When a message must be delivered, it can contain payloads. The AS4.NET component can deliver payloads to some predefined locations (filesystem, payloadservice) and can be extended to upload payloads to custom locations. Each uploader must implement following interface:

/// <summary>
/// Interface to upload Payloads to a given Media
/// </summary>
public interface IAttachmentUploader
   /// <summary>
   /// Configure the <see cref="IAttachmentUploader"/>
   /// with a given <paramref name="payloadReferenceMethod"/>
   /// </summary>
   /// <param name="payloadReferenceMethod"></param>
   void Configure(Method payloadReferenceMethod);

   /// <summary>
   /// Start uploading the <paramref name="attachment"/>
   /// </summary>
   /// <remarks>The <paramref name="referringUserMessage"/> parameter can be used
   /// by the IAttachmentUploader implementation when determining the name that must be
   /// given to the uploaded payload.</remarks>
   /// <param name="attachment">The <see cref="Attachment"/> that must be uploaded</param>
   /// <param name="referringUserMessage">The UserMessage to which the Attachment belongs to.</param>
   /// <returns>An UploadResult instance</returns>
   Task<UploadResult> UploadAsync(Attachment attachment, UserMessage referringUserMessage);

Since the Deliver Message references the location of the uploaded payloads, the uploader returns an Upload Result. This contains a reference and an id that can be included in the Deliver Message.

Each uploader can be configured with settings that can be found in the Receiving PMode:

<PMode xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
                    <Parameter name="ConnectionString" value="" />
                    <Parameter name="Container" value="" />

If payloads have to be uploaded to Azure Blob Storage, an IAttachmentUploader can be implemented that looks like this:

public class BlobAttachmentUploader : IAttachmentUploader
    private CloudBlobContainer _container;

    public void Configure(Method payloadReferenceMethod)
        CloudStorageAccount storageAccount = CloudStorageAccount.Parse(

        CloudBlobClient client = storageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
        _container = client.GetContainerReference(payloadReferenceMethod["Container"].Value);

    public async Task<UploadResult> UploadAsync(
        Attachment attachment,
        UserMessage referringUserMessage)
        CloudBlockBlob blob = _container.GetBlockBlobReference(attachment.Id);
        await blob.UploadFromStreamAsync(attachment.Content);

        return UploadResult.SuccessWithIdAndUrl(
            payloadId: blob.Name,
            downloadUrl: blob.Uri.AbsolutePath

The IAttachmentUploader can return different types of UploadResult's:

  • UploadResult.SuccessWithUrl(downloadUrl : string) which means that the attachment is successfully uploaded and we get an download url where the attachment can be retrieved.
  • UploadResult.RetryableFail which means that the attachment can't be uploaded but could succeed with another try. If the Receiving Processing Mode is configured for retryable delivery, the uploading of the attachment will be retried.
  • UploadFatalFail which means that the attachment can't be uploaded and will not be retried even if the Receiving Processing Mode is configured this way.


To make sure that the AS4.NET component understands how to upload attachments to Blob Storage, we must register the custom IAttachmentUploader type in the Registry.

    condition: s => s == "BLOB",
    uploader: new BlobAttachmentUploader());

This "BLOB" string will correspond with the Type configured in the Receiving PMode.

<PMode xmlns:xsi="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance"
                    <Parameter name="ConnectionString" value="" />
                    <Parameter name="Container" value="" />
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