Internal Consultations



Consulted Expert Group / StakeholdereDelivery user community
OutcomeValidation of the eDelivery Roadmap 
Launch date


Due date


Main contact person


After being debated during the eDelivery September OMB, the detailed eDelivery roadmaps are open for consultation and comments.

Please find below the Domibus and SMP/SML 2019 roadmaps, respectively, and the detailed milestones table.

Please provide your comments below before the , the roadmaps will be approved during the next OMB ()  

Detailed Milestones Table

MilestonesStart dateEnd date
Domibus 4.1

Release Candidate



Final Release



Domibus 4.2
Release Candidate



Final Release



SML 4.0
Release Candidate



Final Release




  1. We welcome the improvement to the p-mode configuration. 

    We would also suggest efforts towards ease of implementation and are ready to make proposals in this respect. We also remark that the regular releases of new version make it difficult for organisations which have longer, more complex roadmaps. 

    1. Dear Jean-Marc,

      Many thanks for your comments. The input of our stakeholders is very important for eDelivery.

      We would welcome your proposals regarding the easing of the implementation process, please feel free to submit a change request with your suggestions and they will be duly reviewed and analysed.

      Regarding the regular releases remark, I would like to emphasis that for 2019 there are only 2 releases planned for Domibus and 1 for SML, (none for the SMP), and the version upgrade is not mandatory. All existing versions of Domibus are compatible (possible to exchange AS4 messages between all Domibus released versions). Moreover, the released versions are supported up to 2 years.

      Therefore, if the features provided in a new version are not relevant in your perspective, adopting the new version is not something that needs to be conducted.

  2. Dear Marcio,

    Thank you for your reply. It is excellent there are plans to support the released versions for up to 2 years, that is much more in line with our timelines.

    Regarding ease of implementation, it would be nice to have a page in domibus admin that tells if connectivity and messaging is possible for uploaded pmodes.


    State A uploads pmodes

    State B uploads pmodes

    Domibus tries to send message to parties listed in pmodes periodically and on admin page lists the available nodes.

    If  state A has state B and vice versa in their pmodes it signals that connection is ok.

    This can be done periodically every 15-20 mins.

    If message isn’t sent and received successfully it signals that connection is broken.

    I have discussed this with the Austrian e-CODEX team and this is also something they would find useful.



  3. Dear Jean-Marc,

    Many thanks for your suggestion, we will analyse it attentively, and provide the respective feedback

    Best regards,
