The AS4.NET component can be installed as Windows Service. This page expands more on this topic; and how it's different from running it as a console-application.


The Service can be installed by running the .bat files located in the .\service-setup\ folder at the root of the package. This folder contains two installation files:

  • install-windows-service.bat
  • uninstall-windows-service.bat

Both script files needs to be executed as Administrator; because installing a Windows Service requires those permissions!

After the service is correctly installed, you can run it from the Windows Services Control Manager; we're it's called: AS4.NET Message Service Handler.


Like the Console Host, the Windows Service uses a configuration file to initialize itself. This file is called settings-service.xml and is located in the .\config\ folder.

By default, the AS4.NET Portal and the Payload Service are started in-process when the AS4.NET messagehandler starts.

Both the Console Host and the Windows Service listens to the same HTTP ports; so they can't run next to each other with the default settings.


When running the service, the log messages are written to Event Log:

  • No labels