Interface DocumentSignatureService<SP extends SerializableSignatureParameters,TP extends SerializableTimestampParameters>

Type Parameters:
SP - implementation of signature parameters corresponding to the supported signature format
TP - implementation of timestamp parameters corresponding to the supported document format
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractASiCSignatureService, AbstractSignatureService, ASiCWithCAdESService, ASiCWithXAdESService, CAdESService, JAdESService, PAdESService, XAdESService

public interface DocumentSignatureService<SP extends SerializableSignatureParameters,TP extends SerializableTimestampParameters> extends Serializable
This interface DocumentSignatureService provides operations for the signature creation and for its extension.
  • Method Details

    • getDataToSign

      ToBeSigned getDataToSign(DSSDocument toSignDocument, SP parameters)
      Retrieves the bytes of the data that need to be signed based on the toSignDocument and parameters. When toSignDocument contains an already existing signature the returned bytes are related to a new parallel signature. - Enveloped signature (XML): a new signature is added and the signed data corresponds to that pointed by the first signature; - Enveloping signature: - - XML: The parallel signature is not possible - - CMS: A new parallel signature is added - Detached signature: - - XML: The parallel signature is added - - CMS: A new parallel signature is added
      toSignDocument - document to sign or the already existing signature
      parameters - set of the driving signing parameters
      the data to be signed
    • isValidSignatureValue

      boolean isValidSignatureValue(ToBeSigned toBeSigned, SignatureValue signatureValue, CertificateToken signingCertificate)
      Verifies the signature value against a ToBeSigned and a CertificateToken
      toBeSigned - the signed data
      signatureValue - the signature value
      signingCertificate - the used certificate to create the signature value
      true if the signature value is valid
    • signDocument

      DSSDocument signDocument(DSSDocument toSignDocument, SP parameters, SignatureValue signatureValue)
      Signs the toSignDocument with the provided signatureValue.
      toSignDocument - document to sign
      parameters - set of the driving signing parameters
      signatureValue - the signature value to incorporate
      the signed document (toSignDocument with the incorporated signature or the detached signature)
    • extendDocument

      DSSDocument extendDocument(DSSDocument toExtendDocument, SP parameters)
      Extends the level of the signatures in the toExtendDocument
      toExtendDocument - document to extend
      parameters - set of the driving signing parameters
      the extended signature
    • setTspSource

      void setTspSource(TSPSource tspSource)
      This setter allows to define the TSP (timestamp provider) source.
      tspSource - The time stamp source which is used when timestamping the signature.
    • getContentTimestamp

      TimestampToken getContentTimestamp(DSSDocument toSignDocument, SP parameters)
      This method allows to compute a content-timestamp (which is added in the signed properties)
      toSignDocument - document to sign or the already existing signature
      parameters - set of the driving signing parameters
      a timestamp token
    • timestamp

      DSSDocument timestamp(DSSDocument toTimestampDocument, TP parameters)
      This method allows to add a timestamp to an unsigned document
      toTimestampDocument - the document to be timestamped
      parameters - set of the driving timestamping parameters
      the timestamped document