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Dear Pioneers!

We'd like to propose a little experiment. One of our experts has identified an area which is often misunderstood in the eInvoicing domain and we would like to share a piece of content with the wider eInvoicing community to help people understand.

The process:

We have prepared a little prototype of the material and we'd like to know if you would be willing to give us feedback on it. If so, please click the link below, watch the video and leave a comment on the page. We'd like to iterate quickly, so if you would be willing to provide your comments by next Wednesday afternoon, 6th of September, we would be grateful.

Once we've collected your comments, we'll make the necessary adjustments and prepare the final version of the material with better visuals, sound etc. Finally, once we have the final version, we'll come back to you and ask you to share it with your networks. 

If this process works, then we'd love to hear what other types of content we can prepare to help stakeholders with the adoption of the European Norm.

Thanks you in advance for your input.

Best regards, 


Stakeholder Management Office, CEF building blocks


  1. good presentation

  2. Great work, congratulations! A clear, intuitive and complete presentation.
    Let me suggest explaining more in detail the differences between CIUS (Core Invoice Usage Specification), which represent a new concept in the tax sector (in Italy), and ES (Extension Specification).
    There are circumstances where the seller-buyer may wish to restrict the information (satisfied using a CIUS), or provide additional information elements (extension is specified in an ES).

  3. I believe the presentation is really useful to better understand the difference between CIUS and extensions (mainly from the "compliance" perspective). Thanks

    Some suggestions:

    Slide # 7 - CIUS:  "The receiver may reduces the options..." > It could be useful to add cardinality (0..n to 1..n) for better understanding; add other CIUS examples (eg Restrict text or byte array length); explain where to find this info about CIUS (EN 16931-1); mention the needed common repository for CIUS retrieval and sharing

    Slide # - CIUS challenge to interoperability: the concept is clear but a realistic solution is needed...

  4. I agree with the others - a good starting point for some e-Invoicing marketing.

    Here are a few points that have a little room for improvement from my side:

    • The video cannot be switched to full screen on this page (I don't know whether it is a matter of the video, this system or Youtube)
    • The symbols on slide 4 (problem and solution) are maybe too mathematical and the difference of "b", "B" and "B/b" are potentially not clear to all viewers. Maybe because too much information is packed in this animation. Maybe you split this up and a) define the different requirements only (without the "optional") stuff, and b) add the "optional" stuff in a second phase
    • Another suggestion for improvement on slide 4 (at around 2:38): use blocks in the background for "Standard Core" and not arrows - this is too fine-grained, whereas a big block popping up gets more traction
    • Sometimes there is too much text on the slides (e.g. page 7) sometimes the font is too small and there is pretty much of blank space (e.g  page 5, 9)
    • Maybe some "thank you for watching" at the end would be nice. It ended quite abruptly...

    Do you plan to have these videos localized in different languages and have professional speakers present them?

  5. Overall I think this is a good idea., and a useful resource.

    The following are forwarded as constructive comments.

    The wording is still technical in a number of places. For example the first bullet – it could be reworded to something like “ The Standard defines the acceptable content of an e-invoice…This is know as a semantic specification”.

    Also it is the computer language (I think) which is the syntax rather than ‘the language’ as that could be confused with the accepted language of the contract (eg. Spanish, French).

    4th bullet on page 2 has a typo – ‘either be too large or too small’.

    I’m not sure ‘concepts’ is the right word to describe the 3 parts of the Standard. Plus it may be useful to say that these will be explained later in more depth.

    I was a little confused initially by the A and Bs being used in the diagram. The narrative does say later that these are the acceptable data on the e-invoice but that is not clear from the slides. Perhaps a key explaining what the letters represent may help, especially if the slides are used without the narrative.

    Why is there a label of ‘SME customers’? I realise that SMEs may have an issue with e-invoicing but people in larger organisations may as well.

  6. How is this progressing? I ask because within the UK we are keen to start explaining the EN to stakeholders, and this provides a useful stating point.

    1. Dear Lois DEVEY,

      Thank you very much for your note.

      We will share with you beginning next week the updated video that we have been working on.

      Best regards,


  7. Thanks for the presentation.