

Discussion items


Approval of Previous meeting minutes

Minutes of the previous meeting approved

Conformance testing

New version of EESSI AS4.NET passed the AS4 AP conformance testing

Edicom completed the SMP conformance testing

Bizbrains completed the AS4 AP conformance testing

Modularisation e-SENS AS4 profile

The eDelivery team is currently implementing the changes resulting from the consultation and will release the updates soon.
All details are available via Consultation on the eDelivery specifications update in the context of the modularisation.

Based on the needs and request of several projects, a new (optional) profile enhancement - Pull module – is being specified. More information will follow later.

Status AS4 solutions in the community:

    • phoss AS4

PH has no progress to report due to other obligations, still preparing to start the conformance testing for phoss AS4.

MD also provided an updated regarding the upcoming scheduled eDelivery releases.

Collaboration with OpenPEPPOL

MD stated that Difi applied for conformance testing for the new version of their Oxalis AP that supports both AS4 and AS2 simultaneously.

A testing workshop between OpenPEPPOL and the eDelivery team to share knowledge about conformance, connectivity and onboarding testing planned on and  was conducted. There will be Domibus-Oxalis testing to be conducted by the eDelivery team in order to verify interoperability between the two implementations.

Collaboration with TOOP

TOOP - eDelivery alignment meetings are planned biweekly to follow up on the collaboration between TOOP and the eDelivery teams.

PKI and SMK subdomain requests were received and being processed, as well as the RfC. Which is being analysed.

AS4 in IHE

MD stated that, together with IHE Europe, there is a process ongoing for creating a supplement to the IHE (international) specifications. In order to define how AS4 can be used for Healthcare transactions.


MD asked if the vendors would be OK with the EC providing the contact of the vendors to the projects adopting eDelivery. Stated that the SO will contact the vendors regarding this aspect.

MD reported that the informal collaboration network planned based on the feedback of the Workshop on eDelivery implementation on 6 December 2017 will be soon launched by the CEF SMO team. The majority of the MSs have assigned a representative.

Action items

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