNotFoundExceptionType' (DSD:ERR:0005) MUST contain  rim:Slot name="DataServiceEvidenceType" requesting additional user provided attributes.Fatal
DatatypeR-DSD-ERR-S014rim:SlotValue (JurisdictionDetermination)



The rim:SlotValue of rim:Slot name="JurisdictionDetermination" MUST be of "rim:AnyValueType"Fatal
DatatypeR-DSD-ERR-S015rim:SlotValue (UserRequestedClassificationConcepts)




The rim:SlotValue of rim:Slot name="UserRequestedClassificationConcepts" MUST be of "rim:CollectionValueType"Fatal
DatatypeR-DSD-ERR-S016rim:Element (UserRequestedClassificationConcepts)




The rim:Element of rim:SlotValue of rim:Slot name="UserRequestedClassificationConcepts" MUST be of "rim:AnyValueType"Fatal
DatatypeR-DSD-ERR-S017rim:SlotValue (DataServiceEvidenceType)



The rim:SlotValue of rim:Slot name="DataServiceEvidenceType" MUST be of "rim:AnyValueType"Fatal
XSD-BindingR-DSD-ERR-S018sdg:DataServiceEvidenceType (DataServiceEvidenceType)




The query:QueryResponse/rs:Exception/rim:Slot[@name='DataServiceEvidenceType'] MUST contain one 'sdg:DataServiceEvidenceType' of the targetNamespace=""Fatal
XSD-BindingR-DSD-ERR-S019sdg:EvidenceProviderClassification (UserRequestedClassificationConcepts)




If present, the query:QueryResponse/rs:Exception/rim:Slot[@name='UserRequestedClassificationConcepts'] MUST contain the 'sdg:EvidenceProviderClassification' of the targetNamespace=""Fatal
XSD-BindingR-DSD-ERR-S020sdg:EvidenceProviderJurisdictionDetermination (UserRequestedClassificationConcepts)




If present, the query:QueryResponse/rs:Exception/rim:Slot[@name='JurisdictionDetermination'] MUST contain one 'sdg:JurisdictionDetermination' of the targetNamespace=""Fatal




A DataServiceEvidenceType 'rim:Slot[@name='DataServiceEvidenceType'/rim:SlotValue/sdg:DataServiceEvidenceType' MUST not contain any other elements than 'sdg:Identifier', 'sdg:EvidenceTypeClassification', 'sdg:Title' and 'sdg:Description'.





An EvidenceProviderClassification 'rim:Slot[@name='rim:Slot[@name='UserRequestedClassificationConcepts'/

rim:SlotValue/rim:Element/sdg:EvidenceProviderClassification' MUST not contain 'SupportedValue'.

SlotR-DSD-ERR-S023rs:Exceptionquery:QueryResponse/rs:Exception/An unsuccessful 'query:QueryResponse' containing the rs:Exception xsi:type='rs:ObjectNotFoundExceptionType' (DSD:ERR:0005) MUST contain either a  rim:Slot name="UserRequestedClassificationConcepts" or a rim:Slot name="JurisdictionDetermination" or both.Fatal Business rules to prove the content format of information objects of a Query Error Response of the DSD

The table below lists the business rules to prove the structure of a "DSD Error Response" (DSD-ERR) such as identifiers, formats, fixed values, mandatory set of values on specific fields (code lists) and dependencies between fields. 

Rule TypeRule IDElementLocationRuleFlag



The value of 'JurisdictionContextId' of MUST be unique UUID (RFC 4122).Fatal



The value of 'lang' attribute MUST be part of the code list 'LanguageCode' (ISO 639-1 two-letter code).Fatal



The value of 'lang' attribute MUST be be provided. Default value: 'en'.Fatal



The value of 'JurisdictionLevel' MUST be part of the code list 'JurisdictionLevel' (ISO 639-1 two-letter code).Fatal



The value of 'Identifier' of MUST be unique UUID (RFC 4122).Fatal



A 'Type' MUST be provided. Fatal



A 'Description' MUST be provided. Fatal



The value of 'lang' attribute MUST be part of the code list 'LanguageCode' (ISO 639-1 two-letter code).Fatal



The value of 'lang' attribute MUST be be provided. Default value: 'en'.Fatal



The value of 'Identifier' of an 'DataServiceEvidenceType' MUST be unique UUID (RFC 4122).Fatal



The value of 'EvidenceTypeClassification' of a 'DataServiceEvidenceType' MUST be a URI with the following format 'http:://……' pointing to the Semantic Repository encoded in the EvidenceBroker.Fatal



The value of 'lang' attribute MUST be part of the code list 'LanguageCode' (ISO 639-1 two-letter code).Fatal



The value of 'lang' attribute MUST be be provided. Default value: 'en'.Fatal



The value of 'lang' attribute MUST be part of the code list 'LanguageCode' (ISO 639-1 two-letter code).Fatal



The value of 'lang' attribute MUST be be provided. Default value: 'en'.Fatal
CardinalityDSD-ERR-C016rs:Exceptionquery:QueryResponse/rs:Exception/@xsi:typeThe 'xsi:type' attribute of a 'rs:Exception' MUST be present. Fatal
CodelistDSD-ERR-C017rs:Exceptionquery:QueryResponse/rs:Exception/@xsi:typeThe value of 'xsi:type' attribute of a 'rs:Exception' MUST be rs:InvalidRequestExceptionType or rs:ObjectNotFoundExceptionTypeFatal
CardinalityDSD-ERR-C018rs:Exceptionquery:QueryResponse/rs:Exception/@severityThe 'severity' attribute of a 'rs:Exception' MUST be present. Fatal
CodelistDSD-ERR-C019rs:Exceptionquery:QueryResponse/rs:Exception/@severityThe value of 'severity' attribute of a 'rs:Exception' MUST  be 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:ErrorSeverityType:Error' if the rs:Exception xsi:type='rs:ObjectNotFoundExceptionType' (DSD:ERR:0005) is NOT used. Fatal
CardinalityDSD-ERR-C020rs:Exceptionquery:QueryResponse/rs:Exception/@messageThe 'message' attribute of a 'rs:Exception' MUST be present. Fatal
CodelistDSD-ERR-C021rs:Exceptionquery:QueryResponse/rs:Exception/@messageThe value of 'message' attribute of a 'rs:Exception' MUST be part of the code list 'DSDErrorCodes'. Fatal
CardinalityDSD-ERR-C022rs:Exceptionquery:QueryResponse/rs:Exception/@codeThe 'code' attribute of a 'rs:Exception' MUST be present. Fatal
CodelistDSD-ERR-C023rs:Exceptionquery:QueryResponse/rs:Exception/@codeThe value of 'code' attribute of a 'rs:Exception' MUST be part of the code list 'DSDErrorCodes'. Fatal



The value of 'LevelOfAssurance' MUST be part of the code list 'LevelsOfAssuranceCode'Fatal
CodelistR-DSD-ERR-C025rs:Exceptionquery:QueryResponse/rs:Exception/@severityThe value of 'severity' attribute of a 'rs:Exception' MUST  be 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:ErrorSeverityType:AdditionalInput' if the rs:Exception xsi:type='rs:ObjectNotFoundExceptionType' (DSD:ERR:0005) is used. Fatal

4.6. Response Signature

The DSD Service signs the query responses using JWS detached signature following the HttpHeaders Mechanism of the ETSI ESI JAdES specification. In accordance with ENISA's Good Practises in Cryptography – Primitives and Schemes, the following algorithms found in [RFC7518] are selected to be used in the following form:

  • The EdDSA Algorithm [RFC8032] using one of the curves defined in RFC7748 shall be used. The value "EdDSA" for the "alg" parameter MUST be used and the curve shall be encoded in the "crv" parameter as defined in RFC8037.

The following sets of rules shall apply in the application of the HttpHeaders mechanism ETSI ESI Jades compliant signature:

  • The JWS content (Data to be Signed) MUST be detached from the signatures as defined in RFC7515 Appendix F.
  • The signed SigD parameter object MUST be present in the JWS headers, denoting the use of the JAdES detached header profile.
  • The value of the mId parameter MUST be set to "".
  • The pars array of the SigD MUST contain only the element "digest", denoting that for the calculation of the signature only the digest of the HTTP payload must be taken into account, according to [RFC3230].
  • The alg parameter is set to "EdDSA" and the crv parameter MUST be set.

The JWS structure shall be carried in the HTTP header field named "oots-response-sig".

4.7 Transport Security

DSD clients shall connect to a Data Service Directory using secure HTTP (HTTP over Transport Layer Security).  

SSL 3.0, TLS 1.0 and 1.1 MUST not be used.  DSD clients and servers there MUST therefore support TLS 1.2 [RFC5246]. The use of TLS 1.3 [RFC8446] is RECOMMENDED. 

Cipher suites supporting Perfect Forward Secrecy SHOULD be used. ChaCha Poly cipher suites MAY be used in addition to the AES cipher suites (e.g., TLS_ECDHE_RSA_WITH_CHACHA20_POLY1305_SHA256) 

4.8. A DSD Interaction Example Flow (Informative)

4.8.1. Introduction

To make it clearer on how the exception-based flow can work as a dialog-based interaction, we provide the following example flow. It is assumed that the DSD already contains appropriate information about the required evidence type which are submitted through the DSD LCM Interface (see section 5 and Lifecycle Management Specification of Chapter 3: Common Services - 3.6 Common Services API Specification).

4.8.2. Data Service Evidence Type registered by the MS 

In this example flow, a MS has registered an Insurance Certificate for Companies evidence type through the DSD LCM Interface (see section 5). For this specific MS, the evidence type is issued by Evidence Providers that are located in the same region as the company's headquarters and thus the Jurisdiction Determination context is "Company's headquarters location", with the response required to be a NUTS2 based code. The following snippet shows how this jurisdiction context is defined in the DSD DataServiceEvidenceType element by a MS:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
 	<!-- - - Evidence Type Metadata - - -->
   	<!-- Classification Information - Used for linking with the Evidence Broker -->
    <sdg:Title>Certificate of Insurance</sdg:Title>
    <!-- Distribution Information - Multiple Distributions per Data Service Evidence Type -->
    <!-- XML Distribution, conforming to the common data model on Birth Certificate -->
    <!-- PDF Distribution. PDF is unstructured data so there is no conformance to a data model -->
    <!-- - - Evidence Provider and Data Service Metadata - - -->
    <!-- Access Service represents the Data Service serving the piece of Evidence on behalf of an Evidence Provider -->
    <!-- Multiple Access Services, one per Evidence Provider -->
    <!-- Declaration of the possible classifications of the Evidence provider ... Omitted in this snippet -->
    <!-- Determination of the Jurisdiction Mapping to the User's attributes. NUTS2 is required -->
       	<sdg:JurisdictionContext>Company's Headquarters Location</sdg:JurisdictionContext>
    <!-- - - - Data Service Identity Matching Requirements - - - -->
    <!-- Level Of Assurance Required for the Evidence Type by the Evidence Provider ... Omitted in this snippet -->


This specific evidence type also depends on Evidence Provider classifications. Although several Evidence Providers can issue the specific evidence type, the Evidence Providers can issue the evidence type only for a specific kind of insurance the company endorses. Thus, a classification scheme of the Evidence Providers must be declared in the DataServiceEvidenceType using the Evidence Provider Classification mechanism. The following snippet describes the declaration of the classification scheme required for this evidence type is defined my a MS:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> 
  	<!-- - - Evidence Type Metadata - - -->
    <!-- Classification Information - Used for linking with the Evidence Broker -->
    <sdg:Title>Certificate of Insurance</sdg:Title>
    <!-- Distribution Information - Multiple Distributions per Data Service Evidence Type -->
    <!-- XML Distribution, conforming to the common data model on Birth Certificate -->
   	<!-- PDF Distribution. PDF is unstructured data so there is no conformance to a data model -->
    <!-- - - Evidence Provider and Data Service Metadata - - -->
    <!-- Access Service represents the Data Service serving the piece of Evidence on behalf of an Evidence Provider -->
    <!-- Multiple Access Services, one per Evidence Provider -->
    <!-- Determination of the Jurisdiction Mapping to the User's attributes  ... Omitted in this snippet . -->

    <!-- Declaration of the possible classifications of the Evidence Provider -->
        <!-- Value from a Codelist required. Must be publised in the Semantic Repository -->
        <sdg:Description lang="en">Type Of Insurance</sdg:Description>                         
    <!-- - - - Data Service Identity Matching Requirements - - - -->
    <!-- Level Of Assurance Required for the Evidence Type by the Evidence Provider ... Omitted in this snippet -->

4.8.3. Data Services and Evidence Providers registered by the MS

The Evidence Providers of the specific MS have been registered with their capability on providing the Insurance certificate and they have been associated to the specific DataServiceEvidenceType registered by the MS. For the example, two Evidence Providers are able to issue this evidence type for the MS, but are assigned different types of classifications. Evidence Provider 1 supports private insurance policies, while evidence provider 2 supports public ones. Evidence Provider 1 is associated to the Jurisdiction MS12 while Evidence Provider 2 operates under the Jurisdiction MS77. The following snippet shows how the data services will be properly declared to contain also these classifications:

<!-- Multiple Access Services, one per Evidence Provider -->
   	<!-- The identifier of the Access Service, using ebcore Party ID Type. Used in eDelivery Evidence Exchange for PMode Mapping -->
   	<sdg:Identifier schemeID="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:partyid-type:iso6523:0060">8889909098</sdg:Identifier>
   	<!-- The Evidence Exchange profile version to which this access service expects / serves -->
    <!-- Access Service of an Evidence Provider supporting only Private Insurance Types -->
       	<sdg:Identifier schemeID="0060">8889909098</sdg:Identifier>
       	<sdg:Name>Evidence Provider 1</sdg:Name>                           
	   <!-- NUTS Code --> 
        <!-- Information Concepts that Classify the Evidence Provider -->                                

<!-- The identifier of the Access Service, using ebcore Party ID Type. Used in eDelivery Evidence Exchange for PMode Mapping -->
 	<sdg:Identifier schemeID="">8889909098</sdg:Identifier>
    <!-- The Evidence Exchange profile version to which this access service expects / serves -->
    <!-- Access Service of an Evidence Provider supporting only Private Insurance Types -->
      	<sdg:Identifier schemeID="">DE345938373</sdg:Identifier>
       	<sdg:Name>Evidence Provider 2</sdg:Name>                           
        <!-- NUTS Code -->
        <!-- Information Concepts that Classify the Evidence Provider -->

These two registration are then integrated into the complete record of the DSD as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
    status="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:ResponseStatusType:Success" totalResultCount="1"
    <!-- depending on the count of datasets returned, the totalResultCount attribute should
reflect the number of the datasets returned -->
        <!-- One registry object per dataset -->
        <rim:RegistryObject id="urn:uuid:ffdf1ae3-5609-45c0-8b67-c6f898f01d97">
            <rim:Slot name="DataServiceEvidenceType">
                <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
                        <!-- - - Evidence Type Metadata - - -->
                        <!-- Classification Information - Used for linking with the Evidence Broker -->
                        <sdg:Title>Certificate of Insurance</sdg:Title>
                        <!-- Distribution Information - Multiple Distributions per Data Service Evidence Type -->
                        <!-- XML Distribution, conforming to the common data model on Birth Certificate -->
                        <!-- PDF Distribution. PDF is unstructured data so there is no conformance to a data model -->
                        <!-- - - Evidence Provider and Data Service Metadata - - -->
                        <!-- Access Service represents the Data Service serving the piece of Evidence on behalf of an Evidence Provider -->
                        <!-- Multiple Access Services, one per Evidence Provider -->
                            <!-- The identifier of the Access Service, using ebcore Party ID Type. Used in eDelivery Evidence Exchange for PMode Mapping -->
                            <sdg:Identifier schemeID="">8889909098</sdg:Identifier>
                            <!-- The Evidence Exchange profile version to which this access service expects / serves -->
                            <!-- Access Service of an Evidence Provider supporting only Private Insurance Types -->
                                <sdg:Identifier schemeID="">8889909098</sdg:Identifier>
                                <sdg:Name>Evidence Provider 1</sdg:Name>
                                <!-- Information Concepts that Classify the Evidence Provider -->
                        <!-- Access Service of an Evidence Provider supporting only Public Insurance Types -->
                            <sdg:Identifier schemeID="">8889909099</sdg:Identifier>
                                <!-- The Evidence Provider Information -->
                                <sdg:Identifier schemeID="">DE345938373</sdg:Identifier>
                                <sdg:Name>Evidence Provider 2</sdg:Name>
                                    <!-- NUTS Code -->
                                    <!-- NUTS Code -->
                        <!-- - - - Data Service Identity Matching Requirements - - - -->
                        <!-- Level Of Assurance Required for the Evidence Type by the Evidence Provider -->
                        <!-- Determination of the Jurisdiction Mapping to the User's attributes. NUTS2 is required -->
                            <sdg:JurisdictionContext>Company's Headquarters Location</sdg:JurisdictionContext>
                        <!-- Determination of the Jurisdiction Mapping to the User's attributes. NUTS2 is required -->
                        <!-- Declaration of the possible classifications of the Evidence Provider -->
                            <!-- Value from a Codelist required. Must be publised in the Semantic Repository -->
                            <sdg:Description lang="en">Type Of Insurance</sdg:Description>                          


4.8.4. Evidence Requester Query with exception-based flow

The Evidence Requester needs to fetch the Evidence Providers that can provide an evidence type with Evidence Type Classification CertificateOfInsurance, as it was extracted from the Evidence Broker. To do this, it executes the following HTTP REST Call to the DSD:

«server base url»/rest/search?queryId=urn:fdc:oots:dsd:ebxml-regrep:queries:dataservices-by-evidencetype-and-jurisdiction&evidence-type-classification=CertificateOfInsurance&country-code=MS

The DSD receives the requests and checks whether the specific evidenceType for country MS has a DataServiceEvidenceType that contains a Jurisdiction Determination and/or an Evidence Provider Classification Scheme. In our example, both exists and thus it must return an exception requesting information on both the Jurisdiction Determination and the Evidence Provider Classification Scheme, as follows:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8" ?>
<query:QueryResponse xmlns:xsi=""

  <!-- Additional elements describing the response -->

  <rs:Exception xsi:type="rs:ObjectNotFoundExceptionType" severity="FAILURE"
    message="The query requires the included extra attributes to be provided by the user."
    <rim:Slot name="DataServiceEvidenceType">
      <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
        <sdg:DataServiceEvidenceType xmlns:sdg="">
          <sdg:Title>Certificate Of Insurance</sdg:Title>
            Certificate Of Insurance provided by the regional service providers of Region A of MS C.
            Evidence Provider Jurisdiction is resolved at Municipality level, where the company has its office headquarters.
            Evidence providers are classified according to the type of insurance the Evidence Subject has.
    <!-- Jurisdiction Mapping Requests -->
    <rim:Slot name="JurisdictionDetermination">
      <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
          <sdg:JurisdictionContext>Company Headquarters location</sdg:JurisdictionContext>

    <!-- Evidence Provider Classification Scheme -->
    <rim:Slot name="UserRequestedClassificationConcepts">
      <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:CollectionValueType">
        <rim:Element xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType"> 
            <sdg:Description lang="en">Type of insurance</sdg:Description>


The Evidence Requester will then request the following information from the user:

  • the company's headquarters location, using the NUTS2 codes of country MS
  • the type of insurance that the company issues based on a codelist published under the following URL in the semantic repository distinghishing between "private" and "public"  insurance types. 

With the information given by the user (Nuts Code = MS77; Insurance Type = public), the Evidence requester then create a new HTTP as follows:

«server base url»/rest/search?queryId=urn:fdc:oots:dsd:ebxml-regrep:queries:dataservices-by-evidencetype-and-jurisdiction&evidence-type-classification=CertificationOfInsurance&country-code=MS&evidence-type-id=DSEV-ID1&jurisdiction-context-id=CompanyHq&jurisdiction-admin-l2=MS77&TypeOfInsurance=public

where "DSEV-ID1" is retrieved from the Exception and "MS77" and "public" are values provided by the user.

The DSD is now able to properly provide a DataServiceEvidenceType with the appropriate Data Services and Evidence Providers.  For our example, the following response will be returned:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
	<!-- - - Evidence Type Metadata - - -->
    <!-- Classification Information - Used for linking with the Evidence Broker -->
    <sdg:Title>Certificate of Insurance</sdg:Title>
    <!-- Distribution Information - Multiple Distributions per Data Service Evidence Type -->
    <!-- XML Distribution, conforming to the common data model on Birth Certificate -->
     <!-- PDF Distribution. PDF is unstructured data so there is no conformance to a data model -->
        <!-- - - Evidence Provider and Data Service Metadata - - -->
        <!-- Access Service represents the Data Service serving the piece of Evidence on behalf of an Evidence Provider -->
        <!-- Access Service of an Evidence Provider supporting only Public Insurance Types -->
     	<sdg:Identifier schemeID="">8889909099</sdg:Identifier>
 		<!-- The Evidence Provider Information -->
          	<sdg:Identifier schemeID="">DE345938373</sdg:Identifier>
           	<sdg:Name>Evidence Provider 2</sdg:Name>
                    <!-- NUTS Code -->
                 <!-- NUTS Code -->
        <!-- Determination of the Jurisdiction Mapping to the User's attributes. NUTS2 is required -->                       
            <sdg:JurisdictionContext>Company's Headquarters Location</sdg:JurisdictionContext>
        <!-- Declaration of the possible classifications of the Evidence Provider -->
    	<!-- Value from a Codelist required. Must be publised in the Semantic Repository -->
    	<sdg:Description lang="en">Type Of Insurance</sdg:Description>                      

5. LCM Interface Specification of the Data Service Directory

The DSD Service provides an Regrep 4.0 based LCM API, following the Regrep 4.0 LCM SubmitObjects Profile of the OOTS Common Services. This section defines the Classification Scheme, Classification Nodes, Associations and Registry Objects of the SubmitObjects Request Message. After the introduction of the Classification Scheme, Classification Nodes, Associations a full LCM SubmitObjects transaction to the DSD is illustrated as Data Model, Implementation Guideline and Example. The Lifecycle Management Specification (see Chapter 3: Common Services - Common Services API Specification) provides a principle overview for a bulk update of the information stored in the Common Services of a Member State. It relates to this section as this section illustrates how the API is used to process an update to the DSD.

5.1 Classification Scheme and Nodes

Definition TypeValueDescription
Classification Schemeurn:fdc:oots:classification:dsdThe classification scheme under which the specific classification nodes reside for the DSD Service
Classification NodeEvidenceProviderA Node defining the registry object as an Evidence Provider Entity
Classification NodeDataServiceEvidenceTypeA classification node defining the registry object as Data Service Evidence Type
Associationurn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:AssociationType:ServesEvidenceThe association linking the EvidenceProvider Registry objects with the Data Service Evidence Types

5.2 Registry Objects

The DSD LCM Interface accepts two different registry objects in the SubmitObjectsRequest Message which are defined in the sections below:

5.2.1 DataServiceEvidenceType

This Registry Object provides the information on the Data Service Evidence Type. It MUST NOT contain the Access Service and the Evidence Provider details, as these are provided through the use of associations with EvidenceProvider Registry Objects (Access Service). The classification node used MUST be DataServiceEvidenceType under the DSD Classification Scheme urn:fdc:oots:classification:dsd.

The following diagram shows the structure of the registry object:

  LCM DataServiceEvidenceType

An example DataServiceEvidenceType Registry Object in XML format is shown below embedded into a lcm:SubmitObjectsRequest (see Lifecycle Management Specification of Chapter 3: Common Services - 3.6 Common Services API Specification):

<lcm:SubmitObjectsRequest xmlns:xsi=""
	 	<!-- Other registry objects are omitted for clarity -->

		<rim:RegistryObject id="urn:uuid:61165d22-657b-45fa-9240-f1ed35837c23">
  			<rim:Classification id="urn:uuid:a1be6e74-efgh-5678-aaaa-0376f367b8fd" classificationScheme="urn:fdc:oots:classification:dsd" classificationNode="DataServiceEvidenceType"/>
  			<rim:Slot name="DataServiceEvidenceType">
  				<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">

    				<!-- This is the registry object for the DataServiceEvidenceType "CertificateOfInsurance" -->
      					<sdg:Title>Certificate Of Insurance</sdg:Title>

        					<sdg:JurisdictionContext lang="en">Company Headquarters</sdg:JurisdictionContext>
        					<!-- Value from a Codelist required. Must be publised in the Semantic Repository -->
	 						<!-- Indicating that the type of insurance must be known to identify the EvidenceProvider of the DataServiceEvidenceType-->
        					<sdg:Description lang="en">Type Of Insurance</sdg:Description>

5.2.2 Evidence Provider (Access Service)

This Registry Object provides the information of the Evidence Provider (Access Service). The classification node used MUST be EvidenceProvider under the DSD Classification Scheme urn:fdc:oots:classification:dsd.

The following diagram shows the structure of the registry object:

Access Service Evidence Provider

An example Evidence Provider Registry Object in XML format is shown below embedded into a lcm:SubmitObjectsRequest (see Lifecycle Management Specification of Chapter 3: Common Services - 3.6 Common Services API Specification):

<lcm:SubmitObjectsRequest xmlns:xsi=""
	 	<!-- Other registry objects are omitted for clarity -->

		<!-- This is the registry object for the Evidence Provider "Denmark Health Insurance" -->
		<rim:RegistryObject  id="urn:uuid:a1be6e74-bbbb-4444-b04c-0376f367b8fd">
  			<rim:Classification id="urn:uuid:a1be6e74-abcd-1234-b04c-0376f367b8fd" classificationScheme="urn:fdc:oots:classification:dsd" classificationNode="EvidenceProvider"/>

 			 <!-- The actual Evidence Provider Structure -->
  			<rim:Slot name="EvidenceProvider">
    			<rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
      					<sdg:Identifier schemeID="">8889909099</sdg:Identifier>

        				<!-- The Evidence Provider Information -->
        					<sdg:Identifier schemeID="">DK22233223</sdg:Identifier>
        					<sdg:Name>Denmark Health Insurance</sdg:Name>


          						<!-- NUTS Code -->

          						<!-- Value from a Codelist required. Must be publised in the Semantic Repository -->
          						<sdg:Description lang="en">Type Of Insurance</sdg:Description>
		    						<!-- Indicating that this is a private insurance and that this value is required to identify the EvidenceProvider-->


5.3 Associations

The DSD LCM Interface accepts a single association that links a DataServiceEvidenceType with an Evidence Provider in the SubmitObjectsRequest Message which is defined in the sections below:

5.3.1 ServesEvidenceType

This Association provides the link between an Evidence Provider and a Data Service Evidence Type . The type attribute MUST be urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:AssociationType:ServesEvidenceType, with the source object pointing to an EvidenceProvider RegistryObject through the use of its id and the targetObject pointing to a DataserviceEvidenceType object through the id.

An example association between an Evidence Provider and a DataServiceEvidenceType in XML format is shown below embedded into a lcm:SubmitObjectsRequest (see Lifecycle Management Specification of Chapter 3: Common Services - 3.6 Common Services API Specification):

Association: ServesEvidenceType
lcm:SubmitObjectsRequest xmlns:xsi=""
	 	<!-- Other Registry Objects are ommitted for clarity-->

        <!-- Association between the EvidenceProvider "Denmark Health Insurance" and DataServiceEvidenceType "CertificateOfInsurance"-->
        <rim:RegistryObject xsi:type="rim:AssociationType" id="urn:uuid:f6458bc0-bdaa-489a-84bd-451d1dbf800b"
                             <!-- The <rim:Classification id of the EvidenceProvider "Denmark Health Insurance" -->
                            <!-- The <rim:Classification id of the DataServiceEvidenceType "CertificateOfInsurance" --> 
                            <!-- A fixed value used to indicate the type of relationsship describing that an Evidence Provider serves an DataServiceEvidenceType -->

5.4 LCM Submit Objects to the DSD 

5.4.1 Data Model of the LCM Submit Objects Request to the DSD

For the LCM submission, the profile uses the SubmitObjectsRequest message, as defined by the RegRep 4.0 LCM Manager Interface Specification SubmitObjects Protocol. The message MUST contain a unique id and one Registry Object List containing the Registry Objects under submission.

The following data model illustrates how a SubmitObjectsRequest to the DSD is constructed based on the SDG OOTS LifeCycleManagementSpecification (see Chapter 3: Common Services - Common Services API Specification).

Data Model LCM Submit Objects to DSD

5.4.2. Implementation Guideline of the LCM Submit Objects Request to the DSD 

The table below defines the elements of the data model illustrated above according to the RegRep 4.0 LCM Manager Interface Specification SubmitObjects Protocol which is adapted by the SubmitObjectsRequest to the DSD. The data model contains Registry Objects being of "RegistryObjectType" or registryObjects being of "AssociationType". Registry Objects which are a RegistryObjectType either contain a rim:Slot "DataServiceEvidenceType" or a rim:Slot "Evidence Provider" but not both. Registry Objects which are an AssociationType contain a sourceObject pointing to the id of the classification used to identify a Registry Object with the rim:Slot "EvidenceProvider" and a target object pointing to the id of the classification used to identify a Registry Object with the rim:slot "DataServiceEvidenceType" expressing that an EvidenceProvider provides an DataServiceEvidenceType (see section 5.3 Association/ServesEvidenceType). 


The table below represent the tree structure of the data models illustrated in this section. Light grey rows describe classes and define their properties and attributes. Light green rows soley illustrate the classes that are subordinated or associated to a class and therewith illustrate the tree structure of the data model. Light green rows are thus always repeated as light grey rows to describe the properties and attributes of a class. The hierarchy of the tree structure is also indicated in the first column via the '+' symbol. 

HierarchyNameDefinitionCardinalityTypeData TypeRulesCore Vocabulary / DomainElement of Core Vocabulary


root element

Structure: DSD-SUB-S001, DSD-SUB-S002, DSD-SUB-S030


+idThe unique identifier of the SubmitObjectsRequest. 1..1AttributeIdentifierStructure: DSD-SUB-S003, DSD-SUB-S004ebRIM-


Element to list the Registry Objects of the QueryResponse.



Structure: DSD-SUB-S005, 





Element to list the Registry Objects of the QueryResponse.



Structure: DSD-SUB-S005,




rim:RegistryObject <rim:Slot "DataServiceEvidenceType">

The element describes specific aspects and metadata of the Evidence Type.



Structure: DSD-SUB-S034




rim:RegistryObject <rim:slot "EvidenceProvider">

The details of the Data Service or Evidence Provider that is able to provide the Evidence Type. Evidence Providers may provider different distributions of an evidence type



Structure: DSD-SUB-S033




rim:RegistryObject <xsi:type="rim:AssociationType">

An association that links a DataServiceEvidenceType with an Evidence Provider in the SubmitObjectsRequest Message.



Structure: DSD-SUB-S022, DSD-SUB-S035




rim:RegistryObject <rim:Slot "DataServiceEvidenceType">

Element to control the type and structure of Registry Object within the SubmitObjectsRequest.



Structure: DSD-SUB-S034





Unique UUID for each RegistryObject. 


Structure: DSD-SUB-S006, DSD-SUB-S032




The classification of the Registry Object being a DataServiceEvidenceType.

Structure: DSD-SUB-S007ebRIM
+++rim:slot "DataServiceEvidenceType"The slot is a container to describe the specific aspects and metadata of the Data Service and Evidence Type.1..1SlotTypeAnyValueTypeStructure: DSD-SUB-S015, DSD-SUB-S017ebRIM-

The classification of the Registry Object being a DataServiceEvidenceType.

Structure: DSD-SUB-S007ebRIM
++++idThe unique identifier used to used for associating this target registry object with a source object (Evidence Provider).1..1AttributeIdentifierStructure: DSD-SUB-S008,  DSD-SUB-S009ebRIM
++++classificationSchemeThe classification scheme under which the specific classification nodes reside for the DSD Service. FixedValue: urn:fdc:oots:classification:dsd1..1AttributeURIStructure: DSD-SUB-S010, DSD-SUB-S012ebRIM
++++classificationNodeA classification node defining the registry object as Data Service Evidence Type. FixedValue: DataServiceEvidenceType1..1AttributeCodeStructure: DSD-SUB-S011, DSD-SUB-S013ebRIM
+++rim:slot "DataServiceEvidenceType"The slot is a container to describe the specific aspects and metadata of the Data Service Evidence Type.1..1SlotTypeAnyValueTypeStructure: DSD-SUB-S015, DSD-SUB-S017ebRIM-
++++DataServiceEvidenceTypeThe element describes specific aspects and metadata of the Data Service Evidence Type.1..1DataServiceEvidenceTypeType
Structure: DSD-SUB-S019,  DSD-SUB-S020 SDGR Application Profile-
++++DataServiceEvidenceTypeThe element describes specific aspects and metadata of the Data Service and Evidence Type.1..1DataServiceEvidenceTypeType
Structure: DSD-SUB-S019,  DSD-SUB-S020 SDGR Application Profile-
+++++IdentifierThe unique identifier of the Evidence Type of the Data Service. Must be used in the Evidence Request.1..1AttributeIdentifierContent: R-DSD-SUB-C001DCAT-APdct:identifier
+++++EvidenceTypeClassificationA URI pointing to the Evidence Type that this Data Service is supporting. The classification is linked with the Evidence Type of the Semantic Repository (Evidence Broker). 1..1AttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-SUB-C002Core Criterion Core Evidence Vocabularycccev:evidenceTypeClassification
+++++TitleA name to identify in natural language the Evidence Type. Unbounded cardinality to support multiple languages.1..nAttributeText


The language of the title encoded as 

ISO 639-1 two-letter code. Default value "en"

MAttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-SUB-C003, R-DSD-SUB-C004DCAT-APdct:title


A description of the Evidence Type. Unbounded cardinality to support multiple languages.0..nAttributeText


The language of the description encoded as 

ISO 639-1 two-letter code. Default value "en"

MAttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-SUB-C005, R-DSD-SUB-C006DCAT-APdct:description
+++++AuthenticationLevelOfAssuranceThe Minimum eIDAS Level Of Assurance Required for this Evidence Type, so that the Evidence can be released0..1AttributeCode

Content: R-DSD-SUB-C037

+++++DistributedAsThe representations that are supported by the Data Service Evidence Type.1..nEvidenceTypeDistributionType
Structure: DSD-SUB-S021DCAT Application Profiledcat:distribution
+++++EvidenceProviderJurisdictionDeterminationContextual Information required for the jurisdiction determination of the correct Evidence Provider0..1JurisdictionDeterminationType

SDGR Application Profile
+++++EvidenceProviderClassificationThe Evidence Provider required classifications mapped to this Evidence Type that need to be mapped to an EvidenceProvider Classification Concept for proper Evidence Provider Discovery0..nInformationConceptType

Core Criterion Core Evidence Vocabularycccev:InformationConcept
+++++DistributedAsThe representations that are supported by the Evidence Type Dataset.1..nEvidenceTypeDistributionType

DCAT Application Profiledcat:distribution
++++++FormatThe technical representation of the Evidence Type. Declaration of the file types that provide structured content like PDF, XML, JSON, RDF etc1..1AttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-SUB-C007DCAT-APdct:format
++++++ConformsToA registered schema or conformance profile in the OOTS semantic repository to which the described Distribution conforms. 0..1AttributeURIContent: R-DSD-SUB-C008DCAT-APdct:conformsTo
++++++TransformationThe element points to a known and structured evidence type subset that would suffice the request. Evidence type subsets fulfil the principle of data minimization and can limit the collection to those information required for the execution of a procedure. 0..1AttributeURIContent: R-DSD-SUB-C009DCAT-APdct:conformsTo
+++++EvidenceProviderJurisdictionDeterminationContextual Information required for the jurisdiction determination of the correct Evidence Provider0..1JurisdictionDeterminationType

SDGR Application Profile
++++++JurisdictionContextIdA codified, mappable value of the Jurisdiction Determination Context of an Evidence Provider1..1AttributeIdentifierContent: R-DSD-SUB-C015SDGR-AP
++++++JurisdictionContextThe Jurisdiction Determination Context of an Evidence Provider in natural language1..nAttributeText
+++++++JurisdictionContext/@LangThe Language used for the Jurisdiction ContextMAttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-SUB-C016, R-DSD-SUB-C017SDGR-AP
++++++JurisdictionLevelThe minimum level of the jurisdiction Granularity Required for proper discovery of the Evidence Provider (MS, NUTS1-3, LAU)1..1AttributeCode

Content: R-DSD-SUB-C018

+++++EvidenceProviderClassificationAn Evidence Provider Classification is a structured piece of information that is used to provide the context on the classification concepts defined the Data Service Evidence Type an Evidence Provider needs to provide0..nInformationConceptType

Core Criterion Core Evidence Vocabularycccev:InformationConcept
++++++IdentifierUnambiguous reference to the Information Concept.1..1AttributeIdentifierContent: R-DSD-SUB-C010CCCEVcccev:identifier
++++++TypeCategory to which the Information Concept belongs.1..1AttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-SUB-C011CCCEVcccev:type
++++++ValueExpressionFormulation in a formal language of the expected value(s) for the Classification Concept which is aligned with the concepts from the Requirements defined and must be respected by the supplied Supported Values.
Currently, the Regular Expression language is supported for strings.
CCCEVcccev:expressionOfExpected Value
++++++DescriptionShort explanation supporting the understanding of the Classification Concept.1..nAttributeTextContent: R-DSD-SUB-C012CCCEVcccev:description


The language of the description encoded as 

ISO 639-1 two-letter code. Default value "en"

MAttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-SUB-C013, R-DSD-SUB-C014CCCEVcccev:description

rim:RegistryObject <EvidenceProvider>

The details of the Data Service or Evidence Provider that is able to provide the Evidence Type. Evidence Providers may provider different distributions of an evidence type



Structure: DSD-SUB-S033




id or lid

Unique UUID for each RegistryObject. 


Structure: DSD-SUB-S006, DSD-SUB-S032




The classification of the Registry Object being an EvidenceProvider.

Structure: DSD-SUB-S007ebRIM
+++rim:slot "EvidenceProvider"The slot is a container to describe the specific aspects and metadata of Evidence Provider that is able to provide the Evidence Type.1..1SlotTypeAnyValueTypeStructure: DSD-SUB-S014, DSD-SUB-S016ebRIM-

The classification of the Registry Object being an EvidenceProvider.

Structure: DSD-SUB-S007ebRIM
++++idThe unique identifier used to used for associating this source object with a target object (Data Service Evidence Type).1..1AttributeIdentifierStructure: DSD-SUB-S008,  DSD-SUB-S009ebRIM
++++classificationSchemeThe classification scheme under which the specific classification nodes reside for the DSD Service. FixedValue: urn:fdc:oots:classification:dsd1..1AttributeURIStructure: DSD-SUB-S010, DSD-SUB-S012ebRIM
++++classificationNodeA classification node defining the registry object as Data Service Evidence Type. FixedValue: EvidenceProvider1..1AttributeCodeStructure: DSD-SUB-S011, DSD-SUB-S013ebRIM
+++rim:slot "EvidenceProvider"The slot is a container to describe the specific aspects and metadata of Evidence Provider that is able to provide the Evidence Type.1..1SlotTypeAnyValueTypeStructure: DSD-SUB-S014, DSD-SUB-S016ebRIM-

The details of the Data Service serving the Evidence Type. 

Structure: DSD-SUB-S018DCAT Application Profiledcat:servesDataset

The details of the Data Service serving the Evidence Type. 

Structure: DSD-SUB-S018DCAT Application Profiledcat:servesDataset
+++++IdentifierThe identifier of the Access Service, using ebcore Party ID Type. Used in eDelivery Evidence Exchange for PMode Mapping.1..1AttributeIdentifierContent: R-DSD-SUB-C019DCAT-APdct:identifier
++++++Identifier/@schemeIDThe schemeID of the ebcore Party ID Type Must use the prefix: '[code]'.  (e.g. R-DSD-SUB-C020, R-DSD-SUB-C021, R-DSD-SUB-C022DCAT-APdct:identifier
+++++ConformsToThe registered version(s) of the eDelivery profile used by the access service (e.g. oots:edm-v1.0)
1..nAttributeURIContent: R-DSD-SUB-C023DCAT-APdct:conformsTo


The organisation responsible for issuing Evidences via this Data Service. 1..1EvidenceProviderType

Core Public Service Vocabulary Application Profile (CPSV-AP)dct:Agent
+++++PublisherThe organisation responsible for issuing Evidences via this Data Service. 1..1EvidenceProviderType

++++++IdentifierA unique identification for the Publisher or agent.1..1AttributeIdentifier
+++++++Identifier/@schemeIDThe schemeID of the unique idenfier of the publisher. Must use the prefix: '[code]'. (e.g. R-DSD-SUB-C024, R-DSD-SUB-C025DCAT-APdct:identifier
++++++NameA short label for the agent.1..1AttributeText
++++++AddressA location of the Publisher in the form of an address.1..1AddressType

Core Location Vocabulary (CLV)ocn:Address
++++++JurisdictionThe jurisdiction to which this Evidence Provider applies.1..1JurisdictionType

Core Location Vocabulary (CLV)ocn:Address
++++++ClassificationConceptA Classification Concept is a structured piece of information that is used to provide the supported values on the classification concepts defined the Data Service Evidence Type0..nInformationConceptType

Core Criterion Core Evidence Vocabularycccev:InformationConcept
++++++AddressA location of the Publisher in the form of an address.1..1AddressType


The complete address written as a string.


The name of a street, passage or way through from one location to another.


A number or sequence of characters that uniquely identifies the locator (building number, apartment number, etc.) within the relevant scope.

+++++++AdminUnitLevel1The name of the uppermost level of the address, almost always a country.0..1AttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-SUB-C026CLVlocn:adminUnitL1
+++++++AdminUnitLevel2The name of a secondary level/region of the address, usually a county, state or other such area that typically encompasses several localities.0..1AttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-SUB-C027CLVlocn:adminUnitL2
+++++++PostCodeThe code created and maintained for postal purposes to identify a subdivision of addresses and postal delivery points.0..1AttributeCode
+++++++PostCityNameThe key postal division of the address, usually the city. 0..1AttributeCode
++++++JurisdictionThe Jurisdiction to which this Data Service Evidence Type applies.1..1JurisdictionType

Core Criterion Core Evidence Vocabularycccev:evidenceTypeJurisdiction
+++++++AdminUnitLevel1The name of the uppermost level of the address, almost always a country.1..1AttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-SUB-C028CLV locn:adminUnitL1
+++++++AdminUnitLevel2The name of a secondary level/region of the address, usually a county, state or other such area that typically encompasses several localities.0..1AttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-SUB-C029CLV locn:adminUnitL2
+++++++AdminUnitLevel3The name of a secondary level/region of the address, usually a municipality or other such area that typically encompasses several localities.0..1AttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-SUB-C030CLVlocn:adminUnitL3
++++++ClassificationConceptA Classification Concept is a structured piece of information that is used to provide the supported values on the classification concepts defined the Data Service Evidence Type0..nInformationConceptType

Core Criterion Core Evidence Vocabularycccev:InformationConcept
+++++++IdentifierUnambiguous reference to the Information Concept.1..1AttributeIdentifierContent: R-DSD-SUB-C031CCCEVcccev:identifier
+++++++TypeCategory to which the Information Concept belongs.1..1AttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-SUB-C032CCCEVcccev:type
+++++++ValueExpressionFormulation in a formal language of the expected value(s) for the Classification Concept which is aligned with the concepts from the Requirements defined and must be respected by the supplied Supported Values.
Currently only Regular Expression is supported.
CCCEVcccev:expressionOfExpected Value
+++++++DescriptionShort explanation supporting the understanding of the Classification Concept.1..nAttributeTextContent: R-DSD-SUB-C033CCCEVcccev:description


The language of the description encoded as ISO 639-1 two-letter code. Default value "en"MAttributeCodeContent: R-DSD-SUB-C034, R-DSD-SUB-C035CCCEVcccev:description
+++++++SupportedValueThe value that is supported by the response1..1SupportedValueType

Structure: DSD-SUB-S031

Content: R-DSD-SUB-C036

SDGR Application Profile
+++++++SupportedValueThe value that is supported by the response1..1SupportedValueType
Structure: DSD-SUB-S031SDGR Application Profile
++++++++StringValueTextual field0..1AttributeString
SDGR-APXML Schema data types
++++++++DateValueDate values (format YYYY-DD-MM)0..1AttributeDate
SDGR-APXML Schema data types

"true" or 1 Representing "Yes" affirmative answers

"false" or 0 representing "No" negative answers

SDGR-APXML Schema data types
++++++++CodeValueA code for a concept.0..1AttributeCode
SDGR-APXML Schema data types
++++++++DateTimeValueDate values that include a time (format YYYY-DD-MM hh:mm:ss zzzzzz)0..1AttributeDataTime
SDGR-APXML Schema data types
++++++++IdentifierAn identifier of a concept, including a schemeID0..1AttributeIdentifier
SDGR-APXML Schema data types
++++++++URIA URI, including e-mail addresses0..1AttributeanyURI
SDGR-APXML Schema data types
++++++++TimeTime values (format hh:mm:ss)0..1Attribute

SDGR-APXML Schema data types
++++++++DurationA duration expressed as Year, Month, Day, Hour and Minutes (format PnYn MnDTnH nMnS)0..1Attributeduration
SDGR-APXML Schema data types
++++++++DecimalA number represented with decimal notation0..1AttributeDecimal
SDGR-APXML Schema data types
++++++++AmountAn Amount, and currency, as defined in UN/CEFACT's CCTS0..1AttributeAmount
SDGR-APXML Schema data types

rim:RegistryObject <xsi:type="rim:AssociationType">

An association that links a DataServiceEvidenceType with an Evidence Provider in the SubmitObjectsRequest Message.



Structure: DSD-SUB-S022, DSD-SUB-S035



+++xsi:typeMust be xsi:type="rim:AssociationType" to indicate that this RegistryObject is an association between a DataServiceEvidenceType and an Evidence Provider.1..1AttributeCodeStructure: DSD-SUB-S023ebRIM-
+++idThe unique identifier used to used for identifying this association.1..1AttributeIdentifierStructure: DSD-SUB-S006, DSD-SUB-S032ebRIM-
+++sourceObjectThe unique identifier used for the Classification of the source object (Evidence Provider). 1..1AttributeIdentifierStructure: DSD-SUB-S024, DSD-SUB-S025ebRIM-
+++targetObjectThe unique identifier used for the Classification of the source object (Data Service Evidence Type). 1..1AttributeIdentifierStructure: DSD-SUB-S026, DSD-SUB-S027ebRIM-
+++typeThe name of the association. Fixed Value: urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:AssociationType:ServesEvidenceType1..1AttributeURIStructure: DSD-SUB-S028, DSD-SUB-S029ebRIM-

5.4.3 Example of a LCM Submit Objects Request to the DSD

The following example shows a complete example of a possible bulk upload for a member state MS, submitting an evidence provider, a DataserviceEvidenceType and an association that links them together:

<lcm:SubmitObjectsRequest xmlns:xsi=""

        <!-- This is the registry object for the Evidence Provider "Denmark Health Insurance" -->
        <rim:RegistryObject id="urn:uuid:a1be6e74-bbbb-4444-b04c-0376f367b8fd">
            <rim:Classification id="urn:uuid:a1be6e74-abcd-1234-b04c-0376f367b8fd"

            <!-- The actual Evidence Provider Structure -->
            <rim:Slot name="EvidenceProvider">
                <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">
                    <sdg:AccessService xmlns:sdg="">
                        <sdg:Identifier schemeID="">8889909099

                            <!-- The Evidence Provider Information -->
                            <sdg:Identifier schemeID="">DK22233223</sdg:Identifier>
                            <sdg:Name>Denmark Health Insurance</sdg:Name>

								 <!-- NUTS Code -->

							 	<!-- NUTS Code -->

          						<!-- Value from a Codelist required. Must be publised in the Semantic Repository -->
          						<sdg:Description lang="en">Type Of Insurance</sdg:Description>
								 	<!-- Indicating that this is a private insurance and that this value is required to identify the EvidenceProvider-->


		<!-- This is the registry object for the DataServiceEvidenceType "CertificateOfInsurance" --> 
		<rim:RegistryObject id="urn:uuid:61165d22-657b-45fa-9240-f1ed35837c23">
            <rim:Classification id="urn:uuid:a1be6e74-efgh-5678-aaaa-0376f367b8fd"
            <rim:Slot name="DataServiceEvidenceType">
                <rim:SlotValue xsi:type="rim:AnyValueType">

                        <sdg:Title>Certificate Of Insurance</sdg:Title>

                            <sdg:JurisdictionContext lang="en">Company Headquarters</sdg:JurisdictionContext>

                            <!-- Value from a Codelist required. Must be publised in the Semantic Repository -->
						    <!-- Indicating that the type of insurance must be known to identify the EvidenceProvider of the DataServiceEvidenceType-->
                            <sdg:Description lang="en">Type Of Insurance</sdg:Description>



        <!-- Associate the EvidenceProvider "Denmark Health Insurance" with DataServiceEvidenceType "CertificateOfInsurance"-->
        <rim:RegistryObject xsi:type="rim:AssociationType" id="urn:uuid:f6458bc0-bdaa-489a-84bd-451d1dbf800b"
						     <!-- The <rim:Classification id of the EvidenceProvider "Denmark Health Insurance" --> 
						    <!-- The <rim:Classification id of the DataServiceEvidenceType "CertificateOfInsurance" -->  
						 	<!-- A fixed value used to indicate the type of relationsship describing that an Evidence Provider serves an DataServiceEvidenceType -->



5.4.4 Business Rules associated to a LCM Submit Objects Request to the DSD

In order to facilitate interoperability for the LCM SubmitObjectsRequest to the DSD, a set of business rules is defined to guarantee the correct structure, use and format of information objects when submitting objects to the DSD. The Rule IDs reference to the DSD transaction "LCM Submit Objects Request to the DSD" (DSD-SUB).

Business Rules

The Rule ID is used to identify the rule and to have an error code next to the rule description. Business rules that guarantee the correct structure of the message are using the prefix "S" before the numer (e.g. S009) whereas business rules that prove the information content are using the prefix "C" before the numer (e.g. C012).  The Element and Location points to the correct information object that is affected by the rule. Each business rule is associated with an error level (flag) that expresses a validation result when an XML instance is proven against the rules through schematron validation:

  • information: a hint that an additional object is mandatory in some cases;
  • warning: offering recommendations to improve the quality of the instance or regain full validity;
  • fatal: the rule point to a major issue of consistency or data correctness.

Rule descriptions containing "MUST" correspond to an error level that is flagged as fatal, while "SHOULD" rules correspond to an error level that is flagged as a warning. "MAY" rules point to error level note. For each business rule, a corresponding schematron rule is defined that references the same rule ID. Schematrons are used to prove the correctness of instances. Business rules to prove the correct structure of a LCM Submit Objects Request to the DSD

The table below lists the business rules to prove the structure of a "LCM Submit Objects Request to the DSD" (DSD-SUB) such as namespace, root elements, slots, data types including "multidimensional" checks crossing the barrier between the different XSD schemes (XSD-Binding and XSD-Restriction).

Rule TypeRule IDElementLocationRuleFlag
RootElementDSD-SUB-S001lcm:SubmitObjectsRequestlcm:SubmitObjectsRequestThe root element of a query response document MUST be 'lcm:SubmitObjectsRequest'Fatal
NamespaceDSD-SUB-S002lcm:SubmitObjectsRequestlcm:SubmitObjectsRequestThe namespace of root element of a 'lcm:SubmitObjectsRequest' MUST be 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:xsd:lcm:4.0'Fatal
RootAttributeDSD-SUB-S003lcm:SubmitObjectsRequestlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/@idThe 'id' attribute of a 'SubmitObjectsRequest' MUST be present. Fatal
RootAttributeDSD-SUB-S004lcm:SubmitObjectsRequestlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/@idThe 'id' attribute of a 'SubmitObjectsRequest' MUST be unique UUID (RFC 4122) starting with prefix "urn:uuid:".Fatal
StructureDSD-SUB-S005rim:RegistryObjectlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObjectA  'SubmitObjectsRequest' MUST include a 'rim:RegistryObjectList' and a 'rim:RegistryObject'Fatal
CardinatlityDSD-SUB-S006rim:RegistryObjectlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/@idEach 'rim:RegistryObject' MUST include an 'id' attributeFatal
StructureDSD-SUB-S007rim:Classificationlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/rim:ClassificationEach 'rim:RegistryObject' MUST include a 'rim:Classification' if the 'rim:RegistryObject' is not an 'xsi:type="rim:AssociationType"'Fatal



Each 'rim:Classification' MUST include an 'id' attributeFatal



Each id of 'rim:Classification' MUST be unique UUID (RFC 4122) starting with prefix "urn:uuid:".Fatal



Each 'rim:Classification' MUST include an 'classificationScheme' attributeFatal



Each 'rim:Classification' MUST include an 'classificationNode' attributeFatal



 The 'classificationScheme' attribute MUST be 'urn:fdc:oots:classification:dsd'Fatal



 The 'classificationNode' attribute MUST be 'EvidenceProvider' or 'DataServiceEvidenceType'Fatal
SlotDSD-SUB-S014rim:Slot (EvidenceProvider)



A 'rim:RegistryObject' with the classificationNode 'EvidenceProvider MUST include a  <rim:Slot name="EvidenceProvider"> and no otherFatal
SlotDSD-SUB-S015rim:Slot (DataServiceEvidenceType)



A 'rim:RegistryObject' with the classificationNode 'DataServiceEvidenceType' MUST include a  <rim:Slot name="DataServiceEvidenceType"> and no otherFatal
DataTypeDSD-SUB-S016rim:SlotValue (EvidenceProvider)



The <rim:SlotValue> of <rim:Slot name="EvidenceProvider"> MUST be of "rim:AnyValueType"Fatal
DataTypeDSD-SUB-S017rim:SlotValue (DataServiceEvidenceType)



The <rim:SlotValue> of <rim:Slot name="DataServiceEvidenceType"> MUST be of "rim:AnyValueType"Fatal
XSD-BindingDSD-SUB-S018sdg:AccessService (EvidenceProvider)



A  'rim:Slot[@name='EvidenceProvider'/rim:SlotValue' MUST contain one sdg:EvidenceProvider of the targetNamespace=""Fatal
XSD-BindingDSD-SUB-S019sdg:DataServiceEvidenceType (DataServiceEvidenceType)



A  'rim:Slot[@name='DataServiceEvidenceType'/rim:SlotValue' MUST contain one sdg:DataServiceEvidenceType of the targetNamespace=""Fatal



A DataServiceEvidenceType 'rim:Slot[@name='DataServiceEvidenceType'/rim:SlotValue' MUST not contain an 'sdg:AccessService' and a 'sdg:AuthenticationLevelOfAssurance'Fatal
AssociationRulesDSD-SUB-S022rim:RegistryObjectlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObjectIf a 'rim:RegistryObject' does not have a 'rim:Classification it MUST have the attribute 'xsi:type="rim:AssociationType"'Fatal
AssociationRulesDSD-SUB-S023rim:RegistryObjectlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/@xsi:typeEach 'rim:RegistryObject' with a classificationNode 'EvidenceProvider' or 'DataServiceEvidenceType' MUST have an association described in a the attribute  'xsi:type="rim:AssociationType"'Fatal
AssociationRulesDSD-SUB-S024rim:RegistryObjectlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/@sourceObjectA 'rim:RegistryObject' with the attribute 'xsi:type="rim:AssociationType"' MUST have an attribute 'sourceObject'Fatal
AssociationRulesDSD-SUB-S025rim:RegistryObjectlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/@sourceObjectA 'rim:RegistryObject' with the attribute 'xsi:type="rim:AssociationType"' MUST have an attribute 'sourceObject' that lists the id of the 'rim:RegistryObject' (starting with prefix "urn:uuid:") from classificationNode 'EvidenceProvider' Fatal
AssociationRulesDSD-SUB-S026rim:RegistryObjectlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/@targetObjectA 'rim:RegistryObject' with the attribute 'xsi:type="rim:AssociationType"' MUST have an attribute 'targetObject' Fatal
AssociationRulesDSD-SUB-S027rim:RegistryObjectlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/@targetObjectA 'rim:RegistryObject' with the attribute 'xsi:type="rim:AssociationType"' MUST have an attribute 'targetObject' that lists the id of the 'rim:RegistryObject' (starting with prefix "urn:uuid:") with classificationNode 'DataServiceEvidenceType' Fatal
AssociationRulesDSD-SUB-S028rim:RegistryObjectlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/@typeA 'rim:RegistryObject' with type="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:AssociationType:ServesEvidenceType" MUST link the id of the 'rim:RegistryObject' (starting with prefix "urn:uuid:") with the classificationNode 'EvidenceProvider' (@sourceObject) to the id of the 'rim:RegistryObject' (starting with prefix "urn:uuid:") with the classificationNode 'DataServiceEvidenceType' (@targetObject) Fatal
AssociationRulesDSD-SUB-S029rim:RegistryObjectlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/@typeA 'rim:RegistryObject' with the attribute 'xsi:type="rim:AssociationType"' linking 'rim:RegistryObject' with the classificationNode 'EvidenceProvider' (@sourceObject) to 'rim:RegistryObject' with the classificationNode 'DataServiceEvidenceType' (@targetObject) MUST use the type="urn:oasis:names:tc:ebxml-regrep:AssociationType:ServesEvidenceType"Fatal
SlotsDSD-SUB-S030lcm:SubmitObjectsRequestlcm:SubmitObjectsRequestA 'lcm:SubmitObjectsRequest' MUST not contain any other rim:Slots.Fatal




A value for 'sdg:SupportedValue' MUST be provided if the 'sdg:EvidenceProviderClassification' is present in the 'rim:RegistryObject/rim:slot[@name='DataServiceEvidenceType']'.Fatal
IdentifierDSD-SUB-S032rim:RegistryObjectlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObject/@idEach id of 'rim:RegistryObject' MUST be unique UUID (RFC 4122) starting with prefix "urn:uuid:".  Fatal
CardinalityDSD-SUB-S033rim:Slot (EvidenceProvider)



A 'SubmitObjectsRequest' MUST include a 'rim:RegistryObject' with a <rim:Slot name="EvidenceProvider"> Fatal
CardinalityDSD-SUB-S034rim:Slot (DataServiceEvidenceType)



A 'SubmitObjectsRequest' MUST include a 'rim:RegistryObject' with a <rim:Slot name="DataServiceEvidenceType"> Fatal
CardinalityDSD-SUB-S035rim:RegistryObjectlcm:SubmitObjectsRequest/rim:RegistryObjectList/rim:RegistryObjectA 'SubmitObjectsRequest' MUST include a 'rim:RegistryObject' with the attribute 'xsi:type="rim:AssociationType"Fatal Business rules to prove the content format of information objects of a LCM Submit Objects Request to the DSD

The table below lists the business rules to prove the structure of a "LCM Submit Objects to the DSD" (DSD-SUB) such as identifiers, formats, fixed values, mandatory set of values on specific fields (code lists) and dependencies between fields.

Rule TypeRule IDElementLocationRuleFlag




The value of 'Identifier' of an 'DataServiceEvidenceType' MUST be unique UUID (RFC 4122).Fatal




The value of 'EvidenceTypeClassification' of a 'DataServiceEvidenceType' MUST be a URI with the following format 'http:://……' pointing to the Semantic Repository encoded in the EvidenceBroker.Fatal




The value of 'lang' attribute MUST be part of the code list 'LanguageCode' (ISO 639-1 two-letter code).Fatal




The value of 'lang' attribute MUST be be provided. Default value: 'en'.Fatal




The value of 'lang' attribute MUST be part of the code list 'LanguageCode' (ISO 639-1 two-letter code).Fatal




The value of 'lang' attribute MUST be be provided. Default value: 'en'.Fatal




The value of 'Format' of the requested distribution MUST be be part of the code list 'BinaryObjectMimeCode'.Fatal




The value of 'ConformsTo' of the requested distribution MUST be a persistent URL pointing to the Data Service Directory (Semantic Respository).Fatal




The value of 'Transformation' of an requested distribution MUST be a persistent URL pointing to the Data Service Directory (Semantic Respository).Fatal




The value of 'Identifier' of MUST be unique UUID (RFC 4122).Fatal




A 'Type' MUST be provided. Fatal




A 'Description' MUST be provided. Fatal




The value of 'lang' attribute MUST be part of the code list 'LanguageCode' (ISO 639-1 two-letter code).Fatal




The value of 'lang' attribute MUST be be provided. Default value: 'en'.Fatal




The value of 'JurisdictionContextId' of MUST be unique UUID (RFC 4122).Fatal




The value of 'lang' attribute MUST be part of the code list 'LanguageCode' (ISO 639-1 two-letter code).Fatal




The value of 'lang' attribute MUST be be provided. Default value: 'en'.Fatal




The value of 'JurisdictionLevel' MUST be part of the code list 'JurisdictionLevel' (ISO 639-1 two-letter code).Fatal



The value of 'Identifier' of an 'AccessService' MUST use the ebcore Party ID Type. Fatal



The 'schemeID' MUST be provided. Fatal
Fixed ValueR-DSD-SUB-C021sdg:AccessService



The value of schemeID MUST use 'urn:oasis:names:tc:ebcore:partyid-type:eas:[code]'Fatal



The value of the 'schemeID' attribute of the 'Identifier' MUST  be part of the code list 'EAS' (Electronic Address Scheme ) and use the prefix '[Code]'.Fatal
Fixed ValueR-DSD-SUB-C023sdg:AccessService



The value of 'ConformsTo' of the Access Service MUST point to the underlying eDelivery Profile 'oots:edm-v1.0'Fatal




The 'schemeID' attribute of 'Identifier' MUST be present.Fatal




The value of the 'schemeID' attribute of the 'Identifier' MUST  be part of the code list 'EAS' (Electronic Address Scheme ) and use the prefix '[Code]'.Fatal




The value of the 'AdminUnitLevel1' MUST be coded using the code list 'CountryIdentificationCode' (ISO 3166-1' alpha-2 codes).Fatal




The value of the 'AdminUnitLevel2' MUST be coded using the code list 'Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics' (NUTS)Fatal




The value of the 'AdminUnitLevel1' MUST be part of the code list 'CountryIdentificationCode' (ISO 3166-1 alpha-2 codes).Fatal




The value of the 'AdminUnitLevel2' MUST be coded using the code list 'Nuts' (Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics).Fatal




The value of the 'AdminUnitLevel3' MUST be coded using the code list 'LAU' (Local Administrative Units).Fatal




The value of 'Identifier' of MUST be unique UUID (RFC 4122).Fatal




A 'Type' MUST be provided. Fatal




A 'Description' MUST be provided. Fatal




The value of 'lang' attribute MUST be part of the code list 'LanguageCode' (ISO 639-1 two-letter code).Fatal




The value of 'lang' attribute MUST be be provided. Default value: 'en'.Fatal




A value for 'SupportedValue' MUST be provided if the 'sdg:ClassificationConcept' is presentFatal




The value of 'LevelOfAssurance' must be part of the code list 'LevelsOfAssuranceCode'Fatal

6. References

ETSI TS 119 182-1.  Electronic Signatures and Infrastructures (ESI); JAdES digital signatures; Part 1: Building blocks and JAdES baseline signatures

OASIS. ebXML RegRep Version 4.0 Part 2: Services and Protocols (ebRS). 

RFC 3230. Instance digests in HTTP.

RFC 5246. The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.2.

RFC 7515. JSON Web Signature.

RFC 7517. JSON Web Algorithms (JWA).

RFC 8032.  Edwards-Curve Digital Signature Algorithm (EdDSA).

RFC 8446. The Transport Layer Security (TLS) Protocol Version 1.3.

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