Interface MultipleDocumentsSignatureService<SP extends SerializableSignatureParameters,TP extends SerializableTimestampParameters>

Type Parameters:
SP - implementation of signature parameters corresponding to the supported signature format
TP - implementation of timestamp parameters corresponding to the supported document format
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractASiCSignatureService, ASiCWithCAdESService, ASiCWithXAdESService, JAdESService, XAdESService

public interface MultipleDocumentsSignatureService<SP extends SerializableSignatureParameters,TP extends SerializableTimestampParameters> extends Serializable
This interface MultipleDocumentsSignatureService provides operations for the signature creation and for its extension.
  • Method Details

    • getContentTimestamp

      TimestampToken getContentTimestamp(List<DSSDocument> toSignDocuments, SP parameters)
      Creates a content-timestamp attribute (to be include in the signed-data)
      toSignDocuments - list of documents to sign
      parameters - set of the driving signing parameters
      a timestamp token
    • getDataToSign

      ToBeSigned getDataToSign(List<DSSDocument> toSignDocuments, SP parameters)
      Retrieves the bytes of the data that need to be signed based on the toSignDocuments and parameters. When toSignDocuments contains an already existing signature the returned bytes are related to a new parallel signature.
      toSignDocuments - list of documents to sign
      parameters - set of the driving signing parameters
      the data to be signed
    • isValidSignatureValue

      boolean isValidSignatureValue(ToBeSigned toBeSigned, SignatureValue signatureValue, CertificateToken signingCertificate)
      Verifies the signature value against a ToBeSigned and a CertificateToken
      toBeSigned - the signed data
      signatureValue - the signature value
      signingCertificate - the used certificate to create the signature value
      true if the signature value is valid
    • signDocument

      DSSDocument signDocument(List<DSSDocument> toSignDocuments, SP parameters, SignatureValue signatureValue)
      Signs the toSignDocuments with the provided signatureValue.
      toSignDocuments - list of documents to sign
      parameters - set of the driving signing parameters
      signatureValue - the signature value to incorporate
      the container with the signature and the documents (ASiC) or the signature file
    • extendDocument

      DSSDocument extendDocument(DSSDocument toExtendDocument, SP parameters)
      Extends the level of the signatures in the toExtendDocument
      toExtendDocument - document to extend
      parameters - set of the driving signing parameters
      the extended signature
    • timestamp

      DSSDocument timestamp(List<DSSDocument> toTimestampDocuments, TP parameters)
      Timestamps the toSignDocuments with the provided signatureValue.
      toTimestampDocuments - list of documents to timestamp
      parameters - set of the driving timestamping parameters
      the container with the added timestamp token