

Discussion items


Agenda Approval

The following agenda for the meeting was approved without comments:

  1. Roll call
  2. Approval of the agenda
  3. Approval of the minutes of last meeting
  4. Progress update and discussion items
  5. AOB
eDelivery Business Owner
  • MM (CNECT H.4), introduced herself as new business owner for eDelivery. She will take over from Dietmar Gattwinkel, who is joining another project inside the EC.

Approval of Previous meeting minutes

  • The minutes of the previous meeting (30/09/2020) are approved without comments.

Conformance and connectivity testing updates

  • Several new software providers registered for the eDelivery AS4 and SMP conformance testing since the last occurrence of this forum.

API and Blockchain study

  • New version of the scoping document updated to incorporate feedback from the bilateral meetings is pending for release.
  • Analysis work on the REST API profile already started.
  • Functional specification for the integration between Domibus and EBSI was presented , and is now pending for feedback from the group.
  • Work is ongoing to determine the feasibility of the eDelivery network statistics  use case that is proposed for the above mentioned integration.
  • More information can be found via Project API4IPS in ISA² action "Innovative Public Services".

Certificate guidance

  • The Certificate profile document (about minimal requirements and recommended approaches for organising their PKI approach where Domibus APs and SMP/SML are concerned) is planned to be released on February 2021, to allow the document to describe the updated authorization mechanism that is currently being developed for SML and to cover certificate use in the context of the dynamic sender / dynamic receiver profiles.

eDelivery specifications

  • The eDelivery AS4 profile 1.15 was internally adopted today. Procedural steps and communication will follow in the coming weeks. This version is backwards compatible with the eDelivery AS4 profile 1.14; the detailed changes and additions will be available when the updated version is released publicly.

eDelivery components

  • The eDelivery team is preparing the final release of Domibus 4.2, the eDelivery AS4 sample software, scheduled on 10/12/2020. Detailed information and installation/upgrade information will be available at the release date via a subpage of
  • The eDelivery team has started work on Domibus 5.0, a major version update that most likely will contain non-backwards compatible changes (e.g. to plugins). The Release Candidate is planned on 21/09/2021, while the Final Release is planned on 17/12/2021. More detailed information on the non-backwards compatible changes will be provided so that users can anticipate and plan the upgrade process.
  • The SML team is implementing new security features which enable the implementation of a secure authentication/authorization when using various CA service providers. Therefore the SML 4.0.3 release is cancelled and converted into a SML 4.1.0 release, planned in February 2021.

SML/SMK service

  • The SML load will soon increase significantly. Currently there are +- 600k parties listed in the SML. During a bulk upload of new parties from a Peppol Authority +- 1200k parties will be added in November, bringing the total number of parties to nearly 2 million. Preparatory actions and load testing have been executed to ensure that this load can be covered.
  • Three new SML subdomains are created: EDI4STEEL, RINIS and CREDIFLOW. One new SMK subdomain will be created: SE-DIGG.
  • New General Terms and Conditions document is being drafted.
  • The SML (production) and SMK (acceptance) cleanup task with the aim to keep the SML intact and secure is ongoing. This task consists of cleaning the abandoned/unused/obsolete records from the SML (/SMK) and the DNS. A 45 day period was given for the service providers to clean up and assess their expired endpoints and SMP certificates and after 45 days the CEF eDelivery Support team will clean all the expired and invalid entries from the SML (/SMK). The cleanup is done for several domains and will be completed for other domains soon.

Single Digital Gateway Regulation (SDGR) and alignment with relevant Large Scale Pilots (LSPs)

  • MD reported that DG GROW, DG CONNECT and DIGIT teams keep on working, together with Member States on the implementation of components relevant for the Single Digital Gateway Regulation (SDGR). Next week, the project is finalising the review period of the Member States first formal review cycle to the current specifications and deliverables of the active Work Packages. Consequenly, the Member States’ comments will be analysed and replied to during November.
  • In the same context, the ongoing alignment with relevant Large Scale Pilots (LSPs) such as TOOP and DE4A and a Member State readiness study team is continuing.

INEA calls for proposals

  • The most recent round of INEA grants relevant to eDelivery users is an eProcurement call (CEF-TC-2020-2), which will close on 05/11/2020. As the deadline is approaching fast, candicate applicants should ensure to submit their application in time.
  • The indicative budget is EUR 3 million. More information is available via
  • The grant is mainly about eProcurement, but it includes the option of deploying or operating an eDelivery AS4 Access Point or an eDelivery SMP. 
Danish pilot project for modernization of the Danish messaging infrastructure using eDelivery
  • As a follow up to last sessions presentation by OV (MedCom) and AH (Danish Health Authority) on the Danish pilot project for modernization of the Danish messaging infrastructure using eDelivery, MD asked if there is any follow up or news to be discussed. OV and AH indicated that there are no relevant updates besides the plan to go live with the pilot in December 2020. Additionally, they looked at RegRep4 but decided to stay with RegRep3 as that is the one which has is covered by the IHE XDS specifications.
  • MD reported that the CEF eDelivery support team received a question on the support for the Multi-Hop feature from the 'ebMS 3.0 Advanced Features' in either the eDelivery AS4 profile or in Domibus. OV indicated that this question comes from a party involved in the Danish project and that they are indeed analysing whether the pilot architecture should support the Multi-Hop feature or the traditional 3-corner/4-corner model.
  • PVDE clarified that the eDelivery AS4 indeed does not cover the Multi-Hop feature, but that this feature could work well in specific situations where the 'second hop' is just relaying a message (store-and-forward) without doing any transformations/value-adding-services and that end-to-end security, including non-repudiation would be covered by this feature. PVDE added that user's can submit a Change Request to the eDelivery team via eDelivery Governance. Upon reception, the CR will be analysed and if the governance procedure accepts the CR, it will be planned for inclusion in the eDelivery specifications and/or sample software.
  • MD added that for the moment, in the eDelivery AS4 conformant software solutions, it seems that the Multi-Hop feature is not widely supported. PH, TK and MG acknowledged that this indeed is not the case in their solutions. OV responded that they are looking into, the open source solution from DG EMPL's EESSI project as a potential candidate. PVDE clarified that adding the Multi-Hop feature to a software solution is not that complex, however the actual management/governance of a network in a business domain using this feature becomes more complex.


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