
User-centricity has become a priority for the delivery of digital public services. The necessity to deliver easy to use and secure online public services matching citizens’ needs has been reiterated by the Tallinn Declaration on eGovernment in October 2017. The issue of user experience (UX) in regard to eIDAS eID has been raised in previous eIDAS Technical Sub-group and Cooperation Network meetings. The experience of the end to end user journey for citizens (from initial onboarding, to awareness & understanding, to cross-border authentication) has been recognized as a key driver for increasing uptake of eID by citizens, as well as participation to eIDAS eID by private sector actors.

The European Commission would like to support the Member States in coordinating their action in regard to this. The work has two fundamental objectives:

  1. To improve the user experience of eIDAS eID across the EU, by facilitating the exchange of knowledge and best practice amongst the Member States, and using this to together define a practical user experience blueprint.
  2. To better define the value of eIDAS eID for the private sector, by understanding the needs of large-scale actors in specific Domains (e.g. banking), and building business cases to represent tangible value created.

To support this work, the Commission is setting up an informal working group. The key functions of the working group will be to:

  1. Guide the direction of and suggest focus areas for the work - the outputs of the work are intentionally flexible to ensure that we address the evolving needs of the Member States
  2. Provide information to support the work (e.g. current user flows, results of research conducted, etc)
  3. Provide feedback on the outputs produced
  4. Take forward the outputs of the work once completed (longer term objective)

This space is dedicated to helping members of this working group collaborate with regard to these functions.

Public deliverables of the group

 Final report the user experience of eIDAS-based eID