Interface CounterSignatureService<CSP extends SerializableCounterSignatureParameters>

Type Parameters:
CSP - implementation of certain format signature parameters
All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractASiCSignatureService, ASiCWithCAdESService, ASiCWithXAdESService, CAdESService, JAdESService, XAdESService

public interface CounterSignatureService<CSP extends SerializableCounterSignatureParameters> extends Serializable
This interface CounterSignatureService provides operations for a counter-signature creation
  • Method Details

    • getDataToBeCounterSigned

      ToBeSigned getDataToBeCounterSigned(DSSDocument signatureDocument, CSP parameters)
      Retrieves the bytes of the data that need to be counter-signed from signatureDocument. signatureDocument shall be a valid signature of the same type
      signatureDocument - DSSDocument representing the original signature to be counter-signed
      parameters - set of the driving signing parameters for a counter-signature
      ToBeSigned to be counter-signed byte array (signature value retrieved from the signatureDocument)
    • counterSignSignature

      DSSDocument counterSignSignature(DSSDocument signatureDocument, CSP parameters, SignatureValue signatureValue)
      Counter-signs the signatureDocument with the provided signatureValue.
      signatureDocument - DSSDocument to be counter-signed
      parameters - set of the driving signing parameters for a counter-signature
      signatureValue - SignatureValue the signature value to incorporate
      DSSDocument the signature document enveloping a newly created counter-signature