
Follow-up actions after the CEF eInvoicing event on 29/05/2018


The CEF eInvoicing Event - How eInvoicing is Connecting Europe: Building a Digital Single Market held on 29 May 2018 brought together public and private sector stakeholders to discuss eInvoicing-related topics in the context of Directive 2014/55/EU.

This page was set up to allow stakeholders to engage in activities that aim to support others to comply with the eInvoicing Directive by providing information, advice and sharing experiences.





Dear all,

Thank you to those of you who had the opportunity to attend the CEF eInvoicing Event - How eInvoicing is Connecting Europe: Building a Digital Single Market held on .

You can read the event summary here, watch the recording and download the presentations delivered during the event here.

In order to maximise the engagement of the eInvoicing community, we invite you to volunteer to share any experiences in implementing eInvoicing in your countries. You can provide information, as applicable, in any of the following discussion threads below. The first three relate to the afternoon panel discussions and the final one allows you to share your contact details.

Please note that we intend to hold a webinar on  based on the contributions that we received on the threads below by . You can therefore volunteer to present your contribution during this webinar. As the webinar depends exclusively on you sharing your content now, we encourage you to take advantage of this opportunity to showcase your achievements and network with other registered participants of the event to share information in the context of Directive 2014/55/EU.

Please do not hesitate to contact us on if you have any other suggestions for knowledge sharing or other comments.

Best regards,

The CEF Stakeholder Management Office

1. Cases studies on implementing eInvoicing

Please provide any details on implementing eInvoicing at policy and technical levels in your countries or that your public administration/organisation played a role in delivering.

2. Going one step further - What can we learn from countries' experiences?

Please provide any details about activities in your countries or that your public administration/organisation played a role in going further than Directive 2014/55/EU in mandating B2G eInvoicing

3. CEF Implementation workshops 

Do you want to benefit from the CEF eInvoicing Implementation workshops, alongside continued online support post-workshop? Apply here.

4. Sharing of contact details

During the workshop, many participants approached the organisers seeking the lists of participants' contact details, which is not something that we can provide. Alternatively, we create the table whereby you can provide your own details voluntarily for people to contact you about opportunities for cooperation to advance eInvoicing in your countries.


To provide your input on each of the above topics, follow the links and use the comments function at the bottom of each page.

Please note that to be able to post comments you have to login to CEF Digital.

You can, alternatively send us an email to