Venue: Room 07/A081, Rue Montoyer 15, Brussels

Event summary

The objective of this workshop was to bring together eDelivery implementers, from the policy and technical contexts, to discuss challenges, opportunities, best practices and next steps towards the scale up of eDelivery adoption.

The participants to this workshop also learned about the latest developments regarding the roadmap for CEF eDelivery and the policy updates in the broader CEF and Digital Single Market context.

Breakout afternoon sessions

This workshop allowed participants to join one of the two breakout afternoon sessions:

  • Breakout A - eDelivery implementation - challenges and opportunities - this session focussed on the challenges encountered by eDelivery project implementers and the opportunities generated by using eDelivery.
  • Breakout B - Onboarding stakeholders and promoting AS4 - this session focussed on possible engagement strategies and activities to support stakeholders' onboarding and to communicate about the benefits of AS4.

The agenda is as follows:


Agenda Item



9.30 - 10.00

Welcome & Registrations


10.00 - 11.30

Round table: eDelivery public sector implementations - next steps & lessons learned

  • Sven Rasmussen, Danish Ministy of Finace, Agency for Digitisation - eDelivery perspectives in Denmark
  • Martin Volcker, Swedish National Financial Management Authority (ESV) - eDelivery G2G national implementation in Sweden
  • Pavel Reberc, eIUS svetovanje, komunikacije in informatika d.o.o. – Access Point deployment (APSMP) and background integration module implementation (BIM)
  • Piet van den Berg, RINIS Foundation - Development of NL eDelivery gateway
  • Aleksandrs Cepilovs, Tallinn University of Technology - TOOP (The Once-Only Principle) project

Moderator: Joao Rodrigues Frade (DIGIT)

11.30 - 11.45

Coffee break


11.45 - 12.00

Implementation side:

  • Roadmap for CEF eDelivery - modularisation of AS4
  • CEF eDelivery Service Offering

Adrien Ferial (DIGIT)

12.00 - 12.30

Policy side:

  • Tallinn Ministerial Declaration on eGovernment
  • Policy initiatives in the context of data sharing

Carlos Gomez Munoz (CNECT)

12.30 - 12.45eDelivery standardisation in ESISander Fieten

12.45 - 13.45

Lunch break


13.45 - 15.00

Breakout afternoon sessions:

  • Breakout A - eDelivery implementation - challenges and opportunities (Room 07/A081, Rue Montoyer 15)
  • Breakout B - Onboarding stakeholders and promoting AS4 (Room 00/A098, Rue Montoyer 15)


  • Breakout A - Adrien Ferial & Joao Rodrigues Frade (DIGIT)
  • Breakout B - Marcio Sampaio & Ines Costa (DIGIT)

15.00 - 16.00

Plenary: Breakout afternoon sessions debrief


16.00 - 16.30


Joao Rodrigues Frade (DIGIT)

Other useful links:

Register here

Registrations for the Workshop on eDelivery implementation are closed.

Download here the list of participants.

If you have any additional comments or questions on the workshop, or generally concerning CEF eDelivery, the Service Offering or grant funding, please reach out to us via Service Desk.

You will need to be logged in using an EU Login account to submit a request. Don't have an EU Login account yet? Sign up here.

About the speakers: 

Adrien Ferial is the leader of the technical office of CEF eDelivery which is responsible for the evolutive maintenance of the sample implementations. He joined DIGIT in 2014 as a technical expert and has more than 10 years of experience in IT. Through his professional experience, he participated to multiple projects in software development and system analyses, including managing and implementing large, scalable, distributed systems.

Joao Rodrigues Frade is an experienced Enterprise Architect in the European Commission, specialising in large complex projects. He is currently heading the CEF Building Blocks sector in DIGIT which includes CEF eDelivery.

Pavel Reberc is the Director of the eIUS company, the leading Qualified electronic registered delivery service provider in Slovenia. eIUS company is implementing an AS4 node and integration module for service funded by the Connecting Europe Facility (CEF). Pavel Reberc has a rich international experience in more than 10 countries for projects such as eDelivery, Identity management and e-Justice. He was Head of IT-development for eight years at the Supreme court of the Republic of Slovenia. Pavel has more than 20 years' experience with business process optimisation, architecture and design of large scale IT systems. He specialised in strategic planning in the area of IT in Judiciary and Public administration. In 2017 he led a Qualified Certification project under the eIDAS regulation for eDelivery, Validation of qualified electronic signatures and seals and Qualified electronic time stamps.

Martin Völcker works at the Swedish Financial Management Authority and is the Swedish coordinator for eDelivery. He was the Swedish coordinator for eSENS. He is a senior project manager and has worked previously in different projects building local and national IT infrastructures. 

Aleksandrs Cepilovs is the project manager for The Once-Only Principle (TOOP) project, the EU H2020 large-scale pilot to explore and demonstrate the feasibility of the once-only principle involving more than 50 partners from 21 countries inside and outside the European Union, coordinated by Ragnar Nurkse Department of Innovation and Governance from the Tallinn University of Technology. His main research interests include innovation policy and innovation in the public sector, as well as co-creation of public services through collaboration between the public and the private sector as well as citizens. He has previously worked for the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Latvia. 

Piet van den Berg is an experienced senior project manager that has been working in the public domain managing several projects in the context of Public Order, Safety as well as Justice. He works at the RINIS Foundation for a couple of years. RINIS is a shared service facilitating electronic exchange of information in the public domain, within the Netherlands as well as in the European context. Together with public institutions in the social security sector, he has been managing several pan-European projects such as eHealth and eDelivery and is currently managing the implementation of the EESSI infrastructure in the Netherlands following the EESSI CEF Telecom call.

Sven Rostgaard Rasmussen works for the Danish Agency for Digitisation as an Executive Consultant and is the Danish representative in the CEF Telecom Expert Group and ISA² Coordination Group. He has a strategic focus on eInvocing and eProcurement and is a member of the European Multi-Stakeholder Forum on eInvoicing. Sven is co-founder of OpenPEPPOL and represents the Danish PEPPOL Authority as well as workgroup Convenor in CEN standards development in TC434 and TC440. 

About CEF eDelivery:

The CEF eDelivery building block helps public administrations and businesses (and indirectly citizens) to participate in eDelivery Messaging Infrastructures which facilitate organisation-to-organisation messaging by enabling their systems to interact with each other in a secure, reliable and trusted way. The Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Digital Programme, is currently promoting the adoption of common standards in the eDelivery Messaging Infrastructures in different policy domains (Business Registers, eJustice, eProcurement, etc.).

About the CEF building blocks:

The CEF building blocks provide basic services which can be reused to enable more complex digital public services offered to citizens, businesses and public administration. They provide reusable tools and services helping to underpin the Digital Single Market, that aims to remove digital regulatory barriers, contributing as much as EUR 415 billion per year to the European economy. The CEF Digital Portal is the home of the CEF building blocks (eDeliveryeIDeInvoicingeSignature and eTranslation). It is the one-stop-shop for information about the building blocks. The portal provides access to tools, services and software that can be used in any European project to facilitate the delivery of digital public services across borders.

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  1. Dear all, will this workshop be transferred online, or at least a record?

    1. Dear Peter Danko, unfortunately the event will not be transferred online. But the presentations will be made available afterwards.

      Best regards,


      1. Thanks,

        Then I wish all good and nice day.


  2. Will we have a list of participants (with maybe MS and domain of interest)? This would help us from NL to connect to the people active in other MS on the field of eDelivery. 

    These contacts would be helpful for us to be able to exchange some of our work and maybe get reviews on f.i. Architecture, Designs and Requirements-analyses (cross different domains) we made in our national approach.

    Also interest within other MS in domains and the status of developments regarding eDelivery is of great interest to us to find opportunities for specific domains in NL to explore possible cross border use cases. We like the business-processes to drive the developments with eDelivery : - ) 

    People with interest to get in touch wit us could also email to me

    1. Dear Xander VAN DER LINDE,

      We made available the Workshop participants details in this page.

      Hope this is useful for all.

      Best regards,
